

DEA Bedford Out Powers the Melrose Good Guys 5-1 on the Road

Posted by Dale Dubois on Sep 26 2005 at 05:00PM PDT
DEA Bedford remains undefeated and on top of the division with their latest victory over the Good Guys of Melrose this past Sunday. DEA posted a decisive 5-1 road win as they have their sites on the championship. Bedford has only been scored upon 4 times in 4 games. More importantly, 3 of the 4 goals were on PK's. Goal Keeping and Defense has been excellent for the DEA squad.
On a very cramped field, Bedford went with a 4-3-3 line up to find any available space. This field was smaller than Raco-Theodore Field, the famed field where some of the older West High Alumni called home. DEA 1st goal came from Jim Kellogg in the sweeper-forward position - hitting a long cross that went over the goalies head. Melrose then tied it up with a PK after one of our fearless defenders gently knocked someone over in the box. This is the 3rd PK called against DEA in as many games. If it weren't for the PK's, Jim Goddard would have 3 shutouts in a row. Things got chippy early on in this match and the referee was trigger happy with the cards. John Valickus got an early yellow followed by Nick Masci. David Poole would just escape a yellow before DEA realized that this ref was CRAZY.

DEA would score their second goal as Jim McCall would find John Guild on a nice pass back.  Johnnie would one time it into the back of the net to put Bedford up for good.  Both Jim McCall and John Guild would finish the day with a goal and an assist for DEA.

Bedford's next goal came again from the famous Guild brothers connection, John to Jeff putting it away. This is two consecutive games with this goal scoring connection that proves to be a power house for the DEA offense. The first half would end with the score 3-1 for DEA.

The second half was all DEA. The 4th goal would come as George Wegricht would send a great feed to Jim McCall. Jim would head in on a breakaway, beating the goalie to the low right corner. George would ring up his second assist on the final goal as he would hit another cross into the box. This time finding Stan Wisniewski using his mid section to walk the ball into the goal. Some thought it was a below the waist shot. Stan did see stars after that. The final whistle would blow and DEA would remain undefeated. Final score - 5-1 Win for DEA.

Highlights of the Match:

Stan down to only 2 off sides.
Only 18 players showed up for DEA.

Jim Goddard still not scored upon other than PK's.

John V with the quick yellow card - Nick Masci with a yellow - Dave Poole just missed getting one, and Dan pulling himself from the field in order to avoid getting carded (did not like the call against him). Good thing Paul Cote did not show up as he would not have lasted long in this game with the Ref's quick card approach.

Talk of goalie bonuses due to the low goal per game percentage. Rumors of Sean providing low priced and low quality beer after the game. Is this to cover the goalie bonuses?

Ray L. showing great field goal kicking, he was one with the trees.

George and Rick P properly showing how to miss a wide open goal after a great cross.....

DEA Bedford heads home for a two games now. This Sunday they take on the Westford Grey Goats at 10:30 AM at Sportsmans Field. This should be a good match as Westford is coming off a tie with the other division leader Lynnfield Raiders.

GO DEA....

Sean buy some good beer....


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