

Weekly Update 1/11/09

Posted by Jon Morinishi on Jan 10 2009 at 04:00PM PST

Dear Force Parents,

Another close game against Norwalk this time we were a little short of players as Trevor and Christian are recovering from being sick and Sunny is still recovering from surgery. The final score of 49-45 was a good game from those who played, we want to thank Troy for making our game and Austin had a great game scoring 12 points.

We will have Jason's optional clinic on Friday night 1/16/09 at 9:00 p.m. for $20 and then we will have practice on Saturday 1/17/09 when VFW notifies us later this week.

Sorry for the delay in the 2009 Tournament schedule but we are waiting for the dates for the last tournament we are entering so as soon as we get those dates we will let everyone know.

Have a great week,



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