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This weeks schedule

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 18, 2009 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents, Our boys played much better yesterday mostly on the defensive side and in their execution of their plays. Coach Scotty emphasized this on Saturday during practice and we worked on certain things that showed up on Sunday. Ty and Troy brought that Saturday practice to the game on Sunday, it really showed, good job to the two of them. The final score was a 43-26 win against SOC.

Our schedule for the week is Friday night optional Jason Clinic at 9:00 p.m. for $20 at his Huntington Beach facility and we also have practice at Katella HS on Saturday 1/24 from 1:00-3:00 p.m., we reserved Katella again because we were told that the gym schedule for this Saturday 1/24 was just as bad as last week for VFW. We apologize if it creates scheduling problems with your other practices or games but please let me know if you need rides set up for this weekend and we will coordinate it between us coaches.

We just received confirmation that we were accepted into the San Jose Ninja Tournament on 4/11 and 4/12, we will start preparing for this trip in the upcoming weeks.

We will play in the Ninja's, Tigers, Dodgers and VFW Tournaments this year. We are also still working on the possibility of a Hawaiian/Mainland Shootout in July, details to follow on this in the next week as well.

Hope everyone has a great week, we will keep you posted on any changes for this week.




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Force Practice this Saturday

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 13, 2009 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

We will be having practice this Saturday 1/17/09 at Katella HS from 1:00-3:00 p.m., VFW was not able to secure gyms this weekend due to the MLK Holiday weekend that includes many tournaments and practices for their own High School teams.

Remember that we still have the optional Jason clinic on Friday night at 9:00 p.m. for $20 which Jason has been working with ball handling, shooting and attack moves to the basket these are things that we do not have time to cover in our own practices.

Let us know if you cannot be at practice this Saturday,




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Weekly Update 1/11/09

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 10, 2009 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

Another close game against Norwalk this time we were a little short of players as Trevor and Christian are recovering from being sick and Sunny is still recovering from surgery. The final score of 49-45 was a good game from those who played, we want to thank Troy for making our game and Austin had a great game scoring 12 points.

We will have Jason's optional clinic on Friday night 1/16/09 at 9:00 p.m. for $20 and then we will have practice on Saturday 1/17/09 when VFW notifies us later this week.

Sorry for the delay in the 2009 Tournament schedule but we are waiting for the dates for the last tournament we are entering so as soon as we get those dates we will let everyone know.

Have a great week,


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VFW Pictures

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 8, 2009 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Hi Force Parents,

Tomorrow 1/10/09 we are scheduled for our VFW Force Team pictures. We are scheduled to be at Valencia HS at 2:00 p.m. so please be there on time and bring a check or cash for your order. We will have practice at Valencia from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the large gym.

Remember the optional Jason clinic tonight at 9:00 p.m., fee is $20 per player.

Game on Sunday 1/11/09 is back to Western HS at 6:00 p.m. against Norwalk.

We want to wish Sunny a speedy recovery from his ear surgery, we hope he gets better soon.

2009 Force Tournament Schedule will be finalized over the weekend and should be posted by next week.

Let us know if you can't make practice.



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Update for First Week in January 2009

Posted by Jon Morinishi at Jan 4, 2009 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

Dear Force Parents,

Happy New Year 2009 !!!

Our game against OCO didn't come out the way we wanted to but the boys played really hard and well together. There were some real good things that we saw other than the final score of 37-52. The first thing was our team shot 7-10 from the free throw line while OCO shot 3-8. The boys defense broke down a little allowing Kendall to score 24 points or almost half of their points. We will work on that more this weekend. This also was the boys first loss in a year when we lost to OCO during last years SEYO season so we all know how motivated they become after a loss.

We will have Jason again this Friday from 9:00-10:00 p.m. in Huntington Beach, fee is $20 per player.

We also will have practice again on Saturday 1/10, time and location TBD when the VFW schedule comes out.

We forgot to collect the fees for the VFW Tournament so please write me a check when you can for $38.88 ($350 divided by 9 players)

Don't forget next Sunday 1/11/09 we are back to Western HS at 6:00 p.m.

There will be an update on our 2009 tournament schedule out later this week as we are trying to solidify with the tournament coordinators the details.

Have a great week and let me know if you cannot be at practice this Saturday.


