

A new tradition?

Posted by Mike Davis on Oct 06 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

For many years, the varsity runners have done the famous "drop off" runs, where they are driven to some far point and dumped out, with the only option that of running back to Monte Vista.  Last week, Coach Davis, with help from Mrs Lisa Roderick, took it up a notch.  Blindfolding the guys while in the MV parking lot, they were driven to an obscure elementary school in western San Ramon (Twins Creeks).  Once there, they were lead one-by-one into a fenced area reserved for bikes, and were told to remove the blindfolds only when they could not hear Coach Davis' VW in the distance.   However, they could probably hear him laughing, as it was quite a spectacle indeed.  In fact, the guys were chewed out by a local preschool teacher who found their presence in the bike cage somewhat disturbing.

 9 miles later, they found their way back to MVHS!  A tradition is born!








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