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The Legend, John Morin Steps Back into the Net and Saves DEA. <<<< CHAMPIONS >>>>

Posted by Dale Dubois on Nov 20 2005 at 04:00PM PST
"We are in the finals and we have no keeper!!!"  This was the squabble the week before Finals Sunday.  DEA's regular net minder, Jim Goddard,  was off to the west coast and Jim Kellogg, the backup goalie,  was gone for the weekend also.  DEA was fresh out of Jim's.  So they would turn to a John.  The legendary keeper, John Morin, whos resume dates back to the Middle East Airlines team with Victor, would come out of retirement for this important show down.  DEA was now able to go into this game with confidence.   

The DEA Bedford Masters finished the regular season with an undefeated 9-0-1 record to earn them the Northern Division Championship.  They went on to defeat the Canary Square Veterans to advance the finals.  On the other side, the Marion-Mariner United team finished their season with an 8-0-2 record and the Southern Division Championship.  They went on to defeat Lynnfield in the semi finals.  So the stage was set.  Two undefeated teams going for the hardware.   The finals this year were being held on the turf fields at Lincoln Park in Lexington, MA.  A very nice facility and 100 times better than the Stoneham fields that used to host the finals. 

DEA would win the toss and pick the south side of the field to avoid the sun.  However, there was a slight wind blowing towards the Bedford end.     DEA took control of the game from the opening kick off making some nice one touch passing.  Jim McCall and John Valickus controlled the central mid and Nick Masci and John Guild kept things wide at outside mid with help from Dan Roberge.  George Wegricht and Jeff Guild started things off up top with Stan Wisniewski and Bill Jean rotating in.  You could see from the start, that the Marion team was used to sending guys in with long through passes as they parked their strikers at the DEA defensive line.   I am sure that this worked well with most teams in their division, but,  Mitch Green and Ray Luscinski would have no part of this.  They controlled the DEA defense, as they continued to shut down any attacks.  David Poole, Doug Wolfe, Sean Kelly and Rick Plichta  would all contribute to what would be an excellent defensive game for DEA.   

DEA would get on the board first as John Valickus, who had a tremendous game,  would feed Jeff Guild outside to the left.  Brother Johnnie "red heat" Guild would make an overlapping run.  Jeff would find his Brother and John would rip a low and hard left footer past the diving Marion keeper.  DEA had the all important first goal.  This seemed to spark the Marion side however.  They would turn things around, as if DEA went to sleep, and control the ball for the next 20 minutes.  It seemed like DEA was locked in their own end.  John Morin would be forced to make a few key saves to keep the Mariners off the board.  Morin would launch some beautiful punts, that he was always known for, to put DEA back on the offensive.  The Marion defence were very good at pulling an offsides trap and continued to catch DEA with the help of the linesmen.  DEA would head into the half with the lead and now would have the wind to their backs.

The second half would be different as DEA would regain control of the game.  The midfield would put more pressure on the Marion squad and force the play more.  Nick Masci would make some excellent runs down the right side and turn the ball into the middle for some great DEA chances.  Nick would cause havic for the Mariners the rest of the game. 

The Mariners would knot the score at one apiece on a broken play about 20 minutes in.  The ball would be knocked out for a corner kick on the DEA side.  Marion would launch one in and it would be awkwardly cleared by DEA.  The Marion midfielder would collect the ball and hit a shot that deflected off two players and into the DEA net.  This was tough as the Marion team seemed to have the momentum..

About mid way through the second half, Marion would pull an off side trap and would catch Stan dead offsides.  However, Jeff Guild had the ball at his feet and continued to dribble past the defenders who stood looking at the linesman waiting for the call.  Jeff Guild wisely kept the ball and headed straight for the goal avoiding passing to an offsides player.    The keeper would come out and Jeff would fire the ball low past him.  The ball would just miss the left upright.  Both sides would continue to fight to break the tie to avoid going to PK's.  The finals are set up with no overtime periods.  In the event of a tie, the teams go straight to PK's.

It would be Marions turn to bring the crowd to its feet.  The ball would be worked down inside the DEA third.  A nice Mariner pass would find the striker alone.  His shot would ring off the right upright of the goal and come straight out.  Each team would press hard for the final 5 minutes but the whistle would blow.   We would now head to the stripe.

DEA picked its first 5 as did Marion.  DEA won the toss and would shoot first.  DEA would make its first two PK's and so  would the Mariners.  DEA would miss its third.  The Marion PK would ring off the right post so we were still tied after 3 shooters.  DEA would make its next and so would Marion.  The Fifth shot would go in for DEA and John would just miss the Mariner shot.  Still tied after 5.  Now it was sudden death, one for one.  Ray Luscinski would volinteer for the first shot.  He would hammer a low one right under the diving keeper.  Marions PK would go in right as Johnnie guessed left.  Jeff Guild was up next.  He would hammer his into the left corner.  John Morin would set for the Marion shot.  The PK was struck and John dove to his left to make the save and give DEA the Championship.

A great game on both sides.  This playoff game could have easily have been the D2 or even D1 playoff game if you didn't know.  The Marion team is a very good team and it was a pleasure playing them.  I am sure we will cross paths again soon....  Like in the D6 playoffs in the spring.

A very good game DEA.  Congratulations to all the DEA team on a great Playoff series and a great season.

Next event is the Army - Navy game at Ray's house on December 3rd....  Go NAVY !!!


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