

Posted by Dan Wukmir on Jun 18 2011 at 05:00PM PDT

Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards Game Report #8

Game: June 19, 2011

Buzzards drop Free Agents from their claws late, lose 19-13

Fathers’ Day and baseball are usually a great combination, so the Buzzards gathered in Auburn at James Field to take on the always tough Free Agents. The Ol’ Buzzards have played a morning game on five of the six Sundays so far this season, so it did seem a little odd to be starting a game in the middle of a hot afternoon. It was the first day of the year over 95° and it was windy - that’s right, it‘s baseball weather - at least no rain. The nice part of a morning game is the field is prepped and fresh. The game prior to ours (Reds 8, Miners 7) lasted way over three hours and did not allow adequate time to get the field properly prepped for a second game. So, with a rundown mound and moon-scaped infield plus a bright sun in a cloudless high sky and with some decent wind, good ol’ James Field was about to become an adventure and would make for a difficult day for fielders and give pitcher’s a serious headache.

The Free Agents are a tough team especially when they bring their horses. They have a deep, solid pitching staff with lots of good hitters. The Buzzards only loss this season was an afternoon game against the Free Agents at Antelope High in the second week of the season 6-5. The Free Agents lost last week to one of the new young teams in our division, the Mudville Nine and were 3-4 this season. For this game the Free Agents started ol’ veteran right-hander, Phil “Mad Dog” Gelhaus #25. The Buzzards sent Mr. Bulging Biceps, Bob “Woody” Wooden #22 to the bump to get this game started.

The first couple of innings went quickly with no score. The Free Agents scored the first run in the third inning with a single, sacrifice bunt, and single. They scored two runs in the fourth on two hits and a tough, long fly ball error in center field. The good hittin’ Free Agents added to the scoreboard in the fifth inning with four runs on six hits and a walk to make the score 7-0. The lead increased to 10-zip in the bottom of the sixth on three singles and a fielding error by the shortstop for more unearned runs. An unbelievable six innings, from both teams perspective.

Mark “Weed” Fowler #11 came in to replace Woody on the mound at the top of the sixth inning. Containing the Free Agents on 15 pitches in the seventh and 14 pitches in the eighth inning put zeros on the board and allowed the Buzzards the chance to get back into this game.

But so far, this was turning into a Buzzard nightmare. It was also going to be a short day unless the Buzzards scored in the next two innings and held the Free Agents. The league’s ‘mercy rule’ ends a game after seven innings if one team is ahead by ten or more runs. With only four hits thru six innings and the pressure on, the Buzzards battled back with five runs on six hits, a walk and a hit batter.

That rally was started by Pete “Baron” Von Zboray with a line drive single to center field. After the Baron was forced out at second by Scott “Donut” Reeves’ grounder to third, Donut then moved to second base on Don “Redondo” Colbert’s hustlin’ infield hit. Batting next, Dennis “Cover Boy” Viegas fouled-off lots of pitches before he walked on eight pitches. Dave “Evy” Everingham then smacked a 3-2 pitch single into left-center field for the first Buzzard runs of the game - scoring Donut and Redondo. Next, Taylor “Welzy” Welz hit a 1-2 pitch for a single into short left field knocking in our MSBL Magazine Cover Boy, Dennis, or as some of his friends refer to him on the field as ‘Little Ball of Hate or LBH”. I did say friends didn’t I. What do your enemy’s call you on the field? I’m sure it’s not printable.

The Free Agent manager, Dave Sutherland, then changed pitchers and brought in the grizzled righty veteran, Tim “Big” Burkitt #27. Woody, batting next, hit the first pitch for a single into left field. Next, CJ knocked in a couple of runs with a looping single to left. Tony “Mongoose” Brashear then used his anti-quickness to not get out of the way of the first pitch (good team player) and is now wearing a bruise, and trotted on down to first base. The inning ended before anymore scoring, but the five runs were a good sign that the bats may be getting hot.

The Buzzards came to bat in the seventh inning down by five runs. The first batter, Dan “Wookie” Wukmir walked on four pitches. The Baron then hit a big full swing, little infield squirter that rolled just far enough away from the catcher to get an infield hit. Donut then drilled the first pitch sharply into left field for a single to load the bases for Redondo. Donnie then blasted a 1-0 pitch to deep right-center field for a two-run double. Nice big hit.

Dennis batted next and hit a hard grounder to third base that was misplayed for an error. Evy next hit a sacrifice fly to right allowing Donut to tag up and score. Welzy, batting next, hit the 0-1 curve ball down the line in left field scoring Viegas and Colbert to tie the game at 10-10. After the huge hit by T-Welz, the Free Agents changed pitchers again.

The Free Agent’s brought in Greg “Lightning” Lichtenberger # 24 from center field. Greg, a good guy and former Buzzard from the championship season of 2008, used to be one of the hardest throwers in the region. However, a million pitches later on that right arm, has now made him only real tough. After Greg gingerly warmed up, he then let loose on that first pitch to Woody and yelped as the ball left his hand. He immediately garbed his right arm and went to his knees in pain next to the pitcher’s mound. Greg was done for the day with one pitch and it was painful to watch. The next pitcher, Mike “Big Mouth Bass” Wilson #91 came over from third base to replace Lichtenberger.

Back in the batter’s box with a 1-0 count, Woody then hit a line drive single into left field putting two runners on base. Next, Charles “CJ” Jackson hit a mega-clutch single into left field scoring Welzy to take the lead 11-10 in the bottom of the seventh inning.

With seven minutes left in the three-hour game limit, the Buzzards started the bottom of the eighth inning. The team scored twice more in the eighth inning to extend the lead. Ol’ Wookie led-off with a multi-hopping ground ball to the second baseman and beat the throw to first. With one out, Donut singled for the second time putting two runners on. After two were out, Cover Boy received a four pitch, base on balls to load the bases. Next, Evy singled to right on a 0-1 pitch driving in Wook and Donut to complete the scoring. The inning ended a batter later with the score 13-10 Buzzards.

The Buzzards were aware of the time limit and thought we worked the clock sufficiently by scoring runs, taking pitches and other semi-slow down maneuvers. According to the nearly blind and lamo plate umpire, before the bottom of the eighth inning started, he told Pete and Wook separately there were seven minutes left in the game. He said later he forgot the game did not start on time and when the last out was made at 5:01, there were three minutes left. Brandy, the base ump reminded him at the end of the inning. The start time was 2:04. Damnation.

So, the fateful ninth inning started with a bunch of tired ol’ guys on a hot day and way past the normal beer drinking time. Because we thought the game would be over, no one was in the bullpen when the inning started to help out Weeder, just in case. Well, 42 pitches later another nightmare inning was over, and the score card had way too many diamonds filled in for the Free Agents. They scored nine times on five hits, three walks and an error. Ouch.

The Buzzards tried to comeback in the bottom half of the inning with a walk to Woody and hits by Mongoose and Bake, but it was not to be today. Those damn Free Agents got us again in the last inning. Curses to them and their antics. Next time, there will be no mercy.

The Buzzards had 13 runs on 21 hits – usually good enough to win, but the Free Agents did have more hits (23) and did play better defense. New rule for the Buzzards: Do not eat buttered popcorn before a game – we need non-slip hands and gloves next time. The field conditions sucked but maybe no slippery glove or hands will help, or maybe new glasses.

The pitching was fine and we almost won a remarkable comebacker. The pitchers were forced to get more than three outs in too many innings. Woody threw five innings and faced 27 batters, throwing 87 pitches (59 strikes & 28 balls). The F-ing Agents got 11 hits and one walk while striking out three times. Weeder pitched the last four inning and the FA’s got 12 hits and three walks with two strike outs. Mark faced 26 batters and threw 96 pitches (52 strikes & 44 balls). Wow, 183 pitches for Bobio and Weeder in this game. Now that’s a lot of pitches.

The Buzzard offense woke up late. Four hits thru four innings followed by 17 hits in the next five innings looks like we suffer from a bipolar disorder. With 21 hits, every Buzzard got at least one hit. The hit club for game #8 of the 2011 season looks like this: Baron-2, Bake-1, Cover Boy-1, CJ-2, Donut-2, Evy-3, Mongoose-2, Redondo-2, Woody-2, Welzy-2 and Wook-2. The ribbies were courtesy of: Redondo with 2, CJ and Welzy with 3 each, and Evy with 5 big ones.

The good news is there are a lot more games to play this season and we will see the Free Agents again.

Buzzard Notes #1: Greg Lichtenberger’s arm is OK.

Buzzard Note #2: Even though Bear is a good nickname for Tony Brashear. It does fit his look, waddle and strength, but bear is his brother’s long time family nickname. Until we come up with a better one and to avoid Brashear family issues and future litigation, we will adopt the Brashear’s nickname for Tony – Mongoose – in future publications. I’m guessing he must have been a lot quicker when he was younger or it’s an opposite-type nickname.

Buzzard Note #3: The NABA schedule is still in flux from the rain-outs. This week’s game will be against the Reds at James Field at 2 pm. Some of the Reds will be playing in a 10 o’clock in Roseville prior to our afternoon game. The weekend after the July 4th holiday, we will play a double-header against the Dragons, probably at Lembi Field in Folsom (7/10).

Buzzard Note #4: The live broadcast of the July 24th game at James Field against the Miners on KAHI 950AM is set on the radio station’s calendar for 2 o’clock. We will follow the Yankees vs. Oakland A’s game that day on KAHI. It is a fun game with radio play-by-play being heard in the dugouts and in the stands during the game. Copies of the game will be available later. Buzzard business owners need to write up some company info for a 30-second commercial spot that will be professionally produced by radio station staff and played that day during the game. The cost is $50 to have your commercial played numerous times. See Pete or Dan for more details or bring company info to a game. It is likely we will have some type of BBQ afterwards with the Miners in the picnic area. Families are encouraged to attend and bring a mobile listening device for the game. The entire world plus your relatives, friends and military members serving overseas will be able to listen to us play that day on the radio station’s web site, The radio station also offers free apps for Androids and iPhones to listen on mobile devices that are not called transistor radios.

Buzzard Note #5: The Buzzards are now tied for first place with the Valley Cats at 5-2-1. The Dragons (5-3) lost to the Valley Cats last weekend 6-3.

Buzzard Note #6: The NABA all-star games are played during the first two weeks of July at Playfields Park in Davis. The date for the 45+ game has not been announced yet, but the team needs to vote on its representatives. The number eligible from each team is based on their position in the standings. We may have as many as five slots on the team, if we win this Sunday. Ballots will be passed out before the game and you will need to vote on Sunday.

Buzzard Note #7: Our web site gets a good number of hits each week during the season. We have a pretty good following in Australia – from the Buzzard trip to the World Games in 2009 (gold medalist) plus playing with Aussie’s in other international Games in Canada and Aussieland. Our web site gets its hits primarily from the Sacramento area, Australia and my mom in LA.


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