

2007 Overnight Relay results

Posted by Mike Davis on Sep 22 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

Featuring the largest group to ever attack the event, the 2007 MVXC squad blasted mile after mile through the night and into the morning, with a clear purpose of becoming the all-time record breaking team.  It was close from the very begining, as the pace computer showed the team hovering around a 108 mile projection throughout most of the event.  The record, thought to be 109 by the coaches and seniors, looked to be reachable. 

While the runners blasted away, a variety of now famous events were being carried out on the field.  The weather, which looked iffy at first, cooperated with a nice evening.  The neighbors cooperated as well, allowing us to play music and keep a bank of lights on all night (a tad harsh on the eyes those lights were, but it was better than darkness).  Coach Austin brought in some new games, including the group parachute, a field goal contest, and the largest 4-square battle most have ever seen!  Hint to the team - Coach Austin is a trained 4-square professional.  Play at your own risk!  TV's and sofa's were again the rage, and video games, card games, and games that the coaches barely understand were raging all night.  Coach Davis made the rounds looking to impound any energy drinks he found.  The seniors looked to spread terror on any groups of underclassmen that fell asleep.  It was great - as usual.

Back on the track, it came down to a furious push at the end.  All non injured runners ran at least once, and nobody ran a shared or split mile.  With less than 30 minutes left, the team was still under the target of 109 miles, but gaining.  A few sub 5 minute miles by the varsity boys brought the crowd to the edge of the track, forming a "tunnel of arms" for the last few runners.  When Junior Alex Morris took the baton for the last laps, there was less than two minutes remaining on the clock.  He completed 1 and 2/3rds lap, approx a 700 meter effort.  That left the team with 109 miles, 700 meters.....

....which falls a measly 100 meters shy of the 2002 squads' record of 109.5 miles.  AGHHHHHHH!  Coach Davis went home and poured through the old results, looking for an error in 2002 that would give the current team the crown.  But it wasn't to be - the time is legit, and that team did not share miles.  In fact, they did it on a dirt track that was techincally a 440 yard track, making their effort even more remarkable.  It should be noted that the 2002 team was much smaller, so the members ran multiple times, and that team featured a girls squad that won NCS and went to state, and a boys team featuring 3 runners who would go on and run in college. 

So the 2007 team has the #2 all time mark, and while EVERYONE can probably think of 100 meters that could have been made up during the 109 miles run - you can be proud of what you accomplished out there.

At 8am, when Coach Martha, Coach Austin and Coach Davis locked up the stadium, it was sparkling clean, ready for the new week. 

Thank you to all the parents who helped during the night, and to all of you who donated money to the Lindsay Wildlife Museum.  A final tally will be announced soon.



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