

Northside Sophomore Boys WIN Bison Classic! McManus and Thorsberg finish 1-2 in 3200m run! Jacob Cosby WINS Shot Put! Piotr Wojcik WINS Triple Jump!

Posted by Jon Gordon on Mar 11 2014 at 05:00PM PDT

 On Wednesday, March 12, 2014, the Northside Sophomore-Freshman Boys traveled to Bensenville, Illinois to Bison Stadium for the Fenton Bison Indoor Classic. 

 Fenton is the home of the Metro Suburban Conference Track and Field Champions. Fenton has won the Metro Suburban Conference Track & Field Championships, two of the last four years, and famous alumni include Olympian Jim Spivey, and Chris Siemers.

 Fenton is a special venue, and a great atmosphere for Track & Field. The P.A. announcer makes all the Teams feel welcome, and gives scoring updates after every event. The announcer also lets the crowd know the height of the High Jump and Pole Vault cross bar throughout the evening competition.

 Fenton also features a 135 yards track. Athletes have the priviledge of knowing their racing splits every 135 yards for 26 laps in the Two miles run.

 All of the events are in Yards at Fenton. As a result, the athletes race 3,510 yards for the Two Miles run, which is actually 3,209.54 Meters. The athletes race 1,755 yards for the mile, which is actually 1,604.772 Meters. The athletes race 880 yards for the half-mile, which is actually 804.672 Meters. The athletes race 440 yards for the quarter, which is actually 402.336 Meters. The athletes race 220 yards for the 200, which is actually 201.168 Meters.

 The Fenton Bison Indoor Classic featured Gordon Tech, Conant, Northside College Prep, and host Fenton. Individual Events were scored 6-4-3-2-1, and Relays were scored 6-4-2.

 The Northside Sophomore-Freshman Boys WON the Bison Indoor Classic with 88.5 points, and posted victories over: 2. Conant (81.5 points), 3. Fenton (52 points), and 4. Gordon Tech (10 points). Northside had a record of 3-0 on the day.

 In the Shot Put, Northside Freshman Jacob Cosby WON it with an outstanding throw of 34'5. Northside Sophomore Simon Lothschutz had an outstanding throw of 27'0. Northside Sophomore Emmet Hilly threw a personal best 21'6. Northside Sophomore Gabriel Krell threw a personal best 21'6.

 In the Pole Vault, Conant's Eletson won it with an outstanding vault of 9'6. Northside Sophomore Brendan Powers finished in SECOND place with an outstanding vault of 7'0.

 In the Long Jump, Northside Sophomore Garret Barch finished in third place with a PERSONAL BEST jump of 16'1.50. Barch improved from 15'1 to 16'1.50!!! Northside Freshman Brandon Banas finsihed in fourth place with an outstanding jump of 16'1.

 In the Triple Jump, Northside Sophomore Piotr Wojcik improved by almost 8'0 (26'4.50) with a jump of 34'1.25 to WIN the Sophomore division! Northside Freshman Jack Nolan finished in second place with a PERSONAL BEST jump of 27'5.

 In the High Jump, Northside Sophomore Garret Barch finished in third place with a personal best jump of 4'10. Northside Sophomore Gabriel Krell finished in fourth place with a personal best jump of 4'6.

 In the 4x880 Yards Relay, Fenton won it with an official time of 10:26.50. Northside finished in SECOND place with an official time of 10:30.60. On the first leg of the relay, Northside Sophomore Sarrin Chethik ran an 880 yards split of 2:32.49, and made a nice exchange to Sophomore Max Guthmann. Max Guthmann ran an 880 yards split of 2:35.50, and made a good exchange to Freshman Jacob Lemke. Jacob Lemke ran a personal best 880 yards split of 2:49.29, and made an exchange to Freshman Kyle Friedler. Kyle Friedler anchored the Mustangs to second place with a 2:33.08 880 yards split for an official time of 10:30.60.

 In the 4x135 Yards Relay, Fenton won it with an official time of 1:08.60. Northside finished in second place with an official time of 1:10.10. Northside Freshman Jacob Cosby ran the first leg of the relay in 16.56, and made a nice exchange to Sophomore Justin Washington. Justin Washington ran the second leg of the relay in 17.03, and made an exchange to Sophomore Garret Barch. Garret Barch ran the third leg of the relay in 18.38, and made an nice exchange to Freshman Josh Borgwardt. Josh Borgwardt acnhored the Mustangs to SECOND place with a 17.94 135 Yards split for an official time of 1:10.10.

 In the 3200m run, Northside Freshman Brian McManus WON it with an official time of 11:59.80. Brian McManus ran the first mile in 5:55, and then ran the final mile in 6:04.80 for an outstanding time of 11:59.80. Northside Freshman Christian Thorsbeg finished in SECOND place with an official time of 12:03.60. Christian Thorsberg ran the first mile in 5:56, and then ran the final mile in 6:07.60 for an outstanding time of 12:03.60. Fenton Aquilera finished in third place with an official time of 12:15.40. Fenton Osorio finished in fourth place with an official time of 12:22.90. Northside Freshman Sergio Soto DROPPED 38 SECONDS (13:30.95) to finish in fifth place to complete the scoring with a PERSONAL BEST time of 12:52.00. Sergio Soto ran the first mile in 6:05, and then ran the final mile in 6:47 for an official time of 12:52.00. Northside Freshman Vladimir Andrade ran the first mile in 6:41, and then ran the final mile in 7:26.80 for a personal best time of 14:07.80. Northside scored 11 points in the 3200m run!!

 In the 50 Yards High Hurdles, Conant's Engebretsen won it with an official time of 7.50. Northside Sophomore Justin Washington finished in SECOND place with an official time of 8.40. Northside Sophomore Piotr Wojcik finished in THIRD place with an official time of 9.70. Northside Freshman Jack Nolan finished in fourth place with an official time of 10.20.

 In the 50 Yards Dash, Gordon Tech's Sherff won it with an official time of 6.0. Conant's Chang finsihed in second place with an official time of 6.10. Fenton's Postelnick finished in third place with an official time of 6.20. Conant's Edwards and Fenton's Lopez tied for fourth place to complete the scoring with an official time of 6.25. Northside Freshman Jacob Cosby ran an outstanding time of 6.26. Northside Sophomore Derrick Staples ran an official time of 6.63. Northside Sophomore Andy Dominquez ran a personal best timne of 6.85. Northside Freshman Christian Guerrero ran a personal best time of 7.00. Northside Freshman Auggie Romero ran a personal best time of 7.04. Northside Sophomore Naod Araya ran an outstanding time of 7.22.

 In the 880 Yards run, Conant's Elms won it with an official time of 2:30.10. Fenton's Falco finished in second place with an official time of 2:35.20. Fenton's Garcia finished in third place with an official time of 2:43.3. Fenton's Velazquz finished in fourth place with an official time of 2:45.7. Fenton's Galindo finished in fifth place to complete the scoring with an official time of 2:46.2. Northside Freshman Miguel Garay ran an official time of 2:55.0. Northside Freshman Jack Webster ran an official time of 2:56.0.

 In the 4x270 Yards Relay, Northside WON it with an official time of 2:24.50. Northside Freshman Jacob Cosby ran a 270 Yards split of 38.39 on the first leg of the relay, and made a nice exchange to Sophomore Garret Barch. Garret Barch ran a 270 Yards split of 35.69 on the second leg of the relay, and made a great exchange to Freshman Josh Borgwardt. Josh Borgwardt ran a 270 Yards split of 36.81 on the third leg of the relay, and made a perfect exchange to Freshman Brandon Banas. Brandon Banas ran a 270 Yards split of 34.56 to anchor the Mustangs to FIRST PLACE with an official time of 2:24.50.

 In the 440 Yards Dash, Northside Sophomore Troy Hu finished in third place with an official time of 67.60. Northside Sophomore Naod Arraya ran a time of 73.19. Northside Freshman Christian Guerrero ran a time of 73.70. Northside Freshman Auggie Romero ran a personal best time of 74.60. Northside Sophomore Derrick Staples ran a personal best time of 77.50.

 In the 50 Yards Intermediate Hurdles, Northside Sophomore Piotr Wojcik finished in second place with an official time of 9.0. Northside Sophomore Justin Washington finished in third place with an official time of 9.5. Northside Freshman Jack Nolan finished in fourth place with an official time of 9.8.

 In the Mile, Fenton's Ruiz won it with an official time of 5:30.0. Northside Sophomore Sarrin Chethik finished in second place with an official time of 5:33.40. Fenton's Hernandez finished in third place with an official time of 5:35.10. Northside Freshman Kyle Friedler finished in fourth place with an official time of 5:40.60. Fenton's Irby finished in fifth place to complete the scoring with an official time of 5:48.10. Northside Sophomore Max Guthmann ran an outstanding time of 5:50.00.

 In the 220 Yards Dash, Northside Freshman Brandon Banas tied for third place with Fenton's Wolf with an official time of 28.0. Northside Sophomore Troy Hu ran a personal best time of 30.00. Northside Sophomore Gabriel Krell ran a personal best time of 30.30. Northside Sophomore Andy Dominquez ran a personal best time of 32.50. Northside Freshman Christian Guerrero ran an official time of 33.00. Northside Freshman Auggie Romero ran a personal best time of 35.23.

 In the 4x405 Yards Relay, Northside Freshman Brian McManus ran a 59.91 405 Yards split on the first leg of the relay, and made a perfect exchange to Freshman Jack Webster. Jack Webster ran a 67.77 405 Yards split, and made a good exchange to Freshman Christian Thorsberg. Christian Thorsberg ran a 66.69 405 Yards split, and made an exchange to Freshman Josh Borgwardt. Josh Borgwardt anchored the Mustangs to SECOND place with a 59.44 405 Yards split for an official time of 4:13.81.


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