

Team Parent Meeting Wednesday, March 15 - 6pm - PALL Board Room

Posted by Tanya Sullivan on Mar 10 2006 at 04:00PM PST
From Mary Brusco - Team Parent Coordinator:
Team Mom Meeting Wednesday night 3/15 at 6pm, in the office above the Snack Bar.

Snack Bar sign ups
!   All that have received at list of sign ups for Snack Bar must have the parents on their team sign up for 2 shifts per child.

We need volunteers to work the Major snack bar to work the grill.  Please ask all of your parents and make a list with their name and number and bring it with you to the meeting Wednesday night.

If you can't attend, please have a representative from your team attend the meeting.

Thank you for your time.  It takes all of us to make the season run smooth.

If you have any questions, please e-mail or call me  477-2947


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