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Car wash and bake sale review

Posted by roger cann on Jul 17 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
The car wash did well. Thank you to all the players & parents who particiapated The totals are in....... Car Wash - $210 Donations - $240.65 Bake Sale/Hot Dogs - $356.40 Total income for the Day - $807.05 Cross your fingers on the matching money from Wal-Mart. Tammy will file totals with them. We will not hear from them until Sept. ( Wal-Mart's third quarter payments will be disbursed then). The only money that was an expense to the club was $1.85 for a hose nozzle & $7.68 for ice. Additional thanks go out to the commitee who were Susan Maloney,Cindy Berger, Tiven Teno and Tammy Serfass


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