

Game #9 vs Diamondbacks (6-1, 9-0)

Posted by Matt Goodell on Apr 22 2009 at 05:00PM PDT


The ’70s Steelers ….. ’85 Bears ..… Michael Jordan ….. The Great Wall of China ….. Dudley Moore and Eddie Murphy ……….. and now the 2009 RWLL Giants ….. all of these are the “BEST DEFENSES” I have ever seen.  And last night the Giants made 16 PUT OUTS!!!  Say what???  With the only run allowed on an errant throw these guys really came to play … and we could tell from warm-up this team was going to be tough to score on … or even allow a base runner .

Offensively the stars of the game were Colin, Blake, CameronA and NickO … these guys went 12-12 collectively!  NickO had another timely double scoring Blake (who also had a double) two times during the game … and even NickG joined the party with a HUGE triple!!!  Austin consistently produces game after game and came through again (2-3, RBI, Run) … Tyler hit the ball HARD but found a Diamondbacks glove instead of the blacktop at Kaseberg School ...

Defensively, to be honest I’m not sure if that was Tyler, CameronA, Anthony and NickG playing the field or if it was Ozzie Smith, Brooks Robinson, Willie Mays and Lou Gehrig making the gold glove plays.  The DB’s hit the ball hard all game … but check this stat out … these are the number of batters we faced over the 6 innings:  3, 5, 3, 3, 4, 5. 

Tonight, we didn’t have a Game Ball to give out …. no, instead we decided on a GOLD GLOVE recipient.  Should it be CF Anthony’s long ball catch and later perfect assist to 2B for the outs?   CameronA solid throws from 3B and 2B scoring the put outs to 1st?  2B Colin’s pickle rundown and game ending 4-3?  1B NickG double play pop out catch and doubling up the runner?  P Blake 1-3?  Austin?? 

Ummmmm … I feel like I’m forgetting somebody … OH YEAH, that would be Mr. TYLER HILL and his FIVE put outs from all over the field … SS, 3B and even 1B.  This guy was a ball MAGNET … as a matter of fact, I thought for sure a foul ball was going to come his way when he sat out the 3rd inning!  Great job Tyler!!


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