
Opportunity Available in 2023

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones on Mar 09 2020 at 08:36PM PDT

Tournament Team Franchise Form Can be Requested!*

A growing number of community-based local leagues are playing other local leagues through an interlocking schedule to make a league viable and more enjoyable. Each local league/community must franchise separately and pay for a minimum of two teams before participating within an interlocking league. DBB remains fully committed to ensuring all youth have opportunities to take part in league play!

Recognizing that some of the smaller leagues are at a competitive disadvantage, DBB has developed a policy that further accommodates leagues that participate in the program through interlocking schedules. A separate tournament team could be formed from all players that participated in a current year through an interlocking league. Furthermore, (based on established criteria) a boundary as defined by: (district, county, parish, school, region, etc.) will have added tournament privileges. Players located within a defined boundary as established by the state director (district, parish, etc.) would be eligible to play together on a single tournament team. The added tournament participation clause compliments the local league structure by allowing more youth the opportunity to compete in tournament play. Local leagues will retain their rights to their tournament privileges (two events per division) with no changes!

A “Tournament Team Franchise” designation requirement includes filing an application form with the DBB National Office. Upon approval of the state director and the Commissioner, the national office issues a tournament franchise number. The absolute deadline to apply for a tournament team franchise is June 15th. Tournament teams must also submit a non-refundable franchise fee of $300. All franchised tournament teams must adhere to the requirements as found in the tournament rules as well as the policies of DBB, Inc.

Contact your State Director for further details!


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