

Mustangs storm Mt Diablo - Challenge Run to the Top!

Posted by Mike Davis on Nov 11 2011 at 04:00PM PST

On Saturday Nov 12th, while the varsity squads were at the SRV 3200 time trial, a dedicated and determined group of MVXCers met at Macedo Ranch to take on the devilish run to the top of Mt Diablo!   Climbing over 3800 feet over 8.5 miles, this was not an event to be taken lightly.  However, the season long traning meant that these Stangs were more than ready for the challenge.


After some instuctions from Coach Davis and Coach Huntsman, the team was off!  Cool and cloudy conditions were perfect for running, although it was difficult to get a feel for how high one had climbed at first.  After approximately 4 miles and 2000 feet of climb, the team met Coach Huntsman at the BBQ Terrace picnic area, just up the South Hwy from Rock City.  There the squad a break for energy snacks and fluids, while contemplating the rest of the journey.


At the second staging area, the team had broken through the cloud bank and could see the summit up ahead.  Runners who were not sure they could make it after the first stage suddenly found new energy at the sight!  Led by a couple "tri-bars" up front, the team followed the trail up to the very top - 3849 feet above sea level!

In all, 24 runners plus an exhausted Coach Davis made it to the top today.  Growing up in the shadow of Mt Diablo, it's easy to forget how high it is - something that these runners will always remember now!

Many photos, courtesy of Coach Huntsman can be found on the Photobucket Site

Congrats to the following who made the epic journey.  Will YOU make it next season???
Sean Yap, Jason Vawter, Chris SooHoo, Brad Palonsky, Cameron Somers, Patrick Kragen, Sarah Nagle, Yian Liou, Nolan Pineda, Natasha Rowland, Kelly Overstreet, Caroline Carey, Jack Gore, Andrew Ruskin, Jackson Wightman, Reed Ocheltree, Petar Zaninovich, Steven Waal, Daniel Chrisman, Karissa Grove, Rachel Dorado, Rachel Cohen, Duke Peterson


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