

Central bowlers kick-off season with the HS Jamboree

Posted by Mark Hubbuch on Sep 26 2009 at 05:00PM PDT

Saturday was the "kick-off" to our season in the 7th Annual HS Jamboree, hosted by Mt Juliet High at Hermitage Lanes.  It is always a fun way to start the year, and this year WC put two teams of Boys & two teams of Girls in the event!  With an unusually small turnout, there were 9 teams of Boys and 7 teams of Girls total.

The Boys led off at 11am, and our guys bowled OK.  Our first team was led by Sr. JR Clemons, who bowled a nice 254-697, with the 697 good for 2nd place in individuals.  The first team was balanced with games of 983-1022-1024, totaling 3029.  Steady, but not enough to win as the guys finished 3rd.  Hardin Co. took first again this year with a 3127 series.  Other good scores from our boys were Chris Branner with a 620 series; Scotty Probasco with a 226 game for the second team; & Spencer Harp with a 220 game.  Hendersonville's Ryan Youngblood took individual honors with a super 278-736.  Congrats!

The LadyCats' teams started off pretty strong in game 1, with the first team rolling an 889, and the 2nd team a 793 game.  The first team then put together a nice 933 in game 2, but with the lanes REALLY dry by game 3, faltered to a 760 for a 2582 total, good for 3rd place - 31 pins behind Hendersonville's girls who finished 1st.  The 933 game did hang on for our FIRST EVER team award in the Jamboree, GIRLS TEAM HIGH GAME!!  Also, a huge part of the reason they earned that was Jr. Kirstin Page, who led individually with a great 233 game & 604 series!!  Great bowling, Kirstin!!  And CONGRATS to the the ladies on the first team for their team award - Dani Chaffin, Brittany Sisco, Katlin Page, & Brennan Page joined Kirstin on this team.


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