

Posted by Randi Penfil on May 06 2012 at 05:00PM PDT

BYC Bulldog Football FAQ'S

How old does my child need to be to play BYC Football? (Older/Lighter Rule)

League age is your age on June 30th.

The age "break date" is July 1. (i.e. If your child turns 9 yrs old July 2, he is still considered an 8 yr old).

The age/weight breakdown for tackle football is:

Flag Football: 5-6 year olds

80lb Football: 7-8yrs old/ 80lbs max or 9yrs old <60lbs (This is only an exception where the player turns 9 prior to July 1st and doesn't turn 10 until after November 30th)

100lb Football: 9-10yrs old/ 100lb max or 11yrs old <80lbs (This is only an exception where the player turns 11 prior to July 1st and doesn't turn 12 until after November 30th)

120lb Football: 11-12yrs old/ 120lbs max or 13yrs old <105lbs (This is only an exception where the player turns 13 prior to July 1st and doesn't turn 14 until after November 30th)

150lb Football: 13 & 14 up to a max of 150lbs and 15 years old max of 135lbs (This is only an exception where the player turns 14 prior to July 1st and doesn't turn 15 until after November 30th)

A player who is heavier than the specified weight can "play up" (i.e., a 100 lb 8 yr old can play on the 100lb/ 9-10 yr old team)

When are practices held?
For 2013, Practices will start Thursday August 1st and Friday August 2nd. Then Monday August 5th - Thursday August 8th.  Practices are typically 6:00-8:00pm M-T-W-R during August and 2 to 3 nights a week, once school starts, depending upon the coach. Flag teams typically practice 6:00-7:30 M-T-R and T-R once school starts. We understand about vacations and other family functions in August. The player will not be penalized for missing some practices. We do ask that you coordinate with the Head Coach as a courtesy.

When are the games?
Our home games are played on Saturdays. Away games are typically Saturday with Friday night or some Sunday games a possibility.

Where are the games held?
BYC Football is a travel football program. Home games are played at Gillespie Park, BYC's facility on Kirk Road. Away games are played at the home fields of the other Bert Bell Memorial Football Conference member teams.

Do players have to "try out" and are there "cuts"?
BYC players do not have to "try out" and there are no "cuts." Players are evaluated during the August practices and assigned a team. We typically have "Varsity" and "Junior Varsity" teams at each weight class. The players are assigned to a team based on skill level and appropriate age.

How much does it cost to play?
Registration fee for 2013 will be $175 for contact football and $105 for flag football. The registration fee covers the use of BYC football equipment, all associated game fees, and the homecoming/pep rally donation ($15 for contact/$10 for flag) to cover gifts and raffle baskets.

What equipment to I have to buy?
Your registration fee covers use of a Helmet, Shoulder Pads, Game Jersey, Game/Practice pants, all necessary pads, girdle and a mouthguard. You need to buy a practice jersey (optional), cleats, athletic supporter and a cup. A refundable deposit of $400 (contact), $50 (flag) a check post dated to November 1st will be required at equipment handout. Deposit checks will not be cashed, simply returned or destroyed once the equipment is returned.   Handout dates will be posted on the Website as soon as they are determined (usually during June and July). If you are unable to attend the equipment handout date, your child will be issued his equipment during the first days of camp (as time permits) HOWEVER, your child will not be permitted to participate in practice without proper equipment.

Is football safe for my child?
At BYC, your child's safety is of paramount concern. We strive to make our football environment as safe as possible by supplying the players with the best equipment and the coaches with the best training possible. Coaches are required to take a basic first-aid course each summer with emphasis on heat and collision related injuries. Fortunately, we've never had a serious injury at BYC. The coaches realize that these are children and treat them with a firm, but compassionate and responsible attitude. Coaches are trained in proper football techniques, ensuring the players are always properly equipped and constantly hydrated. BYC requires that all players have a doctors approval to play football. The Doctor’s note minimizes the risk of any existing medical preconditions. As a parent, we ask that you make sure that your child always wear a cup and athletic supporter at practice and games.  We want the players and parents to enjoy this great game without fear of injury.

What is expected of me as a parent?
BYC is a completely volunteer organization. Parents serve in many ways including coaching, Football Committee member, Snack Bar management, Team Moms, etc.  Every member of the club is required to participate in a volunteer capacity at some level. The minimum mandatory requirements are snack bar duty and helping to cheer on your child's team. We are always looking for good people to help in all aspects of our program.


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