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August 10, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Aug 12, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Board Meeting

Location:  Dagsboro Church of God, West Field

Day:  Friday, August 10, 2007 - Time:  12:00 Noon 

Attendees: Archie Alexander, Tom Harvey; Sal Corrallo/Pat Sherry; Bo Wood; Gary Meredith/Bill Neyen; John Walker/Don Clements/ Ron Weber; Johnny Allen; Neil Fleming 


Treasurers Report

  • Current Balance - $2800
  • Estimated remaining expenses for 2007 - $2200

(includes: dugout shelters, picnic, porta johns, weather line, insurance)

  • Estimated year end balance - $600

Old Business

  • Archie Alexander was recognized for obtaining over $3000 for the league this year. The monies came from sponsors and Sussex County.
  • Tom Harvey was recognized for initiating and leading the dugout shelter project. Special thanks also to Marvin Maizel for co-managing the project.

New Business:

1.      Frank Whaples Tournament

  • To be held August 28th and 31st
  • All teams will play 2 games in the tournament.
  • 1st round game match ups will be based on the season ending standings, with the 1st place team playing the 8th, 2nd playing the 7th and so on.
  • 2nd round games will consist of a winners bracket and losers bracket. The 4 winners of the 1st round will play each other based on their position at the end of the season, and the 4 losers will play each other in the same way.
  • The winners of the 2 winner's round will play each other for the championship.


2.      Annual picnic

·        Wednesday September 12th…..rain date Thursday September 13th.

·        West Park in Ocean View Delaware

·        3:00 till dark

·        John Walker and Bo will get the food, condiments, paper goods, etc.

·        Ron will get the water and soda (alcohol is permitted – BYO)

·        Bo responsible for the games, Mike Carta the 50/50

·        Everyone attending is asked to bring a covered dish….beans, salad, veggies, chips, desert, etc.


3.      Senior Olympics Participation

  • Tom Farrah will contact players in the 65 and up bracket to see if there is sufficient interest to send a team to the Delaware games.
  • Bo indicated that there is no interest in the 60 to 64 bracket.

4.      Fall Ball

  • Season starts Tuesday September 11th ends Tuesday October 30th
  • By Friday August 17th, managers will submit names of those interested in playing 
  • Number of teams and schedule will be determined based on level of interest.

5.      League Golf Tournament [October 8, 2007]

  • No interest

6.      Softballs

  • Survey Results

ü      Don’t Care = 18

ü      Decker = 13

ü      Demarini = 10

ü      Worth = 0

  • Trump balls were also recommended. Bo & Ron will purchase a dozen which will allow each team the league to try one if they arrive before the end of the season.
  • Rather than using new balls for fall ball games, the league will provide balls which were used during the regular season. These balls are frequently used only once and sometimes as a backup.

7.      Meeting Adjourned at 1:05. Next meeting to be scheduled for this fall.

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March 30, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Apr 1, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
OTS Board/Manager Meeting Minutes Ocean View Town Hall Friday March 30, 2007 - 10 a.m. In Attendance: Tom Harvey(Pres.), Bo Wood (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), Ron Weber (Sec.), John Walker, Roger Howard, Ed Sternberg, Gary Meredith, Mike Carta, Joe Kratz, John Bokop Meeting Minutes 1. Treasurer's Report – a review of the 2006 and 2007 financials were reviewed and approved. Details follow: ****************************************************** 2006 Balance Sheet Check Book Beginning Balance 1-1-06………………...$2,940.94 2006 Income Fees & Sponsors Income…………………………………...$8,555.00 Player Fees 4,335.00 Sponsors 2,800.00 Sussex County 1,500.00 Refunds of Registration Fees [80.00] [Total cash available to league during 2006……………$11,495.94] 2006 Expenses Awards…………………………………………………… $ 349.30 12th Man Jacket 75.00 [5] Frank Whaples Awards 123.40 [8] Sponsor Shadow Boxes 150.90 Registration Fees……………………………………………$ 270.00 Sr. Olympics 90.00 Olney Invitational 180.00 Postage & Services…………………………………………$ 183.97 ASA Insurance………………………………..……………$ 920.00 Utilities………………………………………….…………$1,206.84 Portable Toilets 784.00 Weather Line 344.89 Webpage 77.95 Meals & Entertainment………………………………………$ 356.06 Annual Picnic 185.56 Meals for Workers 170.50 Uniforms……………………………………………………$3,292.50 Team Hats & Shirts 2,855.75 Tournament Hats & Shirts 436.75 Ball Field Maintenance……………………………………..$1,245.75 White Line Paint 78.00 East Field-Seed & Fertilizer 580.00 Rental of Roller 370.84 Wood Preservation Supplies 216.91 Capital Equipment…………………………………………...$1,411.05 [2] Bleachers 500.00 [2] Storage Boxes & Locks 231.05 [4] Batting Mats 680.00 Playing Supplies………………………………………………$ 754.34 Balls 704.15 Health & Safety Equipment 50.19 2006, Total Out Flow……………………………………..…$9,989.81 Check Book Ending Balance 12-31-06 [Actual]..……….....$1,506.13 *********************************************************** 2007 Financials Check Book Beginning Balance 1-1-07......…..………..…...$1,506.13 2007 Income (details will be provided in next meeting minutes) 2007 Expenses details will be provided in next meeting minutes) Check Book Ending Balance as of March 30, 2007…….…$5,301.72 *********************************************************** 2. General Meeting • The meeting agenda was reviewed and approved. 3. Uniforms • Selection of a supplier for this year’s uniforms must be made this week. Precision Sportswear, Dick’s Sporting Goods and others are being considered. 4. Raffle • Prizes include new softball bats and other equipment as well as a few memorabilia. • Tickets are $1.00 each or 3 for $2.00. They will be sold at the General Meeting on April 2nd and at practice on April 3rd and 6th. • The drawing will be Friday April 6th at 10:30 5. 2007 Player draft • There was some discussion concerning the method of drafting for this season. • It was agreed that the new players would be evaluated and rated prior to a decision being made on the draft method. • The next meeting, which is scheduled for April 18th will deal specifically with this year’s draft. 2007 team rosters will be finalized at the conclusion of that meeting. 6. Meeting adjourned at 11:30 7. Next Meeting scheduled for April 18th at 10a.m.
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February 2, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Feb 7, 2007 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
OTS Board/Manager Meeting Ocean View Town Hall Friday February 2, 2007 10:00 AM In Attendance: Tom Harvey (Pres), Bo Wood (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), John Bokop, Mike Carta, Joe Kratz, Neil Fleming, Ed Sternberg, Gary Meredith MEETING MINUTES 1. Treasurer's Report. • Current Balance = $661.72 • 29 registrations have been received. 2. Old Business • Eddie Steinberg purchased 12 dozen, DeMarini, 12”, ASA 44/375 softballs saving the league more than $300. • It was moved and agreed that the existing supply of ASA approved balls must be used up before the new ball is introduced into play. 3. New Business • Archie Alexander’s resignation/Reassignment of duties: a)Individual managers will contact the 2006 team sponsors concerning their renewal as sponsors in 2007. Contacts will be made within the next two weeks and the status will be communicated to Tom Harvey. - Vickie York – Gary Meredith _ Bill Neyen - Millsboro Lanes – Eddie Sternberg – Harry Banks - Dynamic PT – Bo Wood – John Bokop - Colonial East – Mike Carta – Joe Kratz - Ocean View Family Restaurant – John Walker - Precision Sportswear – Tom Harvey - Bayside Homes -- Sal Corrallo - Millville By the Sea – Roger Howard b) Posters – Tom will up date posters and e-mail to managers for posting at appropriate sites such as Post Office, Grocery Stores, YMCA, Cheer Centers, etc. c) Newspapers – Tom will write and send a series OTS “league sign up related” press releases to local newspapers, i.e., Wave, Coastal Point, Cape Gazette, Ocean City Today, etc. d) Letters – Tom will send letters and posters for posting on church bulletin boards to area pastors inviting their members to join our league e) New Sponsors – If needed, additional efforts will be directed at the list that Archie provided as well as [1] year around’ restaurants, and [2] major builders. [Particularly those who advertise extensively.] • 2007 Managers & Assistants - Roger Howard - Sal Corrallo - Bo Wood – John Bokop - Eddie Sternberg –Harry Banks - Gary Meredith – Bill Neyen - John Walker – Ron Weber - Mike Carta – Joe Kratz - Tom Harvey • 2007, League By-Laws and Rules - The revised By-laws and Rules were reviewed and approved subject to the following: a) Added a 12’ pitchers lane from which pitchers may legally pitch. b) Added requirement that substitute players must be replaced when a roster player become available during game. The 2007 By-laws & Rules will be posted on the OTS website, and e-mailed to players on the league’s e-mail list, on or before March 1, 2007. • New ASA Rules - Discussed and declined or adopted a) New Strike Zone - Declined b) Enlarged [4’x7’] Batters Box - Adopted • Director of Tournaments - Unanimously elected Roger Howard. Roger will be responsible for the development and administration of guidelines governing the League’s participation in local, regional and national tournaments. • New Mid Summer Tournament - It was moved that the League should consider adding an age graded mid season tournament to the 2007 schedule. Teams would be formed based on age 55 to 60, 60 to 64, 65 to 70 and 70 plus [or as close as we can get]. The teams within each age grade would play one another in a one or two day round robin tournament in early July. The motion was deferred to the March 30th board meeting for additional discussion. • Uniforms – It was moved and agreed that Bo and Tom would select a supplier and purchase the 2007 uniforms. • Spring Training – Spring training will begin on Tuesday, April 3, 2007 • Annual Meeting Location: Bethany City Hall Date: Monday, April 2, 2007 Time: 7 to 9 PM • Annual Meeting Drawing - It was moved and agreed that all registered players present at the April 2nd Annual Meeting will be automatically entered into a free drawing. Prizes will include bats, balls, equipment bags, vintage OTS Team Shirts, and other items. The drawing will be held at the conclusion of the meeting. • Next Board Meeting Location: Ocean View Town Hall Date: Friday, March 30, 2007 Time: 10 AM Respectfully submitted, Tom Harvey [Substitute Secretary] 2/7/2007
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December 6, 2006 Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Dec 7, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
OTS Board/Manager Meeting Dagsboro Church of God Wednesday December 6, 2006 1:00 PM In Attendance: Tom Harvey (Pres), Bo Wood (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), Ron Weber (Sec.), John Bokop, John Walker, Don Clements, Sal Corrallo, Mike Carta, Roger Howard, Neil Fleming, Ed Sternberg, MEETING MINUTES 1. Treasurer's Report. • Current Balance = $1,621.69 A. Major expenses for 2007 include but are not limited to: construction of sun screens over player and spectator benches, league insurance, team jerseys & hats, equipment including 15 dozen new softballs. 2. 2007 Registration Letter and Form – both approved with the following changes: • 2007 registration fee for returning players is set at $40 if paid by March 15th, $50 after the 15th. Registration is $40 for 1st time players. • Reference to player commitment to participate in the majority of games was added to the letter along with a reference concerning player participation in OTS sponsored tournaments. • Check box added to the registration form indicating an interest in participating in tournaments. 3. Review of League Rules & Regulations for 2007 • Topics o The 5 run per inning rule will remain in effect. A mercy rule was approved for the 2007 season….the game will end if the difference in scores reaches or exceeds 15 runs at the end of the 5th inning or beyond. o The 6 to 12 foot arch pitching rule will remain in effect. o OTS board of directors will determine if the league will pay for registration fees for teams participating in Senior Olympics and other tournaments o Bats used in OTS games for 2007 must be on the ASA approved list. Balls must also be approved by ASA and not exceed .44 cor, 375 compression. Note: Rules already modified and approved for 2007 [write up pending] o Substitution Rule o Permanent Subs. o Substitute runners 4. New Officer positions and responsibilities added • The board of directors unanimously approved the following 2 positions to become permanent members of the board and officers of the league. A formal list of responsibilities for each position will be defined and incorporated into the leagues by-laws. A. Director of Sponsorship & Publicity – this position will be primarily responsible for acquiring team sponsors for each playing season, contacting local media regarding league activities, publicizing league registration in local businesses and initiates press releases when applicable. B. Director of Tournaments - this position will be primarily responsible for locating regional softball tournaments that would be appropriate for OTS participation, assigning managers for tournament teams, coordinating registration. 5. Meeting was adjourned at 3:00 6. Next Meeting will be scheduled in January 2007
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October 31, 2006 Meeting Minutes

Posted by Ron Weber at Nov 7, 2006 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
OTS Board/Manager Meeting Minutes Dagsboro Church of God Tuesday October 31, 2006 9 AM @ Field # 2 [AKA West Field] In Attendance: Tom Harvey(Pres.), Bo Wood (VP), Bill Neyen (Treas.), Ron Weber (Sec.), John Walker, Don Clements, Sal Corrallo, Roger Howard, Ed Sternberg Meeting Minutes 1. Treasurer's Report. a. Current Balance - $1980.05 b. Unpaid bills – cost of waterproofing material and equipment, yearly webpage subscription fee 2. Old Business a. Player Ratings were finalized in preparation for the 2007 Draft b. Power washing and treating of fences, backstops and bleachers with wood preservative has been completed 3. New Business a. Construction of sun shelters * Shelters will be constructed over the player benches on both fields * Construction will be completed before the start of the 2007 regular season * Due to cost constraints, Sun shelters will not be built over the bleachers in 2007 but may be built over the benches behind the backstops. * A decision will be made on the material to be used to cover these areas. Being considered is a rigid product like a corrugated roofing material or a tarp type product that allows air and rain to penetrate but filters the sun. b. Ball field Improvements for 2007 * Buck Starkey, who has done such a fabulous job maintaining the fields for us, feels that there is no need for additional infield mix at this time. The fields are draining ok and there is no significant ridge between the infields and outfields. * COG is considering using Field #2 (aka the west field) for their little league team’s practices and home games. This would require the addition of a 6” pitchers mound and extending the length of the bases. Tom Harvey has written a letter to the COG representative stating that OTS has concerns about these changes and has requested a meeting to discuss ad hopefully resolve them.. c. Specific league rules needing review and modification for 2007. * Substitution Rule – has been revised to provide more equity across all teams in all situations – the revised rule will be re-written and incorporated into the leagues by-laws. Essentially, teams will only be able to substitute with players of equal skill. Teams will be able to substitute up to 5 players for a maximum game roster of 11 players. * Permanent subs – this rule has been eliminated….it was agreed by the board that the new substitution rule would suffice. * Substitute runners – this rule has been modified to read: Those who have difficulty running from home plate to first base due to injury, age or for medical reasons should be identified by their managers prior to the start of the game. The umpire and opposing manager should be given the names of these players [who normally require a substitute runner from home plate] before the game begin. For those players who require a substitute runner, either from home plate, or on the bases, the substitute runner must be the last batter that made an out. If the person that made the last out is already on base running for someone, the previous person who made an out will become the substitute runner. The substitute runner from home late must be positioned behind the catcher. If in the judgment of the umpire a substitute runner leaves this position before the batter hits the ball the runner will be declared out. Also, if the batter having a sub runner crosses the commit line, he will be declared out. d. The following will be reviewed and decided upon at a future meeting: * should OTS pay the registration fee for teams participating in Senior Olympics and other tournaments * elimination of the 5 run rule and incorporation of a mercy rule * incorporating an unlimited arch pitching rule * feasibility of an official scorekeeping crew 4. A reminder to all OTS board members and players, that any purchases for equipment, etc. must first be approved by the board prior to purchase 5. Winter Ball a. Will be played on Tuesday’s and Friday’s weather permitting and the temp. (real feel) above 45 degrees starting at 11:00 b. All games played on the M&T Bank field in Millsboro c. Contact Sal Corrallo for more info. 6. Meeting Adjourned at 10:30 7. Next Meeting Wednesday December 6th.