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Basic C.A.B.C. Tournament Rules & Regulations

Posted by Tony Santoro on Mar 22 2014 at 05:00PM PDT

1. Unless otherwise prescribed, the Official Baseball Rules shall be in force.

Stan Musial, Connie Mack/Don Mattingly, and Mickey Mantle/Ken Griffey, Jr. Divisions- designated hitter (DH) for the pitcher only and no re-entry (Rule 702, 803, 902).

Re-entry is permitted in Sandy Koufax/Nolan Ryan (Rule 1002); Pee Wee Reese/Gil Hodges (Rule 1106); Willie Mays/Jackie Robinson (Rule 1206) and Roberto Clemente Divisions (Rule 1308). No DH is permitted.

2. Any game not legally completed because of inclement weather or other unforeseen developments shall be a suspended game and play shall be resumed from the point of suspension. (Rule 214)

3. All games are scheduled for 7 innings except Willie Mays/Jackie Robinson and Roberto Clemente which are only 6 innings. All games must be completed; no terminated games allowed. Any game not legally completed because of inclement weather or other unforeseen developments shall be a suspended game and play shall be resumed from the point of suspension. In C.A.B.C. tournament competition, a game shall be legally completed after five (5) innings if the visiting team is ahead and after four and one-half (4 1/2) innings if the home team is ahead is Stan Musial, Connie Mack/Don Mattingly, Mickey Mantle/Ken Griffey, Jr., Sandy Koufax/Nolan Ryan and Pee Wee Reese/Gil Hodges. In Willie Mays/Jackie Robinson and Roberto Clemente, a game shall be legally completed after four (4) innings if the visiting team is ahead and after three and one-half (3 1/2) innings if the home team is ahead. In any suspended game, the pitcher’s record for innings pitched shall be considered on a calendar day basis.

4. In all Stan Musial, Connie Mack/Don Mattingly, Mickey Mantle/Ken Griffey, Jr., Sandy Koufax/Nolan Ryan and Pee Wee Reese/Gil Hodges games, games are scheduled for seven innings, but will be terminated after 5 innings if a team has an eight run lead. (Four and a half if the home team is ahead.) (Rule 203).

All Willie Mays/Jackie Robinson and Roberto Clemente games are scheduled for six innings, but will be terminated after 4 innings if a team has an eight run lead. (Three and a half if the home team is ahead.) (Rule 203).

5. The batter must wear protective headgear, with double flaps, both while at bat and while running the bases; and the catcher must wear protective headgear, cup and protector (or mask with built in throat guard) while catching. The umpires have been instructed to rigidly enforce these requirements, without exception, and deviations will NOT be permitted. A catcher’s mask, cup and helmet must also be worn when warming up a pitcher on the field or in the bull pen. (Rule 221(b) and(c)).

6. Coaching staff must be uniformly dressed. No one other than the 24 players (Musial), 22 players (Connie Mack) or 20 players (all other programs), 1 manager, 2 coaches and 1 scorekeeper are permitted in the dugout or field area.

7. Dates, time and/or sites of tournament games are subject to change at the discretion of the designated Tournament Director. (Rule 201(g)).

8. In tournament play, no team shall be permitted to play more than two (2) games in one calendar day without direct permission from the national office. (Rule 202 and 217).

9. Players must sign the Tournament Team Roster in the presence of the Site Director. If player is not present at initial registration, he must register before he plays. Signatures must match original roster.

10. No player may be added to the roster after initial certification except as provided in national rules.

11. All rules of the AABC Official Handbook are to be strictly followed and the burden of understanding the rules is on the team manager. This includes, but is not limited to, the pitching rules and pairings (Rule 211).

12. Protests on rule interpretation are decided by the Tournament Committee (or its representatives) on the field. Appeals must be made immediately (before the next pitch is thrown) to the Site Director after the play in dispute and citation to the specific rule from the AABC Official Handbook or Major League Rule Book being protested. The protest will not be considered without a citation of a rule.

13. Batting practice: Regulations will differ at various Tournaments; consult your designated Tournament Director and/or the Tournament Committee.

14. All teams in tournament must present original birth certificates, or a legible copy of same, and a roster of all their players to the Tournament Director. Also, all players must sign on day of play before the first game a tournament team roster in order to be eligible to play in the tournament.

15. All teams competing in tournament play must be fully covered by both Medical & Liability Insurance. A copy must be submitted and kept on file with the Tournament Director.

16. A. Any runner is out when the runner does not slide legally.

a. On a "force play", a legal slide shall be a slide in which the runner is capable of touching the bag from the runner’s sliding position.

b. Notwithstanding Subsection (A), a runner shall be deemed to have made an illegal slide if the runner contacts or attempts to contact the fielder:

i. Above the fielder’s knee with the runner’s spikes;

ii. By either "rolling" or "leg whipping" the fielder; or

iii. In a manner that the umpire deems to be unsafe and not a legitimate baseball play.

B. Any runner is out when the runner does not attempt to avoid contact with a fielder who has possession of the ball and is attempting to make a tag.

a. For Subsection (B), a fielder who is in the process of eminently fielding a ball shall be considered a fielder in "possession" of the ball.

C.  Penalty for A & B. The ball is dead and no runners shall advance beyond the last base attained prior to the illegal slide or contact. If the slide or collision is flagrant, the runner shall be ejected from the game.

17. Trips to the mound will follow the Major League rule. A pitcher who is removed from the mound to play another position may return as a pitcher if he was not removed because of trips to the mound (Rule 201(b)). In those divisions in which re-entry is allowed, a starting player who pitches at any time and who is removed from the mound to the bench may re-enter as a pitcher if he was not removed because of trips to the mound.

18. If a player or coach is ejected he must sit the next game. If he is ejected a second time, he will not be permitted to appear in the balance of the tournament. If a coach is ejected or suspended he must leave the field and the stands. He cannot be viewable from anyone on the field or in the stands. If a player is ejected or suspended and he is not deemed a disruptive influence by the site director he may remain on the bench so he can be supervised by the coaches.

19. There will be no degrading cheering or chanting. If the umpire or Site Director determines a violation there will be one warning. Thereafter players or coaches will be ejected.

20. All players and coaches must remain in the dugout or in the bench area unless they are playing or coaching. They may not sit on the dugout steps or the area around the dugout or bench. They also may not stand against or near the backstop. If there is a violation, one warning will be issued. Thereafter players or coaches will be ejected. If an argument or fight breaks out on the field any player leaving the dugout or bench area will be ejected.

21. If there are problems with the weather the Tournament Director has the sole discretion to decide who is declared the Champion (appeals may be made to the State President only if the rules are not applied properly). First he will eliminate all teams with a loss if there is/are undefeated teams. (If only one team is undefeated that team will be declared the winner).

Next the AABC Official Handbook ‘POOL PLAY’ Rule 212 will apply if all the teams left have played each other.

If all the teams left have not played each other, the following will apply:

            1. Least total runs given up;

            2. Most total runs scored;

            3. Net runs;

            4. Draw.

Please note with regard to 1, 2 and 3 the number of games is not a factor to consider as the schedule (the number of games) is by luck of the draw.

22. All tournaments must make every effort to be done by the Sunday night prior to the start of the Regional Tournament. No game may start after 9:00 P.M. on Sunday. Exceptions can only be granted by the State President at the request of the Tournament Director.

23. The bat rule as per Rule 221 applies as indicated.  

24. Formal complaints have to be submitted in writing to the President of the CABC.

25. Under no circumstances may a player compete in Tournament competition at more than one age group Division.

26. In the event a team which plays in more than one League qualifies for a Tournament from more than one League, it must declare for which League it will compete in Tournament play. This declaration must be made by June 1st of the current year.

27. If more than one team on which a player plays qualifies for Tournament play, the player may choose for which team he will play in Tournament play. However, the player may only play for one team in Tournament play.

28. A team playing in the State Tournament may add up to three (3) extra players from other teams in its League. These players will count toward the limit specified in Rule 105 of the AABC Official Handbook.

29. If a player refuses a valid request to play as an extra player for a team, he shall be deemed to be suspended and shall be ineligible for all further post-season play.

30. In the event a team plays in more than one League and does not qualify for Tournament play from any such League, priority for drafting players listed on that team’s roster shall be given to teams in the League which that team declared it would compete for in Tournament play.

31. In the event a team does not participate in a Regional Tournament/World Series for which it has earned the right to advance, the following sanctions shall be imposed:

A. The team shall be suspended and shall be ineligible for post-season play for the following year.

B. The League which the team represents shall pay a $1,000.00 fee to the CABC.

C. The coach(es) and/or player(s) shall be subject to further sanctions, to be determined by the President of the CABC.

No sanctions shall be imposed if a replacement team for the Regional Tournament is found. Such replacement team must have participated in the CABC State Tournament.

32. The use of NOCSAE approved protection headgear (hardhat) must be worn by base coaches while in the field of play. Coaches will wear a helmet with either a single, double or no flap helmet while in the coaches box. Failure to do so, will result in ejection from the game.

33. Pitch Smart Guidelines will be used in all State Tournaments. 

34. Additional Tournament Rules & Regulations not mentioned above shall be at the discretion of the Tournament Director and/or the Tournament Committee and/or C.A.B.C.





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