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Woodinville Reedems with 12-4 Hit Fest Win vs Eastlake

Posted by Rob OFarrell on Apr 28 2014 at 05:00PM PDT in 2019 JV

Back at home vs Eastlake last night our fans were treated to some kind of offensive outburst by both teams.  The difference was the defense in the end after our Lady Falcons put up 12 runs on 14 hits while Eastlake was only able to muster 4 runs on 10 hits even with an uncharacteristic 4 errors by our girls early in the game.

The top of the first was a little shaky as we gave them 3 runs on some hits and errors.  It looked like we might slip back into one of those holes that are hard to hit our way out of.  Though in the bottom of the first Alyssa O'Farrell hit the first of what would be two homeruns of the night for her to bring us within two after one. 

Olivia Riener shut down Eastlake in the top of the second with some good pitching and starting an inning ending double play doing her best Percy Harvin over the shoulder catch then over to Alyssa !

Woodinvilles at bat in the bottom of the second started out with a smoked hit by Jordyn Boyd, a Bailey Hicks walk followed with a Maggie Loyet hit.  Nicole Shavlik picks up an RBI with a nice hit as does Alena Jones so we are tied 3-3.  Alyssa drives in two more RBI's with a single to left scoring Maggie and Nicole and we are out of the hole and off to the races up 5-3.

In the fourth Nicole led off with the 2nd of 3 hits for the evening and Alena moved her over with a nice sac bunt.  Alyssa then came up and launched her 2nd home run of the evening to put our Lady Falcons up 7-4.  Then after a hit by Katheryn Hatlen and some crafty base running, Jordan came up and smoked a line drive double over the Eastlake left fielder to make it 8-4.

Maggie and Nicole lead off the 5th with hits and Alena drives in an RBI with a nice piece of hitting to the right side for a fielders choice.   Alyssa then gets her 6th RBI of the night driving in Nicole with a line drive single up the middle.  Katheryn walked and Olivia gets into the action on the offensive side of things with a 2 RBI triple down the right field line.  When the 5th was all said and done were were up 12-4 riding the run-away train.

In the sixth inning Olivia went right at Eastlake as they continued to spray balls all over the field.  Alyssa made a diving catch at first base to snag a sure base hit and good glove work by Tori Lettus.   The last Eastlake batter was sat down looking on a nice outside pitch by Olivia in the 7th.

Juanita on Thursday at 4pm at WHS.

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