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DEA is Back!!! Bedford Finally Beats Irish Village 2-1 at Legacy

Posted by Dale Dubois on Sep 26 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

John Morin commanded the return of DEA to victory as they finally beat the Irish Village 2-1 at Legacy this past Sunday.  Morin would play the whole game in the net and was the key to victory as DEA was forced to hold on to the one goal lead late in the game. 

DEA Showed up to play and had a mission.  The plan was to go up early and quick and don't let the Irish back into the game.  The first part worked like a charm as DEA put a powerhouse lineup on the field to start the game.  The lineup featured Captain McCall at the striker position, where he belongs, with the always dangerous Jeff Guild to his side.  New comer Ed Ibanez took over at the offensive center mid position with the talented John Valickus right behind him.  Robbie and Dale switched positions in the sweeper - stopper rolls.  Rob Easton would have an excellent game at sweeper, as he commanded the DEA defense.  Bedford was very strong up the middle and fast on the outsides with Sharby, Joe Masci at wing mids and JD and Steve Sarro at wing backs. 

DEA came out on fire and scored a goal early as Jim McCall lofted a ball over the Irish Stopper to the feet of Jeff Guild.  The Heat took the ball and found all net for Bedford's all important first tally.   10 minutes later, Paul "I owe a 30 pack" Cote made a nice clearing header at midfield right to the feet of Captain McCall.   Jim turned on his defender and pushed the ball through.  Jim would regain controll and hit a nice side netting shot to put DEA up 2-0 only 20 minutes into the game.  The Irish felt a panic and they tried to get something going.  They had their chance too.  A missed offside call would lead to an Irish striker heading in 1 on 1 with the DEA keeper John Morin.  John would wait for that last push off the striker's foot and he would charge forward and go into his slide.  Morin totally stuffed the striker and found the ball neatly in his grasp.   Classic Johnnie Morin!!!  This brought cheers from the DEA bench and the Over 30 DEA team enjoying their 3rd half.  DEA was impressive and the half would end with Bedford up 2-0.

The second half would see more Irish offense as they were determined to get back into the game.  They rang one off the cross bar and John tipped another over the bar to keep them off the board.  However, the Irish is a good squad and they finally overloaded one side and managed to send on into the far netting, another missed offside call, too.  It was now 2-1 and plenty of time left.  Things got a bit choppy and Cote got a yellow.... 30 pack... did I say that already... hee hee.   Anyway, Corney the referee was determined to make a game of this and handed out another yellow to some unidentified player....and it was not Dale. The DEA defense would clamp down and hang on to the 2-1 victory. 

Great game.  A must win and pivotable game for DEA who are now only two points behind the leader of the division.  This Sunday, Bedford takes on the Peabody Sporting Club.  Game time is 10:30 with a 3rd half BBQ to follow. 

GREAT WIN DEA !!!!!!  



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