

Cubs Play Small Ball, Get 7-1 Victory

Posted by Billy Daniel on May 19 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
The Cubs left their big bats at home today and decided to play small ball. Singles, walks, a few steals and taking advantage of some opponent miscues keyed a 7-1 victory over the Yankees this afternoon. Story of the game...The Cubs used a 9 hit attack, with 8 singles and only one extra base hit (a double) to rack up 7 runs and Will shut down the Yankee bats in a complete game outing. Scoring wise, we were led by hitters 7 - 12. Vince, Anthony, Parker, George, Miles and Robey all rounded the bases for the team. Marcus led the hit parade by going 3 - 3. Miles got a single and our only extra base hit, the double, Will, Cabell, Vince and Parker all kicked in with singles. On the mound Will used every single one of his allotted 85 pitches in throwing a 1 hitter, with 11 strikeouts and 4 walks. The only run scored was unearned and he kept the Yankees off balance with some good fastballs and a devastatingly effective breaking ball. Three defensive plays of note: *Great catch by Robey of a towering shot in centerfield in the 4th * Good work by the Thomas boys on a grounder to first that Vince flipped to Cabell who had come over to cover *And finally, a real white knuckler catch by Vince for the final out of the game of a short, but tremendously high shot to first One more note: Robey did his Jim Rice impersonation today by breaking a metal bat completely in half during his time at bat in the 4th. Not just cracked but in 2 distinct pieces.


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