

XC: Bad News / Good News (Budget Shortfall / Call for Donations)

Posted by Courtney Corda on Sep 23 2016 at 05:00PM PDT
From: Courtney Corda <>
To: Courtney Corda <>
Sent: Saturday, September 24, 2016 1:32 PM
Subject: XC: Bad News / Good News

Dear Parents,


I hate to share bad news without some good news, so let me start by saying that your kids are working very hard and just put in a solid week of strong effort as we prepare for our most challenging meets ahead. Ask them about the sense of accomplishment they felt after running 10-12 400 meter repeats, at race pace, up a steep hill in the sun. Ask them how much fun they had and what lessons they learned about teamwork, negotiation, ethics, and resourcefulness during our recent scavenger hunt run. What a great week!


Now, the bad news. Here I sit (finally, a Saturday off!), but I'm not really off, am I? Because I am  writing to tell you that the school bookkeeper informed our coaching staff that we have a $10,000 shortfall in parent donations.


Background & Status

The worst possible situation is to have multiple families donate nothing at all, and that is where things stand right now. Are you one of the 40 families that has forgotten to send in a donation? Or decided not to donate for some reason? Please, as a parent and a coach, I beg you to donate to our program so we can get our budget in order and focus on the kids, their running, and their high school sports experience. (For those who've given already or even given extra: THANK YOU SO MUCH!).


The SRVUSD and MVHS do not fund high school sports. The district and school provide a single coach's stipend and free use of school facilities and that's about it. The school tells us that, as of Sept. 22, approximately 62% of our girls and 74% of our boys athletes' families have made a donation to our program. Our budget is based on the idea that 100% of families will donate at least something. The suggested amount of $245 is achieved by dividing our total basic needs by the number of athletes on the team. Every donation helps, no matter how small.


Donations are voluntary. We can't legally call them participation fees, as this is the way of the public school world. But make no mistake, the costs for the cross country team are borne by us parents, not by the state, the district, or the school. Our budget is funded primarily by your parent donations and to a lesser degree by our team's fundraising efforts, such as the MV Invitational. By the way, the snack table at the MV Invitational made a record profit this year, I believe, something like $1,000; so hats off to Carole Friesen, a great-grandmother and one of the hardest working volunteers ever known to the Monte Vista community, and to all the other parent volunteers who helped make our Invitational a success. But even with a successful MV Invitational, we are still $10,000 short in parent donations.


Ways to Donate

1) Turn in cash or a check for ANY amount to any coach at practice. Make check to Monte Vista Cross Country. (Send in a few installments by using post-dated checks, too, if you wish!) Alternatively, turn in cash or a check to Frances Farrell in the Monte Vista Bookkeeper's Office at any time.

2) Donate $245 online at the MV Webstore.

3) Donate your unused / unwanted gift cards that still have value. Give to any coach at practice.

4) Ask your company to match the team donation you made earlier this season.  Find corporate matching instructions HERE or contact me for help filling out your company form. Your team donation qualifies as a charitable donation and it *is* matchable by most corporate matching programs. (Note: uniform purchases are not charitable, but the team donation is.)


Thank you for your consideration,

Courtney Corda, Assistant Coach on behalf of the coaching staff

P.S. I will send a regular newsblast with details about next weekend's meets in a few days. In the meantime, please visit our team's main website at for information. Also, find the TENTATIVE race schedule for Scott Bauhs here.


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