News and Announcements

2023 Season Information

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones at Mar 13, 2022 12:33PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

2023 Season Information

I. Franchise Deadline: May 15th, 2023. (National & State fees- $30.00 each)

II. League Materials: All forms available on website at

III. Rulebooks and Media Guide: Available from Boys & Majors State Director.

IV. Scholarship Program: Eleven National Scholarships awarded in 2023.

V. DBB Alumni Program Available: $25.00 annual fee to join.

VI. Age Control Date- The age control date remains April 30th for any 13 year old entering the program. At the upper end of our age groups, a 19 year old that had his 19th birthday after August 1, 2022 is eligible to participate. No one, that will turn age 20 before August 1, 2023 is allowed to participate in the program at any time! The age control dates are in the rulebook and on the website.

VII. 2023 World Series Information-
Junior Boys (age 13) Opelika, AL ​ ​ (July 21-26, 2023)
Boys (age 13-14) South Hill, VA (July 21-26, 2023)
15U World Series (age 13-15) Sterlington, LA ​ (July 19-21, 2023)
Pre-Majors (age 15-17) Sterlington, LA (July 21- 26, 2023)
Majors (age 15-19) North Charleston, SC ​ (July 21-26, 2023)

VIII. 2022 World Series Champions-
Jr. Boys (age 13) Central/Clemson, SC​
Boys (age 13-14) Hattiesburg, Mississippi​
15U Division (age 15 under) JRPD East, Louisiana
Pre-Majors (age 15-17) Southland, Louisiana
Majors (age 15-19) North Charleston, SC

The document 2023_Dixie_Boys_Baseball_Promotional_Materials.pdf was attached to this post.

"Say the Prayer, Wait for the Plan"

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones at Mar 13, 2022 12:30PM PDT ( 3 Comments )

A Tribute to the Life and Ministry of Dave McQueen, Professional Baseball Scout
by Tammy Jones (Author), Linda DuBose (Author), Melinda Wallace (Author), Teri Netterville (Author)

Dave McQueen took an intriguing journey from humble beginnings through many adversities to a dream fulfilled in unanticipated ways. The story of “The Little Boy” will encourage all who read it to “Say the prayer and wait for the plan.”

Pre-Majors Deputy Commissioner Mike Streams of DeQuincy wrote the following:

“Dave and his wife have dedicated many years to the young men of Dixie Baseball and DBB. You can find Dave around the ball field sharing his heartfelt stories with just about anyone that will lend an ear to listen to him. Not only sharing his stories Dave shares the hope of a young player from the diamond that wants to go on to college and further his baseball career and makes it possible for these young men to do this.

“We have witnessed Dave help many young men get into a college when there seem to be no hope of them ever stepping foot on a baseball diamond again. Dave and his wife are well deserving of this Induction into the Hall of Fame of DBB Baseball and will continue to be asset to our program and to know them is to love them. They have away of stealing your heart!!!!”

Dave McQueen played Dixie Baseball as a youth and then became a coach in the organization. In 1989, the McQueens became known as the “Voice and Lights” of baseball. As volunteers, Dave handled PA duties and Dianne operated the scoreboard and music.

Get your copy of the book here:

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2023 Season - State Director Comments

Posted by Rusty Armstrong at Jan 28, 2021 11:55AM PST ( 0 Comments )

We playing ball y’all! It is with great excitement that I can announce that we are moving ahead with our 2023 season. Please stay tuned to this page for information as we move forward.
In the meantime, just a few announcements for everyone.
1. Our dates remain the same. The deadline for franchise renewal is May 15.
2. Rosters need to be delivered to me via your district director before your first scheduled game. You can always
amend them if the need arises.
3. All forms are available on-line and as always, if you need any assistance with anything, reach out to me.
3. Our state tournament is scheduled for July with a mandatory credentials meeting. All details on
locations will be made available ASAP. Joe West will be heading up the umpires this year.
4. for WS will be held July 21-26. 15U to be held July 19-21. This is a week earlier than normal so keep that in mind.
5. There are a few rule changes. Rulebooks have been mailed. If you still need new books, let me know and I’ll get them mailed to you.

Now, fun fact for today.

Fact: A cow-bison hybrid is called a “beefalo”

DBB Baseball Child Protection Plan

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones at Mar 9, 2020 8:40PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Overview of the DBB Child Protection Plan

The DBB Child Protection Plan was developed to protect our minor participants and assist the leagues in complying with the Safe Sport Act. This overview (see attachment) is a brief summary of the DBB Child Protection Plan that will give you the tools to protect the youth in our leagues and help you become compliant with Federal Law. The complete plan that a league must adopt is located the “League Risk Management” tab on the DBB website at

The Safe Sport Act requires our league affiliates to report suspected child abuse (including sexual abuse) within 24 hours to law enforcement, to establish procedures to limit one-on-one interactions between an amateur athlete who is a minor and an adult (who is not the minor’s legal guardian) at an event or facility under the jurisdiction of the league, to provide consistent training to all adult members who are in regular contact with amateur athletes who are minors. And subject to parental consent, to provide information for parents to train their children regarding prevention and reporting of child abuse. DBB and its affiliated leagues must prohibit retaliation against any individual who makes a report under the Safe Sport Act.

Taking steps to protect our youth is paramount in the DBB program. The purposes of this risk management plan is to reduce and/or prevent the occurrence of misconduct in DBB and affiliated league baseball programs as well as to reduce the liability potential for DBB and its leagues. Misconduct can negatively impact participants, league officials/staff members, family, friends, and the sport.

The document 2023_DBB_CHILD_PROTECTION_PLAN.pdf was attached to this post.

Opportunity Available in 2023

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones at Mar 9, 2020 8:36PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

Tournament Team Franchise Form Can be Requested!*

A growing number of community-based local leagues are playing other local leagues through an interlocking schedule to make a league viable and more enjoyable. Each local league/community must franchise separately and pay for a minimum of two teams before participating within an interlocking league. DBB remains fully committed to ensuring all youth have opportunities to take part in league play!

Recognizing that some of the smaller leagues are at a competitive disadvantage, DBB has developed a policy that further accommodates leagues that participate in the program through interlocking schedules. A separate tournament team could be formed from all players that participated in a current year through an interlocking league. Furthermore, (based on established criteria) a boundary as defined by: (district, county, parish, school, region, etc.) will have added tournament privileges. Players located within a defined boundary as established by the state director (district, parish, etc.) would be eligible to play together on a single tournament team. The added tournament participation clause compliments the local league structure by allowing more youth the opportunity to compete in tournament play. Local leagues will retain their rights to their tournament privileges (two events per division) with no changes!

A “Tournament Team Franchise” designation requirement includes filing an application form with the DBB National Office. Upon approval of the state director and the Commissioner, the national office issues a tournament franchise number. The absolute deadline to apply for a tournament team franchise is June 15th. Tournament teams must also submit a non-refundable franchise fee of $300. All franchised tournament teams must adhere to the requirements as found in the tournament rules as well as the policies of DBB, Inc.

Contact your State Director for further details!