

Newsblast #5 for MV Cross Country: Nike Invitational, Overnight Relay & More

Posted by Courtney Corda on Sep 16 2015 at 05:00PM PDT
From: XCStats Admin
To: Courtney Corda
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2015 11:33 AM
Subject: Newsblast #5 for MV Cross Country: Nike Invitational, Overnight Relay & More

Dear Parents and Runners,
Lots of news today!! Big Saturday with TWO events...
Uniforms / Warm-ups: The next order of warm ups is NOT ready yet from the embroiderer. We expect to have them early next week (and I will announce a pick up day). Most runners received their complete uniforms last Friday. Runners who failed to pick up their uniform last week or who need to exchange a part of their uniform should speak with Coach Davis today or tomorrow at practice. He will get you what you need.
DLS/CHS Nike Meet This Saturday Morning:
  • Buses There: All athletes must travel to the meet by bus. Do NOT be late. Meet at MV, north parking lot, at 6:45.  Buses will leave at 7am sharp. 
  • What to Bring: Uniform, sweats, suncreen, plenty of water, snacks, and lunch. Concord's predicted high this Saturday: 97°.
  • MV Race Assignments: Download the race assignments PDF. First race is at 8:45 (JV Girls). JV and FS run 2 miles, varsity runs 3 miles. Top 20 in each race get medals, top 25 in the varsity races. 
  • Meet Info: The meet is held in Concord's Newhall Park. This is a great spectator course (i.e. fans can see lots of the race without too much running around). With over 40 teams entered, the field is full of TOUGH competition and the races will be exciting. Visit the DLS/CHS Nike Cross Country Invitational website for a meet bulletin, race schedule, course maps and other info. Street parking is available for spectators, but EXPECT to have to walk quite a long way to reach the course.
  • Buses Back / Dismissal: All must stay to the conclusion of the meet; please do not ask the coaches to leave early.  Buses will depart to MV at approx 1pm. Athletes can ride back with their parents, but only after the conclusion of the awards ceremony.  
  • Team Area: Athletes will be under Monte Vista tents. Parents are encouraged to attend the meet and establish their own "fan base camp" elsewhere. (Kids need some space and separation to prepare for their races.)
  • Photos: If you take any good pictures this season of your own athlete or others, please share them with Coach Davis. Email them to The more help we get with great photos, the better our team slide show will be at the team banquet. Thanks!
Overnight Relay this Saturday Night/Sunday Morning:
  • Help! Who Can Loan the Team a Coffee Urn or Gas Grill? We need a couple coffee urns (the large electric kind for heating up water) for making hot chocolate. We also need someone to bring their gas grill down to the track and unload it (and pick it up the next day). Please email me if you can help.
  • Arrival: Athletes should check in at the track NO LATER THAN 6:30 pm.
  • Rules & Departure: Once there, no leaving.  Anyone leaving early must be checked out by a parent IN PERSON with a coach (even if at 3 a.m.).  Nobody leaves until the track is clean (est. around 7:40am). For complete rules, see Overnight Relay page on website.
  • Charity: The runners have selected Save Mount Diablo as the charity beneficiary of this event. Runners are asked to donate from their own allowances or pocket money (not from Mom's or Dad's wallet). Suggested amount is $10 per athlete.
  • What to Bring: Sleeping bag, pillow, tarp, warm clothes (no tents!). Running gear of course.
  • Food & Drink: There will be tables for shared snacks that kids will bring.
    • Assignments have been made by the captains and announced at practice:
      • Freshman: Desserts
      • Sophomores: Snacks (chips, candy, popcorn, etc)
      • Juniors: Healthy Snacks (fruit, wraps, veggies)
      • Senior Girls: Drinks
      • Senior Boys: Drinks or Snacks
    • Optional: anyone may bring something to put on the grill for themselves (e.g. hot dogs, meat). Anyone can also bring their own dinner items for themselves from home.
    • No waste / No leftovers: everyone must bring back home any leftovers from the snacks they brought for the shared table (or for themselves). We do not have another home meet and we do not want to deal with excess food.
Go Mustangs!
Courtney Corda
Team Parent on behalf of the coaches


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