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Posted by Jim Allen on Feb 09 2007 at 04:00PM PST
In exchange for being allowed to play baseball in the NMBLL, I:
  • will show respect to all game officials, coaches, players, and parents and never act in a manner that would disrespect them, my teammates, my league, or myself.
  • will display good sportsmanship.
  • will not argue with or speak disrespectfully to a manager, coach, umpire, or opposing player.
  • will make every effort to attend all scheduled practices and games and will make sure my coach or manager knows in advance if my attendance is not possible.
  • will play fair and strive to win, but win or lose I will always do my best.
  • will shake hands with the opposing team and the officials at the conclusion of all games.
  • will review the NMBLL safety rules with my manager and my parents, and will try my best to obey them.
  • understand that I may be suspended for any violation of this Player’s Code of Conduct.


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