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Board of Directors Meeting - June 12, 2009

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 19, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

OTS Board of Directors Meeting

June 12, 2009


The Executive Committee (OTS Officers) and the Managers, which make up the Board of Directors of OTS, met today, along with some of the assistant managers.  The meeting took place at the Arby's in Millsboro due to rain.

Bo announced this was the of 3 summer meetings that would take place.  These meetings are to go over any issues that come up, vote on issues where needed and plan for any events/activities that OTS may be involved in.

1)  An issue that came up during a game was discussed, Bo investigated the incident and reported on what he found.  The conduct of one or more players, the fact the running rule was not followed and the perception of how team assignments of players after the draft were all issues that contributed to the incident.  Bo is satisfied that after his investigation and actions, the incident is closed.

2)  The running rule was again discussed, and will remain as it is at this time and will be revisited at the September BOD meeting.

3)  Bo went over the method he uses to place new players on teams, some teams expressed their needs due to injuries, etc.

4)  The first annual OTS Golf Tournament will take place on June 24th at the Deer Run Golf Course in Berlin, Md.  We have the opportunity to make up to $1000 if we can get 40 golfers to play.

5)  Bo reported that all teams are doing a great job preparing the fields each week.  When doing the fields, consider this:  If the field is wet, roll it only, do not drag it.  If the field is dry, drag it, no need to roll it.  If moist but not wet, can be rolled, then dragged.

6)  Rain outs-  The high number of rain outs were discussed.  An idea to make up the games was discussed, basically if a rainout occurred on Tuesday the games would be played on Wednesday, and if on Thursday the makeup would be Friday.  At this time in mid season it was thought this could not be done since some players would not be able to participate, it was agreed that this is something to look at for next season, held for future discussions.

7)  Bo discussed the "one-pitch" tournament and picnic that would be held on July 4th at the COG fields.  Family invited, games would take place and then a cookout at the fields after the games.

8)  OC Tournament - Bo discussed a request to have OTS put money up front with the anticipation that American Legion Post #24 would reimburse up to $300 for players aged 55 to 64, who do not have the oppotunity to play in other tournaments, such as Olney, Md. which is for ages that start at 65, 70 and 75.  This was approved.

9)  New Business included discussion on the following:

     a)  AED - automatic external defibrillator - an AED is being donated by Rescue One for Life out of Montgomery County, Md.   It will be kept at the American Legion #24 when not in use, and be taken to the fields during games.  A group of OTS players who want to become certified will be offered that opportunity at no cost to them.  The unit will be kept in a car parked away from the others so there is access from both fields.

     b)  Player ratings for some needed to be re-done  That will be taken care of.

     c)  The odd number of teams, which forces a Bye, was discussed and it was generally agreed that this was not a good idea, it really has not worked out.  In the future, the league may look into only having an even number of teams, which could force a player limit for the league so each team's rosters are kept to a manageable level.  For example, if we have 10 teams and we want no more that 13 per team, we will accept the first 130 applications (with payment), the rest will be placed on a "wait list" and called up as people become injured, leave a team, etc.  For 12 teams, the maximum for 13 per team is 156 players.  No decision was made, just a general discussion for the future, but with the growth of the league this year (over 30 new players) we may have to look at limits on the number of players we can accept.

     d)  There have been conflicting e-mails issued, we will take steps to prevent this in the future.  Most e-mails for OTS activities, practices, etc. should go through the OTS secretary for player contact.

     e)  The pickup games that were going to take place for the Bye teams aren't working, and as we get in to the hot summer months it is unlikely they will take place.  If a Bye team wants to play a game, we can contact players to see if a pickup team is available, let the OTS secretary know.

Ed Sternberg bought coffee for the group, thanks go to him for that.  Meeting was adjourned.

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2009 OTS One Pitch Tournament

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Jul 10, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
The OTS 2009 One Pitch Tournament was held on July 4 on the COG Field. Close to 50 players, many with family, enjoyed the games and the picnic.  No losers only winners.  Thanks to BO Wood and the planning committee for a job well done.  All are looking forward to more game /picnic activities in 2009 and 2010.
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A Note from Bo Wood

Posted by Tom Wendorf at May 24, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
A Note from the President OTS is now over twelve years old.  A great number of people have been major contributors to its development and success over the years.  It all started with Roger Howard, manager of the Millville by the Sea Team.  The four teams then have expanded to 11 today. Games were originally played on the old Indian River High School girl’s softball fields.  The grounds were maintained by the school district. Each team umpired for the other.  Funding for the league came from the players.  There were no sponsors or outside funding. In fact the cost per player was in real dollar terms more expensive then compared to today’s $40 fee. As for today’s funding, currently the league receives almost $4000 from sponsors. Also the current treasurer, Archie Alexander has been able, over the past few years, to secure substantial funding from outside sources.  In addition, several members have made considerable donations to the league, one of which made it possible to recover the infields last year. While the Church of God has allowed us to use the land and while it maintains the outfields.  Finally, over the years and currently, a small cadre of OTS members has and continues to donate a great deal of their time to the league. This includes the officers, managers, umpires, and field maintenance helpers. Their efforts have allowed OTS to keep the cost of playing down. As noted earlier, the cost of playing today is less in real terms, while the tasks and funding requirements have expanded rather dramatically.  Unfortunately, the numbers of workers have not kept pace with our operating needs. Now to the point of this note.  As we begin out Summer 2009 season I must say and emphasize that we are very short of the needed volunteer help. In fact we have reached a point where the current cadre of volunteers is too low to operate the league properly. Again over the years, a small number of volunteers, though their efforts, have kept the cost of playing in OTS so very low.  Other leagues charge as much as $120 for a three-month season, as they, unlike us currently, have had to pay for umpires and field maintenance.  Your $40 is for a four-month season with a free April.  To overcome this shortage we are appealing to all OTS members to find a way to help. To this end each team in 2009 is being asked to provide at least two volunteers to become umpires.  In addition, on two separate weeks over the season, each team is expected to maintain the fields. We are also in need of a person to maintain the web site. In the past only a few of the players have carried the load. The league will not fold, although it may be forced to increase to yearly player cost to cover the needed tasks. For those willing to umpire contact Tom Farrah our VP.  His phone number is 302-539-9392. Or email him at  Web page helps contact Dick Mullins < our secretary, at 410-614-9347 or  As for field maintenance, your manager will let you know when you will be needed.  Please try to be available. (A word about umpires to managers and players.  All the umpires are volunteers.  They do receive some training, but much of it is on the job training. Their calls are not always perfect. Some would be umpires are sensitive to the differences of opinions on close plays and hesitate to volunteer. In game situations only the manager can communicate with the umpires. Judgment calls are to be respected however rules violations should be pursued.  All players are requested to note their concerns to their manager and not the flied umpires.  Thank you.) Again, we are all in this together, win, lose, or draw.  My experience has been that there is no finer group of people on Delmarva with which to be associated.  I would hope that we would all work together to keep the OTS experience at the high level it has been and will continue to be for all of us. Bo Wood, President PS. Two special games activities are planned.  The first is a one-pitch tournament on the Fourth of July. All are invited to play. Let your manager know if you will be available on July 4, 2009.   It will be followed by a family picnic. Also be alerted that teams will be selected for the Olney Tournament later in the summer. Three teams will be formed: 65+, 70+, and 75+. Managers are Bo Wood, 65+; Tom Harvey 70+; and Mike Carta 75+.  Players will be invited to try out for the team.  Let one of the managers know if you wish to be considered.
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Annual Meeting Minutes - 2009

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Apr 5, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


         Bethany Town Hall, April 1, 2009 at 7:00 pm


Bo Wood called the meeting to order at 7 pm.  An agenda was passed out to those present.  His first remarks were to thank the Church of God in Dagsboro, Delaware and John Walker for the use of the fields over the past few years.  Improvements to the fields have been made by OTS, and more are to come.  He stated the average age of our league is about 67 years old, we have 5 players who are 80 or more this year.

1)  A "manager's recognition game" that Hal Alpiar arranged is being held on April 25, rain date is May 2, at 11:00 am at our fields against a team from New Jersey.  Next time we play them will be at their field, as we hope to make this an annual event.  The players will include managers and assistants from 2008 and 2009, as well as the OTS officers from both years.

2)  Bo then introduced the league officers and managers for this year.  They are Bo Wood, President;  Tom Farrah, Vice President and Director of Umpires, Archie Alexander, Treasurer; and Dick Mullins, Secretary.  Managers and assistants are:  Bo Wood and John Bokop; Jesse Bare and Butch Taras; John Mancuso and George Tavenner; George Hunt and Mike Carta; Terry Tomas and Hal Alpiar; Roger Howard and Jack Daly; Pat Sherry and Johnny Allen; Sal Corrallo and Eddie Sternberg; Grayden Meredith and Neil Fleming; and Tom Harvey with his ass't to be named later.  If we go from 10 to 12 teams we will need more managers and assistants.

3)  Discussion took place concerning the number of players per team and when we would go to 12 teams.  We are not there yet with players paid, but it looks likely we will have over 150, which means we will likely go to 12 teams.  If we do, the league players will decide how we split the players.  Do we divide into 2 groups by age, with the older players in one group and the younger in another, or do we divide by ability, or do we stay the same?  This will be decided by a league wide vote if we do go to 12 teams.

4)  Only those players who are paid as of May 1 will be included in the draft.  After the draft is completed, any players who want to join the league will be put into a pool of players who will be assigned to a team by the league, as space is available.  Therefore, if anyone want to ensure themselves a spot on a team this year, they need to get their money in to the Treasurer no later than April 30.  The draft will take place at 10 am on May 1, so any monies arriving on that day may not be collected from the Post Office box until after the draft is over.  Players are encouraged to contact those who they know are playing to get their registration forms in now.

5)  Treasurer Report:  Archie Alexander presented the Treasurer's Report, anyone with questions can contact him.  His report showed all income and expenses, and he made the point that we will be a transparent organization as far as our finances are concerned.  We lost 4 sponsors from last year, they are Pepper Creek, Bayside Homes, Vickie York and Grotto Pizza.  The remaining 6 are committed this year, as well as the American Legion Post #24 in Dagsboro thanks to Pat Sherry.  There are 3 other pending sponsors, the managers and sponsors will be finalized by the May 1 draft.  If anyone knows someone who would like to be a supporter, they will be listed on our webpage and letterhead, the cost to be a supported is $100. 

6)  Bo discussed field maintenance.  Last year, John Bokop and he arrived early and prepared the fields each day for the games.  This year, the responsibility for field maintenance will be assigned to each team on a weekly basis.  This includes dragging, rolling (if needed), lining, etc.  Also getting the first aid equipment out of the shed and take to the field.  The home team of the last game will put away the mats, home plate, the first aid kit and other equipment.

7)  Equipment for 2009:  Bats must be ASA approved; Balls will be 44, 375 ASA yellow; new shirts and hats will be given to each team.  Discussion as to using a hard home plate, such as plywood or metal, so when the ball hits it there is a clear indication if the pitch is a strike or a ball, by sound.  Takes away controvery.

8)  Umpires:  Tom Farrah is scheduling an umpires meeting/training session on April 27 at 10 am at the fields.  He hopes to pair umpires to work together all season.  We will be providing striped (zebra) shirts for the umps for use during the games to make them stand out more from previous years.

9)  First Aid/Player Safety/Weather Line:  Dick Mullins went over plans to train some players in CPR and how to use an AED (defibrillator) which we will have at the fields on game days.  Those who expressed an interest will be contacted to set up a training date.  We are also putting together two stocked first aid kits to be taken to each field for use if needed.  If any items are removed, notify Dick Mullins.  The weather line will be activated on April 1, number is 1-877-839-0500.

10)  Bo Wood went over some schedule issues.  They are:

          April 2 - first practice day, 10:30 and 12:00 noon.  New players report at 10:30.  Report to old team

          April 27 - managers recognition game

          April 29 - new player "intramural" game

          May 1 - Player Draft at 10 am at the Ocean View Town Hall

          May 5 & 7 - Practice games with new teams

          May 12 - League Play begins.

11)  Open Discussion

               Sal stated that Open Practices would be moved to Friday, not Mondays as previously stated.

               Sal proposed that a substitution rule be enacted that states that before a player sits more than one inning, all players on a team must have been replaced for at least one inning.  This will allow everyone to play a maximum amount of innings.  Did not appear to be enough interest to cause a vote.  Also, it was brought up that the Board had already considered a substitution rule, and that is stated that all players  must play as close to 1/2 the game as possible, which means 3 innings for a 7 inning game and 4 for a 9 inning game.

               Bases are to be set at 65', we may have to replace them through mid May, the fields are used by the church youth leagues and the bases may be set for them.

ADJOURNMENT:  Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Bo Wood.




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Manager's Meeting Minutes 3/25/2009

Posted by Tom Wendorf at Mar 24, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )


                    MARCH 25, 2009

The meeting took place at the Ocean View Town Hall starting at 10 am.  Those present included Bo Wood, Tom Farrah, Dick Mullins and the managers/assistant managers for the 2009 season.  A variety of issues were discussed, as follows:

1)  Player Draft:  The player draft will take place on May 1st.  Only those players paid as of May 1 will be included in the player draft.  Those who pay after May 1 will be placed on a team by the Board, as needed.

2)  Managers/Teams:  There will be 10 teams this season, with approximately 14 players per team.  We lost 4 sponsors (Grotto Pizza, Bayside Homes, Pepper Creek and Vickie York).  We gained one back, the American Legion Post #24 in Dagsboro, and have 3 more prospects that look promising.  Bo Wood will handle assigning managers and team sponsors to each other.

3)  Tueday-Thursday Play:  The day change was discussed.  It was voted on by the league, then confirmed by the officers and managers last year.  Sal Corrallo's practices will move to Mondays.

4)  Draft Procedures: How the draft will be handled this year was discussed.  The goal is parity within the league to enhance good, quality, competitive games.  The combined scores of the manager and his/her assistant will be added to determine the order in which the draft will start the first round.  Bo went over the details, which will be restated at the draft meeting.  Basically the team with the lowest overall score (skill level of all players to that point) will begin that round, moving toward the team with the highest rating.  Each round will start that way.  New players will be rated in April, as well as those from last year who may have had a medical situation that could affect the ability to play.  To assist the rating process in April, managers and ass't managers are asked to take note of new players and write down their observations.  Practices will be held at 10:30 am and 12:00 noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays on both fields, and will consist of 45 minutes of practice, such as infield, batting, outfielders shagging flies, etc., the a 45 minute game.  Returning players will practice with their teams from last year. The Rookie game will be held on April 29th.

5)  Substitution Rules: Several substitution situations were discussed as follows.

Game Substitution- For those with a skill level from 18 to 20, there are no limitation on substitutions, any player can sub regardless of their skill level.  For players 12 to 17, only a player with your skill level or lower may substitute for you.  For players with a skill lever from 4 to 11, any player with a skill level from 4 to 11 can substitute for any other player in that group.  For example, if a player is an 8, the manager may replace him/her with any player with a rating of 11 and below.

Runner substitution- Those who cannot run and always have a substitute runner from home or on any base will have their ratings adjusted to reflect a 3 as a runner rather than a 1 as in the past.  This is because they always have a substitute runner who is at least a 3.  The rules for running are as they were at the start of last year, which means (a) at the start of an inning when there are 0 outs, anyone may be called upon to be a substitute runner;  (b) after there is an out, the player making the last out must run if they are able, if not if moves to the previouse out; (c) anybody can run from a base for another player, but no player can be a substitute runner more than once per inning.

Team Players- Discussion took place about replacing absent players, even when a team has the minimum number of players to field (11).  The vote of the managers was to NOT allow any substitute players if a team has the minimum number needed to field a team, which is 11.  Regardless of what skill level or position is missing, a team must field it's own team if possible without subs.  A sub can only be used if a team drops below 11 players that are able to play.  Players must play as close to half the game as possible, which means if it is a 9 inning game, each player must play 4 innings, if a 7 inning game, each player must play at least 3 innings.  This is contingent on each player being physically able to play.

6)  Innings per Game: Games will be 9 innings, unless due to weather/heat/humidity it warrants shortening, then a 7 inning game will be played.  Both managers must make the decision prior to the game starting.  If the managers cannot agree on the length of the game, the umpire will make the decision.

7)  Team Responsibilities:  Last year, John Bokop and Bo Wood did most of the work on the fields each game day.  This year the responsibilities will be assigned to the teams, with each team assigned one week.  Jobs to do each week include dragging, rolling and lining the fields, cutting the 150' line in the outfield and getting the first aid kit that will be kept in the shed to the field.  The home team of the last game on the field is responsible to put everything away, including the first aid kits into the shed.  More will be discussed at the general meeting next week.

8)  Courtesy Foul:  Ed Sternberg represented Sal and asked about the possibility of allowing for a courtesy foul.  The managers voted to keep it the way it is, with a starting 1 and 1 count with no courtesy foul.

9)  Season Practices:  The practices that Sal Corrallo held on Wednesday will move to Mondays.

10)  Pitching Screen:  A pitching screen will be available for each field for the pitcher's use, if he/she wants to use it.  This is optional.  If a screeen is used and a batted ball hits it, the ball is dead, the at bat does not count and all runners go back to their base.  A thrown ball that hits the screen will be live, and play will continue.

11)  Short Fielders:  Discussion took place on having the short fielders play no farther in than the outfield grass.  The problem with this is that each field is set up different, with one field having a much larger infield than the other.  The managers decided to not impose any restrictions on where the short fielder plays.

12)  Meeting Dates:  There are two upcoming meetings.  Next week is the general meeting, to be held on April 1, 2009 at the Bethany Town Hall (intersection of Rt. 1 and Rt. 26 adjacent the totem pole)  at 7 pm. The other meeting will be the player draft, to take place at the Ocean View Town Hall on May 1 at noon.

13)  Weather Line:  The weather line will be activated on April 1, 2009.

14)  CPR/AED Training:  About 16 people have requested to be trained in CPR and how to use the AED (defibrillator) that will be at the fields.  I will contact those interested and set up a training session, to last about 3 hours.  We also currently have 3 or 4 who already have the CPR training that may only need the AED part of the program.  Also, Bo has directed me to make up 2 first aid kits for use at the fields, they will be kept in the shed to avoid damage to them in the boxes behind home plate.