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Game adjustments for team addition/removal

Posted by Sharon Webmaster on Dec 18 2019 at 10:16AM PST

Due to the unplanned loss of the Navy team at the beginning of the season and the replacement with the Navy team with Kent, we have some issues with determining the standings for all of the teams in a way that is equitable for everyone. The Kent team missed one entire round of games since they entered the league late. In order to make things fair for all of the teams, we have decided to remove the standings/scores from all of the first round games to start the standings at the same spot for all of the teams.

What this means is although most of the teams have been able to play the full 24 game regular season schedule, the first games each team played against each of the other teams will be removed from the schedule/standings online so it will reflect as if each team played each other only 5 times. This removes all of “loss” games for Navy/Kent where there was not an actual team to play, and allows a fair comparison to determine the rankings for the playoffs.


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