

Team "i-Pod" wins the first annual POD contest

Posted by Mike Davis on Sep 15 2012 at 05:00PM PDT

New for the 2012 season, the team formed a dozen family "pods", each composed of 11 to 12 team members spread among all four classes.  Led by the seniors, these pods help bring a sense of family to the large MVXC team.  Within the "pods", the team checks in each day, and spends time covering a variety of subject like the upcoming race course, scoring meets and more.

For the Ed Sias Invitational, the pods kept track of each members' individual placement within their race, adding up the lowest five scores to get their pod score (just like a real xc meet!).  The competition was close, as most pods needed to check into XC Stats to confirm their placement.

When the dust settled, the "i-Pods" came in first place with a low score of 195.  All the members of the pod received chocolate milk and an energy bar (perfect post workout recovery food).

The i-Pods were led by:
Justin Kim - 9th place
Audrey LaBarthe - 27th place
Gabbi Klein - 46th place
Stephen Kragen - 53rd place
Will Jones - 60th place
TOTAL - 195

The rankings, in order:
i-Pod  195
Los Podres  206
Podern Family  236
Podject Runaway  261
Running Podigees  284
12 Peas in a Pod  326
Odd Pod  343
Porcipod  393
Podestrians  520
The Podfathers  Inc (only 4 raced)
FABTYPs & Pod Racers   Inc  (did not submit scores)



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