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Margo leaving for San Diego

Posted by Freda Rosso on Jun 07 2009 at 05:00PM PDT
Hi Mapsters! Well, in case you didn't know, I am moving to San Diego. My husband was awarded a fellowship to specialize in infectious diseases at the Balboa Naval Hospital. Abby, Gretzky, and I are leaving this Saturday to drive there. I really wanted to write you a message to tell you how much I enjoyed paddling with you all. You are very special to me and I will never forget the great times and races we had. If it weren't for MAPA, I don't think my experience in the Hampton Roads region would have been nearly as fun. You showed me a totally cool new paddling sport (outrigger). From the first time I hopped into the 6 man with you till the most recent time, I always enjoyed myself. You guys are the coolest people, don't forget that. It's nice to paddle and train hard with people with whom I can talk and relate afterwards. I am going to miss you and think of you often while in San Diego. I won't, however, say "goodbye". If you will have me, I can come back for the Kent Island race and paddle with you. I will train hard and hopefully pick up some new information from the west coast outrigger paddlers to give to you, if you like. You will have a friend in San Diego. Should you ever want to come down and visit and paddle in Sunny California, you will have a place to stay with me (at least for 2 years, anyways). Don't be a stranger. I will email you with my new address and phone number when I get settled in. I need to say a few things to some very special people I have come to know and grow very fond of.  Freda, I don't think I would have ever enjoyed paddling a 70 mile race as much as I did with you. You taught me a lot about paddling and about life. I thank you. You are loyal and kind and you really practice what you preach, a very rare quality that is hard to find in people. Rusty, you are a great coach and an inspiration. Everytime we paddled in the 6 man, you were always so positive and gave constructive tips and motivating remarks. I'll miss that I and I hope that the people on the west coast are as constructive as you. Leza and Kyle, I will never forget you. I really enjoyed racing with you and hope you McClains will all come for a visit sometime. Charlie, you sold me a great boat and rescued me so many times when I fell in the drink. Thank you for not letting me drown and thank you doubly for coming over and repairing my surfski and OC-1. I enjoyed talking with you about many different things over breakfast at the golden trough. I will miss hearing you and Joe talking about whatever it is you talk about (bowshooting mostly). To be honest, I never understood much of what you two said, I just enjoyed hearing the way you two talked. Susie, I will miss hearing your voice, too. I will also miss your thoughtfulness. You never forget special occasions and you are always there to organize races. You are a terrific person, and I hope you get everything you want from life. Tim, I really want to thank you for being our club president and being so kind to me. You let me use your Stilletto whenever I asked, and I think you are a really good man. It is really good to know you and April. You make a fine couple. Chuck, I will never forget the times we paddled together. You taught me a great deal about kayaking. I will never forget the 3 day class you and Ben taught. You really acted like a brother that weekend. Jim, I will never forget the times we raced in the 6 man together. Usually, you were seated right behind me. You may have shown up just before the race was about to start, but you always made it and it felt good to have you in the boat because were able to go fast. When I paddle in California and look across the bay, it won't be the same because I won't see you padlding over to practice on Wednesdays at Ocean View. We were fast because we all were able to work well together. Not all clubs have this, so keep working well together. We may not be the youngest or most fit, but we are often the fastest because of our ablility to paddle well together. That really is something.  Lastly, I wanted to thank you for the nice card and Mapa racing bag you gave me. It is a really thoughtful gift and I am going to use it to pack my clothes for my trip. I'll think of you every time I use that bag, which will be often. Thanks for letting me say thank you and ramble on a bit.  Take care, and I will see you on the water. Fondly, Margo


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