

2nd Matchday: Sauerkrauts vs. Crown Re-United B 2-5 (2-1)

Posted by Daniel Berger on Oct 17 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

Hi(gh) Guys…. 

Most of us might be still “high” after so much excitement all over the weekend. Therefore, focus shall be in the initial step put on the entertainment part reflecting Sauerkrauts (btw also Krauts) strongest “Geheimwaffe”. Honestly the weekend was full with options: Soccer, Judy’s Too Anniversary and F1. Yes, most of you might thought during the weekend that all this would contribute to decreased “show up ratio”, but it seems the Sauerkrauts Squad this years manages quite well to put “business travel”, “stupid meetings” or “wifes/girlfriends shopping tours” or “non-sense excuses” to working hours and show up with 19 players! Or is it the financial crises, which already shows it first impacts keeping us less busy during the week so time for soccer on the weekend? Let me tell all of those, who didn’t join, what happened Saturday starting with soccer, with short stops at F1 and Judy’s Anniversary (Hot!). 

Arriving at the pitch in Timo’s car an hour earlier I had time to manage certain things and further improving Sauerkrauts “strategic infrastructure 2009” to follow as “Hoffenheim” mit “Directaufstieg” : 

1. In an another “Hochempfindlich Dringlichkeitssitzung” Timo’s dog has been promoted to Sauerkrauts Mascot 2008 (please understand that I will collect from each player 20 RMB for his/her food related costs”, because he/she/it “frisst” like a “Haengebauchschwein” (before actually I thought it was one, but Timo showed me the “dog passport’ that it was not. Wolfram’s Dog our old mascot has retired and found a “peaceful” place in a restaurant near XiangYang Lu [10% discount possible for the ribs, the restaurant manager told me for Sauerkrauts/Krauts [on first comes first serves basis, as our old mascot was quite “knoching”.] 

2. I thought after 9 years in China, it will stop one day that I will have this discussion, but I doubt it. I tried to explain for 15 min the pitch management that they shall put drinks not under the sun, as no one drinks hot water. He didn’t understand how we can drink cold water. Alan could u next time explain him again? Now the joke: I teached the guy, if someone asks for water and I wrote it down on a paper to show the paper, where I wrote “Cold water or Pissheisses Wasser, what u want Mr?”. Please try it out. 

With the arrival of the squad, we started to concentrate what really matters. The game was planned to be “zukunftsweisend” [as usual]. Especially Coach “Dicknoether” was quite “unruhig”, as during the week enormous pressure was put on him by “Praesi” personally. With a big surprise he was catching the team’s interest: “1-3-3-3-1 System” was going to be implemented as a solution to last weeks lousy performance meaning “Angola system” was stopped, shortly being implemented as the replacement for the “Nicaragua system” two weeks ago. Due to the high average age within Sauerkrauts, which was influencing to remember this number “13331” “Chef persoenlich” replaced it with the name “Helmut Hinterdorf System [Swabia]”..  

The game started as it usually starts for Sauerkrauts: First goal scored by the opponent after 13 minutes to let us lead by 1:0, which was coming quite surprisingly. In a quick fight back action and after a nice pass by John Zhu (you are apologized for last weeks mistake) Eric scored by header to the right corner the equalizer. What was then more surprising was that Qi Wei even increased to let the Sauerkrauts lead the game by 1:2. Everything was going on plan and with our new “Schwaben Goalkeeper” [thanks helping us out] we were quite stable in the defense. The game was very organized in the first half and everyone was keeping position. Especially Timo had great 45 minutes.  

Being honest, I have experienced several Sauerkrauts games and what I have learned is that we are sometimes “inconsistence” and things came as they often come for the Sauerkrauts: “Absturz” in the second half. After getting the 2:2 by an “unlucky action” after a free kick by the opponent striking Timo, the ball was touched so unlucky that it went trough our goalkeepers legs [was nicely tunneled in a unlucky way]. The goal was quite a disappointment for us and instead keeping things going on in an organized way I had the feeling that all of us wanted to score the next goal. Positions were not kept anymore resulting in 3 additional goals letting us losing the game by 5:2. For us the result is not within our expectations and disappointment was felt after the game, even there was “a” lot of beer, the result was not making us thirsty. As an additional result of the game “Chef persoenlich” will “Helmut die Leviten lesen”. Especially the fact having too many players on the pitch with too many changes might have be also problem for losing the game.  

Still it was a nice day and the weather was really nice. Having Judy’s Anniversary Party” on the mind, we were able to forget this disaster quite quickly, concentrate on the really matters in our lives: “Partying” at Tong Ren Lu. Not only soccer attracts us, no, I was surprised that many of us showed up at Judy’s Too Saturday, which showed our sponsor that investing in Krauts is not waste of money. When I arrived Uwe was already half naked dancing on the “Stange” with some sexy hot girls, observed by his girlfriend, accompanied by “in Hochform Praesi”.  

With all this excitement on Saturday, we were quite happy, which helped us to forget also “the worst ever performed F 1” race. I hope our guys, who were there didn’t fall asleep.  Our next game will be against Cosmos, who were beaten by Krauts last minute goal by 2:1, whereby first goal by Helge and second goal “Someone”, which really makes me happy to “ernten” the fruits of our “re-structuring”. Let’s hope it continues for a long time. 

Last Rumors: Two Sauerkrauts wifes are pregnant! Congratulations from the team! At least in this area we score massively to realize our “F-Jugend dream” team by 2020:). 

See u guys around

Chef persoenlich


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