

A note from Coach Tate

Posted by Antiwan Easley on Sep 18 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
With the 2007-2008 season creeping in closer and closer, in the state of Minnesota over 3200 high school girls will playing Varsity basketball alone and over 8000 girls will be playing basketball from Freshman level thru Varsity, so a question pops in every coaches mind in the State. What are you doing to help the program be successful? Now think about this over a 1/3 of the Girls in basketball right now are working harder than you, 1/3 are working the same as you and the other 1/3 are coming into tryouts thinking the skill level they have right now is good enough not to work at all. Where do the women of Armstrong High School fit in? Are you working hard? Are you improving your game everyday so there are no excuses coming into camp? Or is your off season training setting you up for disappointment when you don't make the team you are trying out for. Basketball is a sport the hardest working athletes will get rewarded. Whether it be with more playing time, more shot opportunities or the opportunity to play at a higher level. Don't abuse the time you have now to get ready by assuming that where you are now is good enough. Elite athletes are on another level from the pack because they give an elite effort, average players give average efforts. One of the best quotes I have heard is " When the time to perform arrives, the time to prepare has past." Tryouts and the season is arriving quickly, HOW WELL ARE YOU PREPARING?? Coach Tate Armstrong Basketball


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