

Posted by Carl Mosher on May 04 2019 at 05:00PM PDT

Welcome to The Soccer Kids

 AYSO Region 34

Region 34 Special Offer 

Attention Region 34 Coaches (All Divisions): The Soccer Kids is offering
 FREE TEAM WEBSITES which are activated before Oct. 31st. Fill out the applicaton form and submit. No payment is required! 


 GLS_vs_Red Knights_11

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This site supports AYSO Region 34 youth soccer teams in the areas of management, tracking, scheduling and organizing of all team activities. In addition, it provides a media for players, parents, family and friends to enjoy the editorial and pictorial events of the season.

  Spring Season starting soon...register now!



Watch this AYSO Introductory Video 

What is Offside (Law 11). Notice the term is Offside, not Offsides

"The father of a player on my team keeps screaming instructions at his son during games. Most of them don't even make sense. What should I do?"
  • Answer: Children need to make their own decisions during a game in order to truly master soccer's challenges. Screaming at them while they're playing hurts their ability to focus and learn how to read the game. One of the biggest complaints of high-level coaches is that players lack creativity and decision-making acumen because they were sideline-coached in their early years.

    If the "problem dad" keeps yelling at the next game, then it's time to talk to him one-on-one. Tell him you are all ears to his opinions on his son's play, but the sideline screaming must stop.

    Point out that young children don't learn much about playing soccer from instructions, especially when the instructions are shouted. They learn by playing. They'll play more if they enjoy it. And they're more likely to enjoy it if adults aren't screaming at them.

    Another option is to send out an e-mail to the parents or parent meeting, mention the perils of sideline-coaching. You don't need to single out the dad; just remind the parents that they shouldn't coach from the sidelines because the kids need to explore the game on their own terms. Explain that you, the coach, will give tips one-on-one to your players when you think it's helpful.
                                                               -- AYSO Ask the Coach

Do you want your Referee to coach your game? The Referee doesn't need you to referee his game!    WATCH THIS VIDEO

LA Soccer Kids offer Fall-season specials for Region 34 team websites -- $8.95 per team with no recurring annual fees to maintain your basic site! This is a great opportunity to capture your team memories for family and friends to visit throughout the years. Click Here to look at one of our team sites... More Information

Start your team now!

If you already have a team click on "Teams" from the menu on the left.



2011 Spring Teams are now forming...Games Start Mar. 12th

 Refer to the Area 1-D Website for Spring Soccer Info

2009 Game Schedules


Region 34 2009 Standings


AYSO * Region 34

 Area 1-D 2010 ALL Star Game Schedule

Area 1-D League 2010 Championship Game Schedule





































































 Region 34 2009-2010 Accomplishments

ALL-Star Teams
[1st Place Champions]
BU-12 (Coach Riley
GU-12 (Coach Henderson)
[2nd Place]
BU-14 (Coach Howard)
[Sportsmanship Award]
BU-10 (Coach Mooney)
GU-10 (Coach Stalder)
GU-10 (Coach Cunningham)

League Championships
[1st Place Champions]
GU-12 (Coach Hardiman)
BU-14 (Coach Howard)
[3rd Place]
GU-10 (Coach Stalder)
BU-12 (Coach Wadhams)
[4th Place]
GU-12(Coach Hulbert)
GU-14 (Coach Garnica)
[Sportsmanship Award]
GU-10 (Coach Stalder)
GU-10 (Coach Jones)

Spring Teams
[1st Place Champions]
BU-10 Select (Coach McManus)
GU-12 Select (Coach Henderson)
BU-14 Rec (Coach Mosher)
[2nd Place]
GU-10 Select (Coach Cunningham)
GU-14 (Coach Mosher
[3rd Place]
GU-10 Select (Coach Stalder)
GU-10 Rec (Coach Jones)
GU-12 Rec (Coach Hulbert)
[Sportsmanship Award]
BU-10 Rec (Coach Gomez)
GU-10 Select (Coach Cunningham)
GU-10 Select (Coach Stalder)
GU-12 Select (Coach Henderson)
GU-12 Rec (Coach HulbertJones)
BU-14 Rec (Coach Mosher)


 Congratulation Region 34


  CONGRATULATIONS to all Team Finalist in the 2010 Hi-5 Tournament

AYSO Area 34 sent 5 Teams to participate in the Holiday Invitational Tournament in Fountain Valley on Jan. 2nd & 3rd. All 5 teams placed in the tournament.

U-12 Boys (Coach Riley) - 1st Place
U-10 Girls (Coach Cunningham) - 2nd Place
U-14 Girls (Coach Mosher) - 2nd Place
U-12 Girls (Coach Henderson) - 3rd Place
U-10 Girls (Coach Stadler) - 4th Place 


U-14 All-Star Girls at Hi5




 CONGRATULATIONS to all Regionn 34 2009 Spring Champions

1st Place Boys U-12 (Team #305, Mosher)

 Congratulations to all Region 34 2008-2009
 League Champions

1st Place: Boys U12 (Voodoo)
1st Place: Girls U12 (Zesty Lemons)

2nd Place: Boys U10 (Bullets)
2nd Place: Girls U10 (Riptide)

4th Place: Girls U14 (Got Leche?)
4th Place: Boys U10 (Tsunami)

Sportsmanship Award:
Boys U14 (The Grasskickers)
Boys U12 (American Dynamite)
Boys U10 (Bullets)
Boys U10 (Tsunami)

Good Luck to the Teams moving on to Section 1 Tournament Play


                       Ask The Coach
John Ouellette 

Question: "I have several parents who scream at the kids during our games. How can I convince them to pipe down and stop yelling instructions?"

  • Answer: Parents who yell at their children while they're playing soccer are intruding on their kids' playtime. Screaming does not help them become better players and it certainly decreases the chance that they'll enjoy soccer.

    So you must address the subject, perhaps in a team-wide e-mail. But what I really like is a face-to-face meeting with the parents; you can even do it right before your next game.

    Explain that cheering (in a positive manner) is OK, but any screaming they do - or calling them by name - will take the players' focus off the game. Besides, you are the coach and you will coach the team as needed.

    Adults wouldn't want to be screamed at while performing a difficult task, so why would children be any different?

    These screamers may think they're helping or inspiring their kids. But soccer is a sport that requires split-second decision-making while performing difficult skills and reading the game. Players learn to meet these challenges when they are young, by trial and error. Sideline instructions rob them of a process they need to go through at that stage of their development.

    Besides trying to explain to the parents why their screaming is inappropriate and counter-productive, you as coach can send a message by being a good example. Do your coaching - at an age-appropriate level - at practice, before the game or at halftime, but sit quietly in your chair during the game.

    There is the possibility that these parents aren't even aware of what they're doing - because watching sports seems to bring the screamer out in even otherwise well-mannered people.

    So consider assigning a parent to be a sideline monitor. If the monitor goes up to the screamer and says, "Hey, Joe, remember Coach doesn't want us yelling at the kids" - it just might do the trick.

    To hear more from John on this topic, please click here



 What do the following Athletes have in common: Dereck Parra, Jennifer Azzi, Jose Antonio Rivera and more...? Watch the new video to find out. Click Here


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