

DEA Drops Fall Opener to Danvers 3-2 -- Mitch Gets Game Winner

Posted by Dale Dubois on Aug 29 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

DEA dropped its fall opener to Danvers 3-2 on Sunday.  Bedford got a rare home opener to start the fall season but wished they had started away after the result.  Three fluke goals given up an some missed opportunities led to the loss for DEA.  Danvers has a good team, but Bedford made them look even better. 

The game would start very slow with each team getting little opportunities.  Dave Crespo would have to make a couple of easy saves and Jim McCall and Jeff Guild would miss on the other end.  The half seemed to fly by and the referee, Willy Mungere from DEA o-30, would blow the whistle with no score. 

Danvers drew first blood early in the 2nd half as a serve into the Bedford box was not cleared.  Like in slow motion, the ball fell to the feet of a Danvers striker who tapped it in for the opening score.  DEA would come right back however with some great second effort by Jeff Guild.  Nick Masci would feed Jeff the ball on the left side.  Jeff would beat his defender and ring one off the hands of the keeper.  Guilds did not give up and he charged at the rebound and beat the defender.  Jeff hammered it by the keeper this time and we were all tied up at ones.  Danvers would come back.  Down the left side this time and a cross in front of the net.  Crespo dived for the ball but could not come up with it clean and the ball redirected to the foot of a Danvers player who again just tapped it in.  DEA came right back again however.   This time it was Steve Sarro down the left side from a feed from Dale.  Steve would turn on his defender and hit a beautiful shot over the keepers hands and into side netting.  It was 2-2 and DEA wanted the win. 

The win would not come to pass however, as good turned bad real fast.  First, DEA failed to score on two golden opportunities in front of the Danvers net.  Then, with a minute to play, Danvers would hit a cross in from the right side.  Mitch Green attempted to head the ball out of play but instead found the upper corner of the DEA net.  A great shot that fooled everyone, just at the wrong end.   Details, details.....  This would end the game as the time would tick out.   Very disappointing finish, but lets move on. 

DEA would win the 3rd half with some company from some classy guys from the Danvers side.   Some classic quotes were reviewed.  Like one from Danvers philosopher, Dermot Murray, when yelling at one of his own player to get him to attack one of the DEA defenders.  He said, "For God's sakes, attack him man!!!  Can't you see, he is practically DEAD!!"   Them is true fighting words... and very very funny.... Classic humor.

DEA has Labor Day weekend off.  Next game is the following Sunday at home again against the Westford Grey Goats.  This should be a good team as their roster has a lot of long time rivals from he Westford O-30 team on it.  Game time is 10:30 AM as usual.


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