

Big Al Jamboree Re-Cap

Posted by Bob Diosdado on Sep 23 2013 at 05:00PM PDT
Ned Kern from Chollas Lake Little League would like to share his re-cap of the Big Al Bubba Baseball and the Big Al Jamboree that was held at Chollas Lake for all lower division players in District 33 on Saturday, September 14th and 15th, 2013. The Big Al Jamboree was the official kickoff for the 2013 District 33 Fall Ball season for the lower division players.  We would like to thank Ned for working out all the logistics on putting on an event of this magnitude, on the behalf of District 33. If you have any photos that you would like to share of the Jamboree, please send them to and we'll post them for others to enjoy.

Saturday afternoon started with the kick off of the Second Fall Ball season of Bubba Baseball for player's ages 4 thru 6. It was nice to see that Bubba has grown from one league a year ago to three leagues this year. There were about 50 players in attendance and many more parents. Parents were introduced to the game of Bubba from its Founder; Big Al, as well as the philosophy behind Bubba Baseball. After some initial warm ups the players were split into 6 teams and we had practice games. We had a lot of parents out on the field helping, and a lot of parents that were able to enjoy watching their players play, many for the first time in an organized sport. After the clinic the players were divided into their teams and players received their uniforms and player handbooks. 

Immediately after the completion of Bubba Baseball, we had a Coach Pitch clinic for experienced 5 & 6 year old players. This is the first season of Coach Pitch baseball in Fall Ball for District 33 and it appears to be a hit. We had nearly 60 players from 6 leagues. Al and Scott went over some basics with the coaches and players and then they got onto the field and ran and worked hard. The coaches were great working on the drills that Al and Scott presented, and the players had a lot of fun.  

On Sunday morning, we started with the 7-9 year old group. We had a total of 17 teams and nearly 200 players and 50 managers and coaches. Al and Scott organized the teams in quick fashion and the Jamboree started with great energy and enthusiasm. Each activity seemed to gain even greater involvement and greater effort and enthusiasm. Players competed in their own teams and against other teams. We saw some remarkable efforts and results from the players and great teaching from the coaches. It was a very hot day, but the kids did not seem to mind, they were having fun. It is amazing how Al and Scott as a team can generate the type of enthusiasm and transfer of knowledge to such a big group, but they do! 

Immediately after the end of the Coach Pitch clinic, we started organizing teams for the 9-12 year old group. We had 27 teams and nearly 300 players and 80 coaches. With even a greater challenge to get 27 teams set up, Scott and Al again got the teams organized and set up for the session. It was even hotter and the teams could have easily used this as an excuse, but they did not, they hustled throughout the session, ran back and forth from their lines to their grids, and worked hard at the practice and competitions. Al and Scott were so impressed with how hard the teams continued to work and how this was consistent throughout all the team, even with the heat. 

Al spoke about how fantastic the entire two days went and how engaged the players and coaches were. In Al's estimation this was the most consistently engaged since we started the Jamborees 3 years ago. The amazing thing about this statement is that each year Al and Scott have been impressed and wondered if the level of engagement and enthusiasm can be topped, yet it appears we have.

Al and Scott wanted to thank all the coaches and players for helping to make this year's Jamboree so fantastic.  I know we had a number of managers, coaches, players and parents already thank Al and Scott, (get pictures and autographs), but I feel confident I speak for all that attended in thanking Al and Scott for a fantastic weekend of developing both the Player and the Person! 

Learn more about BIG AL BASEBALL, and the curriculum and resources BIG AL and Scott have created for coaches, players and parents by visiting their website @



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