

Sorry another change

Posted by Jon Morinishi on Jan 10 2008 at 04:00PM PST

Dear Force Parents,

Sorry, we've been trying to coordinate with three VFW teams with this weeks revised schedule. All of the teams had made plans based on the first schedule that came out for January and now created conflicts.

This should be the last change for our FORCE team. We will now practice from 2:00-3:30 p.m. at Valencia HS in the Large gym. We are not sure about the picture schedule, we are trying to negotiate a time closer to our practice time.

Okay, now let me know if you cannot make practice, this is a very important practice as we are preparing for OCO game on Sunday.

Again, we apologize for the changes. We will bring up some options at our VFW meeting on Monday night.

Thanks again for your support,



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