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Dear Parents

Posted by Wanda Nelson on Oct 23 2009 at 05:00PM PDT

Dear Parents,    

The following is a follow up letter in regards to the events of Friday evening and the news of two diagnosed cases of swine flu in the program.      

Please understand that we as a Board take your Childs safety and well-being very seriously and would never do anything to jeopardize your child. Friday evening at 5 p.m. a phone call was placed to the organization by a parent whose child was just diagnosed with the virus. After the initial news, Board members were notified and we immediately began to work on a plan to ensure the virus was not spreading through out the program. Our first plan of action was to cancel practice immediately. Coaches and Board members were immediately dispatched to the practice field to inform parents practice was cancelled and the reason why. We were also calling coaches who were setting up practice and hair do parties for the super pee wee cheerleaders informing them of the situation. And finally we sent Board members to Shepard High School to inform our pee wee, widget, and junior cheerleaders that practice was cancelled until further notice as well. During this time, we informed of a second diagnosed case of swine flu involving a football player. It was at this time that the Board of directors decided that in the best interest of everyone we should cancel the cheer explosion for all cheerleaders in the program.     

The outbreak of swine flu is a very serious health concern across the globe. We felt the responsible action was to try to protect not only your children and families, but those children and families of all participants at the cheer explosion in Blue Island as well. We would rather aire on the side of safety, than possibly have more people exposed to the virus. Again, safety being our number one concern for all members of the community. Please rest assured that we are looking into other possible cheer competitions for the girls. We know and understand just how hard all of the girls, coaches, and families have worked and sacrificed for this event. Due to the timing of the announcements of swine flu diagnosis, we were given very little time to react, and wanted to make sure the right decision was made for safeties sake. Remember, you only get one chance to make the right decision in this type of situation.     

The Metro football league was notified immediately about the on going situation with our organization. Please understand, the Metro league does not govern cheerleading, only football, and it was decided that Sunday’s games would not be cancelled, postponed or rescheduled as a result of swine flu. Upon hearing this decision, we felt it necessary to inform our parents it was their decision whether to show up and play Sunday or keep their children home. Either decision was fine and understood by the Board and coaches. Please do what you think is best for your family in any situation, and understand we as an organization are doing the same to ensure safety and well being for all involved with this organization. We are still working on a contingency plan for our cheerleaders. Rest assured we are doing everything we can for these girls to get a chance to compete and show their routines to everyone and look forward to seeing them perform as well. We consider ourselves a large family and don't want to see anybody upset let alone sick if we can prevent it. We are still discussing options for the cheer families and the girls. Please be patient and understanding as this is a delicate situation for all involved. As soon as a decision is made we will contact you immediately. In the mean time, if you have any questions or concerns about swine flu, please contact you family doctor immediately, or feel free to visit the web site of the center for disease and control (cdc.gov) for more information.     

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.


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