

Minutes from 11-29 Board of Directors Meeting

Posted by Tom Wendorf on Nov 30 2016 at 04:00PM PST in 2019


November 29, 2016

In attendance: Bo Wood (President), Dick Mullins (Vice President), Keith Purdy (Treasurer), Tom Wendorf (Information Officer), Carl Pierce (Secretary), Dave Sroka (AOS), Johnny Allen (AL), Steve Carey (AO), Grady Meredith (B+E), Dave Lovelace (CE), Pat Carey (DBT), Chris Houlday (EJ), Harry Gowl (FOX’s), Don Hillock (LBG), John Mancuso (OVFR) and Eddie Sternberg (SB). All teams were represented and the full Executive Committee was present.

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m.

• Bo thanked everyone who participated for the work done to resurface the fields. The fields are, according to his expert source, in good condition and at the proper stage in the procedure.

• Bo touched on items of continuing interest and attention. The search for new scoreboards continues and a new, larger shed has to be constructed at some later date. The new fence is gated and will be locked. Keys that pair with existing locks will be given to managers. There is a possibility another fence along the field will be extended to keep out wild hogs which have done some destruction. A suggestion was made to call the DNREC Fish and Wildlife Division and have them corral the hogs.

• Managers were reminded to be aware of players who have no email addresses. They must use mail or phone to contact those players. 2017 registration forms were mailed to all players that do not have an email address on file with OTS.

• The 2017 ratings were passed out. Keith gave an explanation regarding the updated ratings process that was used. He and Tom answered questions posed by the managers .The board generally agreed this is an improvement from past years.

• Based on the new ratings, a discussion ensued regarding changing the substitution rules. A motion was made by Carl Pierce, seconded by Don Hillock to change By-Laws section 8.3.g.3) regarding player substitution as follows:

3) The following guidelines govern the substitute player selection and utilization process:

A. Players chosen to be replacements for players with a rating of 9 to 18 may be no higher than the player being replaced.

B. In the case of a player with a rating of 4 to 8, the team manager may replace him/her with a substitute player rated no higher than 1 point more than the rating (i.e., a 4 or 5 can replace a 4, a 6 or lower can replace a 5, etc.).

C. In the case of a player with a rating of 19 or 20, the team manager may replace him/her with a substitute player of any rating.

The measure was approved unanimously.

• The next discussion was a proposal to cap the registration number at 156, i.e., 13 teams with 12 players if registration numbers permit. All players above 156 would be placed on the waiting list. After many questions and explanations a motion was made by Grady Meredith and seconded by Harry Gowl to approve. The motion carried unanimously. The actual number of teams for 2017 will be determined later based on the number of registrations.

• Bin 66 will be a new sponsor pending contact with them.

• Dick Mullins presented a list of activities to celebrate the 20th season of OTS’ existence. They will be played out during the year. Original members will be contacted, Opening Day will have special ceremonies, Shorebirds games activities will be arranged, an anniversary booklet will be available, etc. A host of activities will mark the season. A select committee helped start the preparation, but all are welcome to contribute. The more ideas and help, the better.

• A bowling tournament put together by Steve Carey and Bill Straughan as a fundraiser will take place at a date to be announced later.

• Bin 66 is willing to host a wine-tasting event for a fundraiser.

• It was motioned by Dave Lovelace and seconded by Harry Gowl to alter the way playing sponsors will be placed on teams during the draft:

When a sponsor who wishes to play on the team he sponsors is in the general draft, the team that drafts him will have the company’s name.

The measure was approved by a 10-5 vote.

• SS-USA has been asked for a proposal to provide local training for the OTS umpires. Dick suggested using experienced/certified umpires playing in OTS to provide this training. The issued was tabled pending receipt of the proposal.

• Tom and Dick will work to rid the By-Laws of redundancy of rules that are covered by SS-USA or ASA rules. Tom and Dick have identified other By-Laws changes and will work together to prepare the documentation. All changes to the By-Laws will need to be approved by the Board of Directors.

• The issue of allowing the use of senior bats by the older players was brought up again. Eddie reiterated his thoughts on maintaining a high level of safety (such as requiring pitchers to wear face masks). Discussion ensued. No action was taken.

The meeting adjourned at 2:40p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Carl Pierce, Secretary


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