

CPS Announces Northside College Prep in 99% of the events, including ALL relays at CPS Varsity Qualifying Meet

Posted by Jon Gordon on Apr 27 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

 On Monday, April 28, 2008, Northside Head Coach Jon Gordon, Sprints Coach David Diaz, and Jumps Coach Adrian Hunter attended the seed meeting for the CPS Varsity qualifying meet at the TAMS Building, across from U.S. Cellular Field from 6 pm to 9:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting was to disclose which athletes were selected based on verified seed times, distances, or heights to be invited to compete for the City Championship in the qualifying meet.

 With over 94 Chicago Public Schools, events were limited to the Top 24 to Top 50 athletes in the City, depending on the event. Several coaches went home unhappy when they learned their athletes did not make it into the meet. The only event the Mustangs did not have any athletes make it into the meet was the Mens and Womens 100m Dash. However, all of the Mustangs 100m Dash sprinters are in other events. Only one of the two Varsity Men 200m dash entries (Santino Merino) made it into the meet for the Mustangs. However, the other athlete will be a valuable asset to the Mustangs 4x400m Relay. Only one of the two Varsity Men 300m Hurdle entries (Santino Merino) made it into the meet. However, the other athlete made it into the meet in the 110m Hurdles.

  Both Coach Gordon and Coach Diaz had smiles on their faces throughout the meeting, as it was disclosed that 100% of Northside Athletes are in the qualifying meet in one or more events, and the Mustangs will have athletes competing in 99% of the events, including ALL relays.

 It is the most athletes Northside has ever had in the Varsity qualifying meet in the history of the program. The dedication and work ethic of the Northside College Prep Track & Field Team is second to none.

 The Varsity Women will leave at 1:45 pm on Tuesday, April 29, 2008, for the Varsity Women CPS Qualifying Meet.

 The Varsity Men will leave at 1:45 pm on Wednesday, April 30, 2008, for the Varsity Men CPS Qualifying Meet.

 Athletes that place in the Top 12 for distance events, Top 12 for field events, and Top 8 for sprinting events will advance to the CPS Championship Track Meet on Saturday, May 3, 2008.


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