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Posted by Cherokee Senior Softball Association on Feb 03 2018 at 10:35AM PST in Fall 2017

January 15, 2018 – DRAFT

The monthly meeting of the CSSA Board was held at Gameday Restaurant and called to order by Norm Theim at 6:30 PM;

Present members: Ray DeLuca, Mike Parson, Ken Taylor, Bob Werner, Bob Hammond, Darrell Moreland, Norm Thiem, John Humeston, Dan Flemming, Randy Bergman, Scott Parrish, Robbie Crieder & Dewey Hom;

Ray McClure, who was in attendance, said a prayer in honor of Darrell Moreland’s mother, Emma Elizabeth Moreland, who passed away on January 12, 2018.

A. Minutes from the December 4, 2017, CSSA meeting were approved by the BOD.

B. An award was presented to Ken Taylor, who is leaving the BOD today, for his service to the BOD over the past few years. The award was based on Ken’s ‘Unwavering focus on the core mission of the CSSA’. Dewey Hom has agreed to take over Ken’s position as Treasurer for the CSSA until a full-time replacement volunteer is found or steps forward.

C. A vote was held on the Secretary’s position to be included into the expansion of the executive committee. The vote was agreed & passed by BOD members.

D. Continued discussions were held on active, IR and IA players. Active players MUST pay to play. The cost will be the same for everyone no matter how many games they play. Also, there will be NO refunds in event of an injury, work, moving, etc.

E. BOD discussed that the minimum size of a team is the number agreed upon by both the league director and the coaches.
1. The feeling is that there should be enough people to field a team plus 3 more. However, this will be based on the number of players available, and will be done on a trial bases for the spring league to see if it works.
2. The board agreed to allow managers & league directors to develop a plan for substitutes specific to each league.
F. The BOD also voted to extend the current regulation concerning the age of players. Anyone currently 49 years old and older, or turning 49 during the upcoming season are eligible to play in the CSSA.

G. N. B. It was also determined that all players must pay to play by the first game of the season. We would like everyone to pay by check if possible.

H. Treasurer Report was given by Ken Taylor.
1 After all bills had been paid for 2017, there was a beginning balance of $6896. As of today there is a balance of $10,927. This does not include 3 additional sponsor checks received in 2018.
2. Additional payments are to be made in January for softballs, insurance, web domain, incorporation renewal, etc.
3. As his last official act for the CSSA board, Ken will submit 1099’s and file the annual tax return for our non-profit corporation.

I. New uniforms will be ordered in the Spring of 2018, for all those teams not having current sponsor and/or quality uniforms.

J. A discussion was held on ways for the CSSA to save some money and still provide the players with quality games, umpires, fields, etc. A survey was taken on a few different ideas, and they will be discussed at the next BOD meeting.

K. John Humeston and Mike Parson will head evaluations and promotions for the CSSA. Anyone wishing to help with evaluations, in any way, please contact John johnhumeston1952@gmail.com or Mike mjap11@yahoo.com, ASAP. Evaluations will be held on February 10th & 11th, and February 17th & 18th 2018 at 1:30 PM at Hobgood Park.
L. As of today, we have had 6 sponsors pay for the 2018 season. A reminder for payment will be sent to current sponsors within the next 7-10 days. If you are a sponsor, know someone or wish to become a sponsor, please mail your checks for $350, ASAP to: Ray DeLuca – Sponsor Coordinator, 105 Rock Creek Drive, Canton, GA 30114, 770-479-4217.
Next CSSA BOD meeting will be held on Monday, February 5, 2018.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM.


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