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Posted by Roy Gill at Sep 8, 2009 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Club Captain Mennie has gone to great lenghths in his bid to retain the coveted trophy for Roselea by heading to Ghana for his preparations. Ralph said-

"As you can see by the golden sands I am standing on they have a similiar feel to the Montrose Medal sands not that I plan to spend much time in them. I had a job to do over here and managed to swing it that I could come over pre Ryder Cup, it can only help my chances. I am having a relaxing time and will head back to Montrose at the end of the month to complete my warm up. I am sure the Golf Inns new captain Kevin Young will be both nervous and envious that I have been able to afford this opportunity"

When asked about his sides chances he quoted-

"I will have my boys whipped into a frenzy and thats nothing to do with the drink. I will be looking for a truly professional job and then we can relax and unwind afterwards".

On Malcolm Dorwards comeback

"I am not sure if Malcolm will be in my team and if he is I will take him under my arm as I have always done thoughout the years, if hes not.......then I will destroy him, I know how to do it and wouldnt hesitate to do everything in my powers to bring him down".

The Ryder Cup kicks off on Sunday 27th September first tee at 10.30am Montrose Medal Course.

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SHOCKING QUOTES (Last Updated July 2012)

Posted by Roy Gill at Feb 21, 2009 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )

By popular request we donated a section of the website to the now legendary Goose's quotes however no-one is exempt and can be added at any time.

On his Tonsolitis: Goose you might have to get your tonsils removed....(reply) What? do you have tonsils, I only thought you got them when you had tonsolitis.

On being told that the home match vs Kirrie was being reversed due to our pitch not being ready........where will that be played then?

On being told that he had to attend the end of season dance....What do you do at a dance???

The team were having a smoker in Forfar and Gooser asked "what do you do when you get there?" !!!

Whilst standing underneath a shower (fully clothed) trying to wet his hair he got slightly/very wet. "I didn't think that would happen"!

In his boys club days after putting up nets at Broomfield he asked "where are we playing today"

Ross Mcleod has bought a new car with a one of the new locking systems that does not require a key. Goose suggested that he will open it by saying the word "open" to the car???

Chris Masson: I drove past the old bridge last night and the road is still there!! (What?) Yes the road is still there as they have only lifted the sides away!! Next he will be telling us that they have left the roadmarkings.

Goose was being quizzed on why he was in the Grove chipshop for tea before training. He said he had a fish supper. He was told he shouldn't be eating chips before training and was asked if he had just had a single fish instead. "No,it was a fish supper" he replied.

Even esteemed President Jock Skinner has been at it. On writing up the Sponsors Board against Banchory St Ternans he had them down as Banchory ST TRINIANS. Too many videos Jock!

Goose was reading the match programme and noticed that Paul Ross was sponsored by an ANONYMOUS FORMER PLAYER..........who's that then? he asked.

After walking past the Crawford residence one afternoon (on his year out), at night he asked Kevin, was that your sister Ashley that was knocking at the window? No shes abroad at the moment he replied. Ah well then who was knocking at me then? Eh.... that might the builders round the back hammering away on the extension!! Goose is a legend already.

Rangers had the famous player Kebab shop incident and Roselea have excelled with two Five in One stories. The first happened several years ago with Kevin Smith at the centre. Having ordered a Kebab & Pizza after a smoker he then decided to order the delicious chips which were being fried before him to eat on the way home. The man working behind the counter asked him if he wanted small or large, after pausing for a moment he replied...........Ahh that eens there will dae!!! Coully was said to be rolling about laughing behind him.

Then centre stage one Ronnie Massie. He was in Five In One and ordered a Pizza. He then proceeded to ask if he could have it delivered to St Cyrus. Yes no problem that will be £2.50 extra. Em you wouldnt mind if I sat in the back when you deliver it was his reply!!! He was told to get tae. I cannot believe that Ronnie thought that one up himself!!

Ronnie in his younger days was walking accross the Links after playing football and spotted the Glaxo factory in all its glory lit up at night. He said "that looks just like a...........factory"!!!
Look out for more Massie classics in the near future.

Ronnie was at school and announced that Montrose Reserves had three brothers playing for them the night before. "What was their names?" somebody asked...............The Trialist brothers!!!

Alan Riddell has joined the club again as a coach and it wasn't going to take long for him to join the hall of fame. A first scorer sweepie was being made up on the way to Tayport and with Tayport playing under squad numbers they were give 22 players in the draw as opposed to the usual 16/17. Alan spotted the Tayport teamlines and said "Ach Min Look theres a number 46 on ther, naebodies going tae win if he scores". "No Alan, that is his house number" was the reply!!

General Manager Peter Kenyon has also kept quiet about his one at Christmas. After playing Kinnoull he was watching Crystal Palace playing on telly at the Golf Inn. Eric Watson said that Routledge was a great player. RG thinking that he was speaking about the Kinnoull player of the same name he replied "Aye and that Barry Gardiner is a better player than I used to give him credit for"????? Watson correctly just ignored that one!

Kevin Crawford was bound to come in with a few. At Elmwood as thier keeper Scott Lindsay was about to clear a passback Kevin shouted "get intae him he disnae hae a fit". He also disclosed a belter when watching Scotland in the Northern Vaults. Scotland were 1-0 down to Lithuania with only a few minutes remaining. The fourth offical held up his digital sign and Kevin shouted in a Ronnie Brown sort of way (as if they were going to hear him) "COMON Scotland, 9 minutes to do it" Just then Dickov who was wearing number 9 was subbed!!

Latest Goose effort at North End. The Evening Telegraph had a headline saying something about the Dokens being well in with a shout of the title. This was pinned on the dressing room wall. Goose asked "who are the Dokens"???

Enter one Paul Masson. Whilst trying to slag Ronnie Massie about stuffing his face at Burger King, Ronnie coolly replied "Aye was that a "BIG MAC" you tried to order in Burger King?". Wonder he wasnt thrown out as that is surely a blasphomy in the world of Whoppers.

Ex player Mark Young was watching the Lea against Jeanfield and commented that it was great to see a DUNDEE side (from PERTH)? who came with the intentions of playing total football.

Sean Mustard will be good for a few in his time and heard one lately. Wondering where the George Street Barbers were, he asked if that was the one in Murray Street.
On a school trip to France he insisted that he was not "overseas" as he travelled there via the Channel Tunnel which had taken him under the sea!

Ex Roselea Committee man and now Brechin Vics Eric Dickie is a legend of the quote and has been welcomed to the Quotes board with this belter. Just before the impending top of the table clash between the Vics and Roselea he said there would only be two things that could happen "Either een o us will win or it will be a draaa". It was pointed out that is actually 3 things Eric!
Eric was famed for his saying on an Aberdeen smoker " Theres nithin like the sicht o the Granite"!!

Dean Milne was sent on a spying mission to watch Dyce. He said if he got a chance to get on the pitch he would measure it. I said to him that he could measure it by walking up the sides and behind the goal! Doh! 

Colin Kennedy was bound to become a member and his time came whilst visiting James McKellars house after the recent Penicuik game. He spied a DVD and asked Midge if H5 was a good film, Midge replied "thats upside down its 24"!!!

Young Lads are vunerable and speak without thinking. Scott Riach is the latest addition. At a recent friendly he asked why Midge (JAMES) McKellar gets called JIMMY? No comment needed.

A players mum who will remain nameless was asking what the players were up to when she saw them all out for the night. A Committee member said they were on a Smoker and were touring a few pubs. She then said "do they have a fag at all the pubs". We can see where the player gets it from.  

Ralph Brand made a Cup Final blooper in the DJ Laing final against Lochee Utd. In an effort to run down the clock he had Scott Riach stripped and ready to go on until it was pointed out that he had already used all 3 subs!

At our first Ladies Dinner an un-named woman came out with a classic. Half way through SHERIFF Lindsay Woods speech she turned to a friend and asked if he really was a CHEF!

An old one but Alan Coull commented that an injured player whilst we were in Perth would have to go to Perth DRI! Also at Luncarty whose pitch runs alongside a B Road. The ball went over the fence and was bouncing along the road and a player went running after it. Alan shouted "watch out thats the notorious A9!!"

Lee Hood signed for the club in March 2010 and it wasnt long before he entered the hall of fame. After smashing his nose on a perimeter brick wall at Links Park during a friendly he was presented with a mock up white breeze block which was painted white and smeared with tomato sauce to replicate what had happened the week before. He asked "how did you manage to get that from Links Park"!!!!

April Fools day 2010 and Ralph Brand gets into action. Phones General Manager Roy Gill saying that Edinburgh City were looking for a pre season friendly and to contact Alan Lyons on 0131*** ****. GM duly phones said number and gets Edinburgh Zoos answering machine! Hook Line and sinker. Not content with that he also catches out Co Manager Doug Craig telling him that Club Captain Paul Whyte is not happy and wants away. Dougie Craig then phones Whyte in a rage before Paul eventually got to point out what day it was.

August 2010 and Scott Riach is sporting one of the freebie Irn Bru Towels and quotes "I had to drink loads of Coca Cola to get this". Groan 

August 2011. Callum Rae who no doubt has numerous other howlers asked how long had gone in a recent game. 34 minutes was the reply. "Is that about halfway through the half"???

 July 2012. Bob Urquhart announced to the Managers that he wouldnt be training on Weds. "Why not"? he was asked. "Because I am taking my girlfriend away for the weekend"!  Shocking

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Posted by Graham Soutar at May 11, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Testimonial Match

Montrose Roselea v Glasgow Rangers X1, Sun 11/05/08


Montrose Roselea showed their appreciation to three long serving players, David Craig, Martin Christie and Paul Whyte who had given 36 years service to the club on Sunday when a Glasgow Rangers X1 visited Broomfield Park

Before the match started, the officials led the two teams onto the field and a guard of honour was formed for the three players to enter the field with their families to a great response from the good crowd that had attended.

Roselea: McLeod, Miller, Maiden, Whyte, Longmuir, Paterson, Anderson, Craig, Christie, Brand, Watson. Subs: Mustard, Strachan, Rae, Riach, Croall, Simpson, Crawford, Massie, Milne.

Roselea started on the front foot and within the first 5 minutes thought they had taken the lead. Watson chased a ball to the corner flag and eventually crossed into the penalty area where Brand met it with a perfect header into the net only to see the flag raised for offside.

Both sides then settled into the game on an excellent surface but it was the home side who again had the ball in the net again after a good run and shot from Millar saw keeper Weir parry the ball and Watson pounced to knock home but yet again the assistant had his flag raised against Watson.

McLeod then was called into action in 18 minutes as Hutton broke dangerously clear but the keeper made a great blocking save from the striker.

The game was now very even and Watson was next to try his luck but was unable to direct his header on goal from a long cross from Longmuir.

Stirling and Smith then combined well for Rangers and Longmuir was forced to turn the attempted cross behind for a corner.

Roselea responded again and Brand set up Anderson but the midfielder was unable to control his shot and the ball went wide.

Christie then had an effort after good set up play by Anderson, but the player cut in from the left and saw his shot go over the top.

The last clear chance of the half fell to visitors when Scott headed a corner goalward only for McLeod to make an excellent diving save.




The second half started with Roselea making a number of changes allowing all of the current available squad to play and honour their testimonial teammates.

It was Rangers who were to take an early lead in the half when striker HUTTON got free on the left and as McLeod advanced the player calmly slotted the ball into the net to make it 1-0.

The away side then had a spell of pressure as the much changed Roselea were still trying to find their feet in the second half.

The game again became more even as the half progressed with neither team causing goalkeepers great difficulty but some good midfield play was being countered by some excellent defending.

In 75 minutes good play by Naismith saw him create space but his left foot shot did not trouble the goal.

Easton then showed some great skill beating two men before sending in a great shot only to see substitute keeper Massie make an excellent diving save at the expense of a corner.

The rest of the game was played out in a competitive but sporting manner with no further goals and the game finished in a very close win for the visitors.

Match Sponsors on the day were Roselea Supporters Club with Tesco, Montrose being Match Ball Sponsors.




An excellent day for the three players who deserved the support they received from the good crowd who attended.

After the match all three players were given a presentation from Billy Kirkwood on behalf of Rangers and also a further gift to each player was made by President Jock Skinner on behalf of Roselea.

Roselea are at home this Saturday (17th May) when they entertain Ballingry in an East of Scotland Cup tie. Kick Off 2.30 pm. Hospitality for this match is fully booked.

It is hoped many of the supporters who attended this match shall return to cheer the team on this week.



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Ralph Brand Is Appointed As Player Manager

Posted by Roy Gill at Mar 22, 2008 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Roselea ended their hunt for a Manager when Ralph Brand joined from Forfar West End. A highly respected striker, he has played in the Senior ranks with all 4 Angus sides and has plenty of junior experience with Lochee Utd, Carnoustie and Forfar West End. The 37 year old will try to guide the club away from the relegation zone and to Premier League safety.
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Posted by Roy Gill at Sep 24, 2007 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Roselea Ryder Cup 2007 – Report 

This year’s event took place on Sunday 30th September at Stonehaven Golf Club.The weather  this year was yet again perfect.The first group teed off at 10 am.


Due to having a couple of call offs the 1st group was a 2 ball but they were playing for 3 points in total , 1pt for the 1st 9 holes, 1pt for the 2nd 9 holes and 1 point for the match. 

 Match 1 -  Michael Ross v Ronnie Massie 

Massie was indeed the man who clinched the title for team Tavendale last year and he continued where he left off by getting into an early lead and never looking back winning the 1st 9 holes at a canter ,the match was then clinched at the 12th by a score of 7 & 6 . Also going onto seal a whitewash by winning the 2nd 9 holes.

Looks like them years of being mates with Ross Coull starting to pay off for Massie.

Michael Ross on the other hand , too many years bailing with his auld man !


 ( Team Gill 0 Team Tavendale 3 )  

Match 2 – Roy  Gill v Dave Tavendale                  Ralph Mennie v Dean Milne 

Gill & Mennie both got off to a great start with Tavendale & Milne struggling to keep up with them.Gill was 3 up at the turn and with a little late surge by Tavendale , Gill finally finished the match at the 16th.Tavendale did well to keep this match going as far as this ,as Gill was in good form.

After Mennie getting off to a good start  and upsetting Milne at the 4th when Milne lost a ball , Milne was able to keep plugging away until Mennies resistance broke down.Milne clinching his match on the 17th.

With Tavendale having a late surge this then helped himself and Milne sealing the doubles win on the 18th.

 ( Team Gill 1 Team Tavendale 5 )  


Match 3 – Derek Muir v Ross McLeod                  Paul Whyte v Kevin Young 

This was a real game of true Ryder Cup golf.

Muir (with new irons I believe)   who was making his debut at the event went into a 2up lead after 8 holes.But he couldn’t get away from McLeod, who as the holes were running out hit what can only be described as  top form which included an eagle 3 at the par 5 16th.So with 1 hole to play and 1 down to McLeod , Muir went for a big one at the last but only succeeded in pulling his tee shot into the graveyard which is of course Out Of Bounds.The pair then shook hands as McLeod took the point for team Tavendale.

There wasn’t anything in the Whyte and Young game for the 1st 9 holes , however after the turn Whyte hit good form to go into a 4up lead with 4 holes to play.

This was looking like sweet revenge for Whyte after last year’s beating from Young, however in dramatic Ryder Cup fashion Young won the next 4 holes which included Whyte hitting his final tee shot also into the OB at the 18th hole.What a turn around by Young to get  ½ from this match.

With McLeod and Young hitting good late form the doubles match was then also halved.

 ( Team Gill 2 Team Tavendale 7 ) 


Match 4 – Chris Masson v Mark Young                  Kevin Smith v Alan Riddell 

A lot of competiveness in this match.

Young who was making his debut in this year’s event  started brilliantly and before Masson could get into any kind of rhythm and with not having a pre-season this year then his fitness struggled to keep up with his opponent. Young had won the game by the 14th.Young had an excellent round and shot the best score of the day a 3 over par 69.

In the other match ,  Smith and Riddell the 2 veterans of many Ryder Cups were battling it out.But it was Riddell who came out the winner in this one, winning 3 & 2.

( Nae bad for the lad fae Inver who hasnae played muckle golf this year due to doing up his house , we heard that he hasnae played much cos he’s always at the Glaxo ! )

With Riddell and Young both winning their singles , they made this a whitewash by winning the doubles as well.

 ( Team Gill 2 Team Tavendale 10 ) 


Match 5 – Graham Ferris v Steve Clark                  David Craig v Duncan Croall 

Clark had been drafted in as a late replacement for the injured Paul Masson.Ferris would have to wait another year to get a game against auld Mass and put him in his place.This was a game where both players were making their debuts.

With Clark getting 8 strokes from Ferris along with Ferris’s hangover , the ever so steady Clark edged this one to give Tavendale yet another point.

Craig v Croall this was a real tight game with Craig taking a 1up lead at the turn.The back 9 holes there was never anymore than 2 holes in it .Craig then held a 1 hole lead with 2 holes to play  and then having N/R at the 17th and now  make the match all square the dependable Croall won the 18th with a par 3 and also the match.

The doubles match was halved ( they think ! )

Great to see Craig dressed with the same polo shirt as his captain Gill ( must have been a BOGOF offer )


 ( Team Gill 2 1/2 Team Tavendale 12 1/2 )  


   Match 6 – Des Petrie v Grant Rae                  Ron Mitchell v Mike Simpson 

After last year’s hammering by Petrie 10 & 8 , Rae was surely seeking personnel revenge. Rae who had been taking professional lessons along with just back from a golfing holiday surely this would stand him in good stead for the challenge ahead.

But having played not much better than last year  Rae went down to the steady Petrie by 8 & 6.At this rate Rae will start contributing by the year 2011 ( surely time for a substitution or planning this event when Rae cannot manage )

In the other game it them old foes Mitchell and Simpson against each other.Simo set the early pace and raced to a lead of 3up at the turn.Simo never gave Mitch much of a chance to get back in the game and he finished the game off at the 14th winning by 5 & 4.Mitchell will have to spend some of that retirement time on the golf course so that he can mount a better challenge against Simpson next year.

The doubles match went to Petrie & Mitchell as Rae was what can only be described as woeful.



( Team Gill 4 1/2 Team Tavendale 13 1/2 )  


Match 7 – Andy Maiden v Martin Christie                  Alan Coull v Ian Edwards 

Maiden v Christie was a real up and down game with no one getting anymore than 2 holes up at any one time.Nip and tuck all the way until  Maiden who was another debutant finally shook off Christie and the 17th to win by 2 & 1.I must give a special mention to Christie for the Ian Poulter award of the day  as his dress attire and his appearance was immaculate to say the least.Maiden on the other hand had the just got out of bed hairdo look !

Coull v Edwards , there was not much in this game in the 1st 9 as Coull went to the turn 1up.However the debutant Edwards struggled at the start of the back 9 probably due to his heavy weekend. Coull took full advantage of this by finally winning the match 3 & 2 .Lets hope after this defeat that Edwards will return next year as Coull has got history of finishing off some players golfing careers.

Maiden & Coull winning the doubles for a 3 nil whitewash to Gill .    

 Final Score   ( Team Gill 7 1/2 Team Tavendale 13 1/2 )  


ROY Gill gave the thanks to everyone who attended and made some apologies to those who couldn’t .Looking forward to see everyone at next year’s event .Roy resigned as captain and proposed that Ralph Mennie took over from him.( oh dear )

Captain Dave Tavendale accepted the trophy on his team’s behalf.

Then it was time to go back to the Golf Inn via the harbour bar in Gourdon for some well deserved refreshments.




Dean Milne ( Ryder Cup Organiser)

