

Eye opening

Posted by Rusty Armstrong on Feb 20 2023 at 04:24PM PST

A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with a gentleman in an airport. The topic of “what is your life’s goal” came up. I had a few that I explained to him and then asked him what his was. He said, “to positively inspire one person so they may inspire two and for them to continue”. Once we boarded separate planes, I thought about that for some time. What an amazing insight. I’m sure you have all heard of the butterfly effect. It is basically when a butterfly flaps its wings in India, that tiny change in air pressure could eventually cause a tornado in Iowa. As volunteers that work with youth, you are the butterflies. One small thing you do could have an effect on things to come in future generations. During discussions, meetings, practices, and games we come across times where our patience is tried, or our emotions become more elevated. We must all be aware of our surroundings and just who we may be inspiring, either positively or negatively. It always pays to take a breath first.

See you on the field. I hope I inspire you positively!


2024-08-15T06:16:13.000-07:00August 15 2024, at 06:16 AM PDT, Liam Forster said:

Patience and understanding are essential. Let’s create a supportive environment where our players can grow and learn. Just as students in school have their free time made more interesting with various tasks that they enjoy doing using and then surprise their teachers, let’s make our practices engaging. Remember, our words and actions can change young people’s lives. Every interaction with a player, whether it’s during practice, a game, or simply a conversation, can leave a lasting impression. Let’s always strive to be positive role models, teaching not only baseball skills but also life skills.