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T-Ball Parents Orientation

Posted by Kris Dunne on Mar 18 2017 at 05:00PM PDT


Annual T-Ball

& New Little League Parent Orientation

A Welcome & Orientation for Parents New to New Milford Little League and of Players in our T-Ball Division

Wednesday, April 5th • 6:30 pm

David Owens Middle School Cafeteria  

The Annual T-Ball Orientation will be held Wednesday, April 5th at 6:30 pm in the David Owens Middle School Cafeteria for all parents of T-Ball players and parents with players new to the league.

Parents of first-year players will have the opportunity to meet your child's T-Ball coach/manager, members of our Board of Directors, and ask any questions you may have about the upcoming season and the New Milford Little League. We will also be able to inform you about how our program works, the goals our league strives to accomplish and what to expect over the coming months and years.

This event is restricted to parents only please. Sorry, no players!

If you have any questions, feel free to email info@newmilfordlittleleague.com.




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