News and Announcements

2023 Pitch Hit Run & Jr Homerun Derby

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones at Feb 13, 2023 7:58PM PST

Step up to the Majors with Pitch Hit & Run!

Major League Baseball® Pitch Hit & Run is a free event that provides boys and girls — ages 7 to 14 — an opportunity to showcase their baseball and softball skills, while earning a chance to attend and perform during the MLB® World Series!

Athletes are tested, and their measurements are recorded. Based on their scores, they advance from a local event to a Team Championship held in MLB stadiums. Top scores then qualify for an all-expenses-paid trip for two to compete at the National Finals, which is hosted at the World Series.

The document PHRJrHRD_flyer.pdf was attached to this post.


Contact: PO Box 8263
Dothan, AL 36304
(334) 793-3331(o)

187 Wood Trace Drive
Warrenville, SC 29851
803-215-3249 ©

2023 League Information

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones at Jan 19, 2021 9:40AM PST ( 0 Comments )

2023 Season Information

I. Franchise Deadline: May 15th, 2023. (National & State fees- $30.00 each)

II. League Materials: All forms available on website at

III. Rulebooks and Media Guide: Available from Boys & Majors State Director.

IV. Scholarship Program: Eleven National Scholarships awarded in 2023.

V. DBB Alumni Program Available: $25.00 annual fee to join.

VI. Age Control Date- The age control date remains April 30th for any 13 year old entering the program. At the upper end of our age groups, a 19 year old that had his 19th birthday after August 1, 2022 is eligible to participate. No one, that will turn age 20 before August 1, 2023 is allowed to participate in the program at any time! The age control dates are in the rulebook and on the website.

VII. 2023 World Series Information-
Junior Boys (age 13) Opelika, AL ​ ​ (July 21-26, 2023)
Boys (age 13-14) South Hill, VA (July 21-26, 2023)
15U World Series (age 13-15) Sterlington, LA ​ (July 19-21, 2023)
Pre-Majors (age 15-17) Sterlington, LA (July 21- 26, 2023)
Majors (age 15-19) North Charleston, SC ​ (July 21-26, 2023)

VIII. 2022 World Series Champions-
Jr. Boys (age 13) Central/Clemson, SC​
Boys (age 13-14) Hattiesburg, Mississippi​
15U Division (age 15 under) JRPD East, Louisiana
Pre-Majors (age 15-17) Southland, Louisiana
Majors (age 15-19) North Charleston, SC

DBB Child Protection Plan

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones at Mar 6, 2020 7:24PM PST ( 0 Comments )

The DBBl Child Protection Plan was developed to protect our minor participants and assist the leagues in complying with the Safe Sport Act. This overview (see attachment) is a brief summary of the DBB Child Protection Plan that will give you the tools to protect the youth in our leagues and help you become compliant with Federal Law. The complete plan that a league must adopt is located the “League Risk Management” tab on the DBB website at

The Safe Sport Act requires our league affiliates to report suspected child abuse (including sexual abuse) within 24 hours to law enforcement, to establish procedures to limit one-on-one interactions between an amateur athlete who is a minor and an adult (who is not the minor’s legal guardian) at an event or facility under the jurisdiction of the league, to provide consistent training to all adult members who are in regular contact with amateur athletes who are minors. And subject to parental consent, to provide information for parents to train their children regarding prevention and reporting of child abuse. DBBl and its affiliated leagues must prohibit retaliation against any individual who makes a report under the Safe Sport Act.

Taking steps to protect our youth is paramount in the DBB program. The purposes of this risk management plan is to reduce and/or prevent the occurrence of misconduct in DBB and affiliated league baseball programs as well as to reduce the liability potential for DBB and its leagues. Misconduct can negatively impact participants, league officials/staff members, family, friends, and the sport.

The document Overview_of_the_DBB_Child_Abuse_Risk_Management_Plan.pdf was attached to this post.

2023 Arkansas State Tournaments

Posted by James (Sandy) Jones at Jun 24, 2019 8:41PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

2023 State Tournaments – TBD Contact the State Director for more information!

Teams must complete tournament affidavit, background check certification, provide valid birth records, proof of insurance meeting the requirements as found in the official rules and medical release form/waiver form!