

The season 2006 - 2007 in brief ...

Posted by Daniel Berger on Sep 09 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

Due to the large amount of players of the German Krauts team it was considered necessary to establish a 2nd team for the 2006/2007 season in order to ensure the each player would get enough playing time on the field on Saturdays.

So the “older/slower” but more experienced players formed the 2nd team under “Shanghai Krauts”, so called “Sauer-Krauts 06” (in 2006). We might have already passed the peak of our careers but still considered that we were too fit to be playing golf!  However due to the ageing process for some of us, we decided that it might be better to play in the second division of the SIFL. Our goal was still to win as many matches as possible but understood that the fun/team spirit and a cold beer were more important now. OK, from the sporting point of view it may be considered that we did not do so well (ended up at the bottom of the division L ), but on the brighter side even a draw felt like a championship!  

Because we did not do so well on home soil, we went to Bangkok for the Easter Tournament in April 2007. Hoping that we could find a team to beat we participated with a lot of fun and success in the 25th Anniversary tournament of the “Bangkok All Stars”. After overcoming the first problems with the hot climate (refer the aging process) our ‘old’ body systems started becoming used to it and with the special tactical instructions from our coach, Helmut we were so successful that we were able to make it to the final.  Unfortunately fate was not kind to us and we ended up coming second in the final – although we did manage to win our first little cup for the cabinet for our sponsor “Judy’s Too” and “The Spot”. 

Even that we did not get some many points this season, we had a lot of fun in our first season and would like to say thanks to our opponents and we are looking forward to beating you the next season.  


Shanghai Sauer-Krauts 06


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