

Three Clips Severely Injured After Opposing Team Launches Dugout Assault

Posted by Tom Dixon on May 20 2008 at 05:00PM PDT
   In one of the worst incidents in league history, Clippers players were assaulted in their own dugout area by several members of the New York Brewers. The brutal attack on June 3, 2007, left three Clips players badly injured and forced the team to call the Chappaqua police.
   This incident followed trash-talking and verbal abuse by the Brewers the entire first game of a scheduled double-header at Horace Greeley High School in Chappaqua. Despite repeated requests by Clips player-manager Tom Dixon to the umpires, these taunts, insults and cursing continued right up to the assault. Tom instructed the team several times not to respond to the taunting.
   The first game of the twin bill was stopped before the bottom of the 5th when the Brewers starting pitcher, Mike Munafro, ran onto the field in an effort to punch a Clips player. (The Clips were trailing 14-5 when the game was halted.) The second game was called off after the entire 15-player Brewers team ran into the Clips dugout area, and many of the Brewers punched and kicked the four Clips players in the dugout area along the third base line.
   The police were called since the Brewers players threatened to beat up the Clips in the parking lot. The officers arrived a short time after order was finally restored, but the most of the Brewers players quickly left the school parking lot. Erik Anderson and Tom suffered jaw injuries after being punched while trying to break up the melee. Erik also has an injured quad and back after being kicked by two Brewers players who were wearing metal spikes. Anthony Dimartino was left with bruises. More important, Anthony was concerned about seizures from the beating since he has epilepsy. He got checked at the hospital Monday.
   The incident left the team shaken and battered. Some players said they did not want to play anymore this season.

     League commissioner Jim Bianco ruled that the Clips were equally responsible for starting the incident. Yet the assault followed trash-talking and verbal abuse by the Brewers throughout the first game. Amazingly, Tom Dixon was suspended for the rest of the 2007 season and the Clips forfeited both games of the twin bill. The Brewers also forfeited both contests, and three of their players were suspended for the rest of the season: Manafro, Paul Mayer and Tom Altieri.) 
“The Clippers are saddened, sickened and sorry for this ugly incident,” Tom said. “While the Clips are not blameless, the Brewers are almost entirely to blame. The Clips involvement did not justify this savage beating. Three players were badly hurt and could have been injured much worse. The league and its members cannot tolerate this type of despicable behavior.”
   After yelling at the Clippers players and his own teammates the entire game, Munafro charged on the field after a warm-up throw from Tom sailed past the Clips first baseman and hit the fence down the first base line. Even though he was standing six feet behind the fence, Munafro screamed that he planned to punch Tom over the wild throw. But he was restrained by Clips and Brewers players.
   As some of the Clippers walked into their dugout area, the Brewers catcher, Mayer, ran on the field near home plate and yelled that his pitchers would hit the Clips batters in the second game. While standing in the back of the Clips dugout area along the third base line, Tom said, “Fine fat boy.” Mayer then charged around the fence and into the Clippers dugout area. He yelled, “I have nothing better to do on Sunday. I am going to take you out. Put up your hands.” Tom said “no.”
   As Mayer was ready to punch Tom, Anthony tackled Mayer. But three Brewers jumped on Anthony, and they punched and kicked him. Tom and Erik were punched while trying to break up the fight. Erik and Anthony also were kicked by the Brewers
    The Clips just want to play baseball. This should not be base-brawl or Wrestlemania. It is supposed to be recreational hardball and fun. Besides, we need to work the next day.



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