

Wildcats Win...are State Tournament-Bound for the first time!

Posted by Mark Hubbuch on Jan 25 2009 at 04:00PM PST

Wilson Central's teams have always had a "flair" for dramatic matches and finishes...but the sectional match for the boys vs. Station Camp is one that these boys OR their coaches will not soon forget!  After jumping out to a 196-pin lead in game 1, winning 6.5 of 8 points, our team felt really good about our chances of advancing.  But a couple of substitutions by our opponent and a game later, and all of that changed.  Station Camp improved 270 pins from game 1 for a super 1249 game 2, and that score beat us by 60 pins, as we followed our 1175 start with an 1189 score.  Now after 2 games, we were only up by a point (8.5 - 7.5) but still had a 136-pin lead in total pins.  But as the lanes dried up, so did our strikes and as game 3 progressed, it looked like we were letting our chance slip away!  With the other five struggling to find a line, Jr. Geremy Roseti actually FOUND his, and powered his way to a great 237 final game, and with his point and Seth Carey's 171-137 win, we got 2 points and held onto the 3 points for total pins to achieve a 13.5 - 13.5 TIE!  The TSSAA rules state that the tie-breaker for a tie in total points is TOTAL PINFALL.  WE WIN!!!  By virtue of our 41-pin lead in totals - 3475-3434 - the Wilson Central boys cheered as they are STATE TOURNAMENT BOUND for the first time!! 

Our veteran boys led the way today, with Mr. Roseti rolling a 619 series, and JR Clemons adding a 224-610 total.  Other good scores were:  Spencer Harp with 213-591; and Chris Branner with a 210-597.  We want to congratulate Coach Cliff Stafford and his Station Camp team on their outstanding comeback and great bowling in games 2 & 3!  They were certainly a great team and should be commended on their season!!  Here we go guys...get ready for THE RIDE!!


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