

Allied Gardens takes 2nd Place in 10/11 So-Cal State Tournament

Posted by Bob Diosdado on Sep 05 2013 at 05:00PM PDT
We would like to recognize Allied Gardens Little League 10/11 baseball team for what they accomplished during the 2013 All-Star tournament. Little League created the 10/11 year old All-Star division in 2004. This division ends their tournament at the State level.

Allied Gardens Little League 2013 10/11 Baseball Team

AG won the District, Section and the Southern California Sub-Division flags.  With their wins of these flags, AG was only one of two teams left in the 10/11 Baseball All-Star tournament for Southern California.  In the So-Cal State Championship tournament, AG faced the Northern Southern California Sub-Division winner; Encino Little League. Encino denied AG from winning the State Championship flag and finished 2nd out of over 320 teams that started the tournament with a 10-3 record overall.  

It has been over 30 years since a District 33 "small diamond" team has been one of the last two teams playing at the State Championship level. AG is the first D33 baseball team to advance to the 10/11 State Championship level.  Adding to significance for AG, last year they were the first D33 baseball team to advance to the 9/10 Sub-Division State tournament, finishing 6th overall. 

Manager Pete Famolaro said “AG was very appreciative of the fan support received along the way and honored to represent District 33 in the tournament”.   Congratulations to the players, coaches and parents for a great run in the 2013 All-Star tournament.


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