

Posted by Dan Wukmir on Jul 10 2010 at 05:00PM PDT

Gold Country Ol’ Buzzards Game Report #15 

July 11, 2010

Free Agents clip Buzzards, 9-2

On a warm Sunday morning on high ground overlooking Antelope, the Buzzards gathered at the high school field to take on the always tough Free Agents. In a crucial game for both teams, the temperature was expected to hit 100°. The team dugout had several tarps to provide shade, but without a breeze, this was going to be a good and sweaty game.

On the hill for the visiting Ol’ Buzzards was their ace, ol’ lefty, Dave “Keppie” Kephart #21. The Free Agents countered with their ace right-hander, Tim “Beer Belly” Burkitt #27.

The Free Agents opened the scoring with two runs in the bottom of the first inning. The lead-off batter walked on a 3-2 count, followed by a 3-2 pitch flare to right-center field putting two runners on base. After a fly out to deep center to Jim “Redondo” Colbert with the runners holding, the next batter hit a slow chopper behind the mound that was gloved on the run by shortstop, Dave Everingham #6, then a quick throw to first for out number two with the runners advancing 90 feet. Batting next, the opposing pitcher, Beer Belly Tim (don’t let that big belly fool ya, this guy can throw and hit, but not run) then smacked a 1-2 pitch passed a diving shortstop for a two-run single.

The Buzzards ‘ran’ into some tough luck in the second inning, but scored one run to tighten the score at 2-1. Mike “Bake” Baker started it off with a hot grounder to third that was bobbled allowing a hustlin’ Bake to beat the throw to first. Coming into run for Mike was Dan “Wookie” Wukmir, the oldest Buzzard. Batting next, Everingham took a 1-1 sinker into right-center field putting runners at the corners with no outs. With Keppie at the plate, Dave got a good jump to steal second base and was running for second when Kep hit a sharp line drive to a charging right fielder. He made the catch and threw to first base making for an easy double-up situation. Wook tagged up at third and scored on the play for the run. It was going to be that kind of day for the Buzzards.

The game was 2-1 until the bottom of the fifth when the Free Agents scored three runs. The inning opened with two singles, one a dribbler just past the mound and a twisting Keppie, followed by another flare into the outfield putting two runners on. After a fly out, Kep nailed big Mike Wilson #91 on the left foot to load the bases. Ol’ Beer Belly then hit a sinking liner to center field that was misplayed allowing one run to score. The next batter drove in the other runs with a shot to left field.

The Free Agents added to their lead in the sixth, on a walk and four singles for three more runs. The Agents just kept hittin’ it where they ain’t, while the Buzzards hit the ball hard, just right at somebody, either the third baseman or the outfielders.

The Buzzards scored a run in the seventh inning. Charles “CJ” Jackson, playing catcher, led off with a double to left-center field, the only extra base hit of the game. One out later, Everingham singled to center driving in CJ for sadly the last Buzzard run of the game.

The pesky Free Agents scored one more in their half of the seventh on two walks, a single and an infield error. The Buzzards could not mount a decent counter attack all game against Beer Belly Burkitt’s crafty pitching and the solid ‘D’ the Free Agents showed.

The Buzzards put runners on in nearly every inning and could not get that key hit, but instead hit into two double plays with runners on the move, plus other hard hit outs. That’s the game sometimes. The final score of the 2½ hour game was 9-2.

Buzzard pitching deserved a better outcome. The home plate ump seemed to squeeze Keppie with two strike counts all game. Kephart threw 141 pitches (83 strikes & 58 balls) to 42 batters in seven innings of work. There were 15 hits, six walks and seven strike outs with one hit batter and four wild pitches. Not a typical DK day. Usually less hits, less walks, more strike outs, less wild pitches and more hit batters.

Mike Hayworth pitched the eighth inning and threw 14 pitches (8 strikes & 6 balls) to four batters. There were two hits, but one nice double play on a hot grounder to Taylor “Welzy” Welz playing third. Welzy waited a second for Wookie to cover second base before firing at the bag. Wook took the throw and stepped on the loose bag before throwing a strike to Pete “Baron” Von Zboray at first base. Nice play.

The Buzzard offense was anemic. You don’t win many games scoring just two runs. The Buzzards got only eight hits with two batters getting five of those hits. The multi-hit group was a small one this game with Woody -3 and Dave -2. There was one walk and two strike outs. Next game - bring your mean hittin’ stick. We need to do some damage against the Valley Cats.

Buzzard Note #1: Next game is at Colfax High at 2 pm against the first place whinny cats. The preceding 10 am game is the Coyotes vs. Astros. We couldn’t get the early game. Cold drinks and snacks after our game at the Ballpark picnic area up the hill.

Buzzard Note#2: Don’t forget the upcoming Radio Game, KAHI 950 AM, on August 1st. The game is 3 pm at James Field, Auburn with a planned BBQ after wards with the Coyotes. Player bios are required for the game’s play-by-play announcer. They information sheets will be passed out at the next game.

Buzzard Note #3: The three Buzzard reps to the NABA All Star game this year are: Welz, Wooden and Wukmir. Kephart and Baker were also top getters, but had prior commitments.


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