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10/4/11 Tuesday 5:30 Cranston 2 Orioles
10/5/11 Wednesday 5:30 Yankees Marlins
10/6/11 Thursday 5:30 Apponaug 2 Red Sox
10/7/11 Friday 5:30 Apponaug 1 Cranston 1
10/7/11 Friday 7:45 Athletics Dodgers
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10/11/11 Tuesday 5:30 Dodgers Red Sox
10/12/11 Wednesday 5:30 Cranston Steve Cranston Howie
10/13/11 Thursday 5:30 Yankees Cranston
10/14/11 Friday 6:00 Cranston 2 Red Sox
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10/20/11 Thursday 5:30 Red Sox  Cranston
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Rhode Island Connie Mack 2011 Rules

Rhode Island Connie Mack Baseball

2011 League Rules

I. Rosters

A. The final roster of twenty players eligible for sectional play must be submitted to the league secretary by June 30th. (20 + 5 supplemental players)

1. Failure to submit the roster will result in forfeits of all subsequent games until it is submitted.

2. If it is not submitted by July 15th, the team will be suspended from the league and all remaining games will be forfeited.

B. A supplementary roster of up to five additional players may be submitted at the same time.

C. To be eligible for the post season playoffs, a player must have played in six regularly scheduled games before playoffs.

D. Players who miss games because of an injury may receive a waiver from the commissioner (Ed Holloway).

II. Standings

A. The 2011 divisions will be broken up geographically into two divisions (Cooney & Dickerman); see attached Schedule!

B. Standings will be determined by the award of two points for a win, one for tie, and a ½ point for a loss.

C. Following the games scheduled for July 12th, the top two overall records with the exception of Blackstone* will represent Rhode Island in sectional play.

D. The winner of the post season playoffs will be the Rhode Island Connie Mack State Champion. Playoff schedule and procedures will be included on the regular season schedule.

E. Playoffs: “D” – Dickerman Division … “C” – Cooney Division

Preliminary Round (One Game)

D5 at C4

D6 at C3

C5 at D4

C6 at D3

D7 at C2

C7 at D2

Quarter-Final (Best of Three)

C4/D5 Winner vs. D1

C3/D6 Winner vs. D2/C7 Winner

D4/C5 Winner vs. C1

D3/C6 Winner vs. C2/D7 Winner

Semi-Final (Best of Three)

D1/C4/D5 Winner vs. C2/D7/D3/C6 Winner

C1/D4/C5 Winner vs. D2/C7/C3/D6 Winner

Final (Best of Three)

F. Members of the championship team will receive a t-shirt.

III. Reporting of Scores

A. The winning team is responsible for reporting game results to the Providence Journal (277-7340). Scores must be

called in before 9:00 pm.

B. The winning team is responsible for emailing Richard Grenier with the score and other information (game and/or player highlights).

IV. Length of Games

A. Weekday games in the regular season will be seven innings. Saturday games in the regular season will be nine


B. If doubleheaders are scheduled because of postponements, the first game will be seven innings, with a maximum of two extra innings (if necessary). There will be thirty minutes in between games.

C. Single games, seven or nine innings, will be played in completion if extra innings are necessary and conditions permit.

D. The first game of doubleheaders will be ended after five innings if one team leads by twelve runs (In 2009, High

School Rule changed to the NFHS rule of ten runs).

G. Regularly scheduled seven inning games and second games of doubleheaders may be ended after five innings if one team leads by twelve runs. (5 innings for a 7 inning game and 7 innings for a 9 inning game). Note: Three game “scheduled” weeks will be 7 IP on Saturday games.

H. Regularly scheduled seven inning games and second game of doubleheaders may be ended after five innings if one team leads by twelve runs and trailing team consents. UMPIRES need to know this before the game!

I. Regularly scheduled nine inning games may be ended after seven innings if one team leads by twelve runs and the trailing team consents. UMPIRES need to know this before the game!

J. All playoff games will be seven innings and will be played to completion.

V. Ejections

A. Any player or coach ejected from a game by an umpire will be ineligible to participate in the next scheduled

game. A second ejection will result in suspension for the balance of the season. Note: Appeals can be made to the

commissioner within 24 hours.

B. Physical abuse of an umpire will result in suspension for the balance of the season.

C. Umpires will be responsible for reporting any ejections to the commissioner of umpires, who will in turn notify the league chairman. (Note: Coaches should notify Ed of any ejections.)

VI. Forfeits

A. A team which fails to appear for a scheduled game or does not have enough to begin or continue a

game shall forfeit the game and be responsible for all umpiring fees.

1. A late arriving team may have an additional thirty minutes from the scheduled game time before a forfeit is awarded.

B. A team which forfeits three games during the season for the reasons above will be suspended from the league for the balance of the season and all remaining games will be recorded as forfeits.

C. At the time of submitting league dues, each team will also submit “the forfeiture fund” to be used for the prompt payment of umpires in case of forfeits. If a team forfeits and the umpires are due to be paid, that team must reimburse the fund before its next scheduled game. Failure to do so will result in subsequent forfeits. If a team does not forfeit, their “forfeiture fee” will be returned at the end of the season.

VII. Postponements

A. Umpires and opponents should be notified ninety minutes before the starting time if a game is to be postponed.

Otherwise the assigned umpires will be entitled to one half the game fees (payable by the home team).

B. Postponements during the regular season must be made up on the next available Sunday or sooner (if teams can mutually


1. Coaches should submit two dates within 48 hours to Ed for make up dates.

2. Teams should make up their games A.S.A.P.

C. During the last week of play before sectionals and the last week of the regular season, the chairman shall directly supervise the rescheduling of games. He shall have the authority to reschedule games on any specific date which he deems necessary.

VIII. Umpiring Fees

A. Home team will pay the umpiring costs of all games.

1. Umpires will be paid after the games … each site to determine cost of umpire.

a. Standard price for most games: $40-$55 for 7 inning games and $50-$65 for 9 inning games.

2. If there is only one umpire, he shall receive a fee and a half.

B. When a game starts, but must be halted before becoming and official game, each umpire is entitled to a half-fee.

C. Playoffs …Knockout Game and/or Game Three … both teams will pay one umpire.

D. If a game is suspended before five innings are played, umpires receive a half fee. In the completion of a suspended game, umpires will receive:

1. Full Fee … if the game is five or more innings played

2. Half Fee … if less than five innings are played

IX. Line Ups

A. In the Connie Mack league, coaches usually give changes to one another.

1. Each home team can require that each coach go thru the home plate umpire.

B. Line ups should be submitted five minutes before game time.

2. If coaches go thru umpire-in-chief, they should have a duplicate of their line up and batting order with substitutes available to play. All substitutions will be reported to the umpire-in-chief, who will in turn notify the opposing coach.

X. Limited Free Substitution Rule

A. Any of the starting players may be withdrawn and be re-entered into the game once. He must return to the same position in

the batting order that he vacated and the substitute must

leave the game and may not return (except as provided in “D” below).

B. A pitcher properly returning to the game must pitch to one completed batter or one out must be recorded before

he may assume a different position in the field.

C. A pitcher removed from the game because of the two conferences per inning rule may not return to the game at

any position (except as provided in “D”below). A pitcher may move to another position at the time he is

removed from pitching.

D. In the event that a team has used all its substitutes and one of its defensive players becomes unable to play

because of unforeseen injuries, any one of the removed players may re-enter the game as the missing

player’s substitute.

E. Speed Up Rule – Coaches will have the option to use a pinch runner for a catcher or pitcher.

1. Player/runner must not be in the game.

XI. Designated Hitter

A. DH can be used only for the pitcher (American League rule).

XII. Extra Hitter – During the regular season, teams may bat a “tenth” batter as the EH.

A. In 2011, teams may use an extra hitter (ten man batting order) or designated hitter (only for the pitcher)

in the same line up during the playoffs.

B. The Extra Hitter may be switched to a defensive position during the regular season.

C. During the playoffs, the Extra Hitter may not play in the field unless his team because of some unforeseen

circumstance is reduced to nine players (including the EH), in which case his team will continue the game with a

nine man batting order. Note: When the tenth batter comes up, it will be an automatic out.

D. There may be a pinch hitter for the EH, but the original EH may NOT return to the game.

(Note: The exception to this rule is indicated in C.)

XIII. The Rhode Island Connie Mack Baseball League will be using wooden or wooden composite bats during the 2011 season (per AABC regulations). Go to AABC website (see page 25 of rule book)

A. Any non one-piece solid white ash bat which does not display the NCAA certification mark (BESR Certified)

may NOT be used! Likewise, any bat which in the umpire’s judgment altered so as to affect the distance factor

or cause an unusual reaction on the baseball may NOT be used.

B. A batter, either after taking a position in the batter’s box with, or after hitting with, an illegal bat, shall be

declared out (base runners may not advance).

XIV. Official League Rules: The official baseball rules or AABC Connie Mack League rules will apply.

Preliminary Round Quarter-Final Semi-Final Final    
(Elimination Game) (Best of Three) (Best of Three) (Best of Three)    
(August 1st) (August 4th-6th)* (August 8th-10th)* (August 12th-14th)*    
  D1 - Warwick        
  Game 1:  Diamond, 8-4        
  Game 2:  Warwick, 11-2          
  Game 3:  Diamond, 6-4 Diamond Baseball      
D5 - Blackstone          
  Diamond Baseball        
Diamond Baseball, 2-1          
    Game 1:  Tiverton, 2-0      
C4 - Diamond Baseball   Game 2:  Diamond, 3-1      
    Game 3:  Diamond, 2-1         
C6 - Scituate     Diamond    
Tiverton, 4-0 Tiverton        
D3 - Tiverton Game 1:  Coventry, 5-3        
  Game 2:  Tiverton, 5-0  Tiverton      
D7 - Providence Game 3:  Tiverton, 5-3        
Coventry advances!!! Coventry   Game 1:  Flood, 10-1    
      Game 2:  Flood, 4-0 Flood Ford Auto
C2 - Coventry       RI Connie Mack Champion
  C1 - Flood Ford Auto        
  Game 1:  Flood, 13-1        
  Game 2:  Flood, 2-0 Flood Ford Auto      
C5 - Chariho          
  East Providence        
EP, 4-3 (8 Innings)   Game 1:  Flood, 6-5      
    Game 2:  Flood, 9-8      
D4 - East Providence          
      Flood Ford Auto    
D6 - Swansea          
Slocum, 14-1 Slocum        
C3 - Slocum          
  Game 1:  Pawtucket, 3-2 Pawtucket (E-Sports)      
C7 - West Warwick Game 2:  Pawtucket, 6-4        
Pawtucket, 3-0 Pawtucket (E-Sports)        
      * - Dates are tentatively based on field availability.  
D2 - Pawtucket          
Regular Season Final Standings:  Cooney Division (Southern)      
Team W's L's T's Pts. Pts.
Flood Ford 10 6 0 23.0 23.0
Coventry 10 6 0 23.0 23.0
Slocum 9 6 0 21.0 21.0
Diamond Baseball 9 6 0 21.0 21.0
Chariho 8 7 0 19.5 19.5
Scituate 7 9 0 18.5 18.0
West Warwick 4 11 0 13.5 13.5
  Note:  Scituate forfeited game to DBA (-.5).      
Regular Season Final Standings:  Dickerman Division (Northern)      
Team W's L's T's Pts. Pts.
Warwick 12 3 1 26.5 26.5
Pawtucket (E-Sports) 11 5 0 24.5 24.5
Tiverton 9 7 0 21.5 21.5
East Providence 9 7 0 21.5 21.5
Blackstone 8 8 0 20.0 19.5
Swansea 3 12 1 13.0 13.0
Providence 0 16 0 8.0 8.0
  Note:  Blackstone forfeited game to Pawtucket (-.5).      
Post Author Picture

Fall Ball - 2011 Rules

Posted by Richard Grenier at Aug 18, 2011 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

2011 Fall Ball Rules

• Coaches will work together to prep the field before the game and rake the field after the game.

•This a developmental league so we need to rotate player positions. No player should have to sit out more than one inning

• Games will run 6 innings or a time limit of 2 hours

• No inning shall start after the 1hour 45minute mark when there is another game scheduled after the game being played

•The batting order will remain continuous throughout the game

•Bunting will be allowed

•Slash bunting is strictly prohibited. Any attempt to slash bunt will result in an immediate ejection plus an additional 1-game suspension

•Taking a lead is not allowed

•Once the pitcher has the ball in hand on the rubber all runners need to remain on base until the pitch crosses the plate

•Because we are developing kids for next season there will be No 12 year old players allowed to pitch

• Stealing will be allowed

• Stealing home will be allowed

•All base runners must slide to avoid the defensive player if there is an attempt to make a play at a base. Not doing so will result in the player being called out.

• We will have unlimited runs per inning

• There will be a 10 run mercy rule in effect after the 4th Inning

• Pitchers will be allowed to pitch 3 innings per game. Keep in mind we are playing for fun in a developmental league and no Ace should be dominating every game.

• Absolutely no arguing calls with an umpire and it is the coaching staff’s responsibility to keep their own fans in line in the event of someone getting out of line during a game

•Each dugout is the responsibility of the Coaching Staff. Clean up before you leave and do not leave a full barrel of garbage for the next game. Empty into the larger green barrels near the stands.

After completing their regular season with only four wins, there was optimism among the members of West Warwick’s Connie Mack team that they could play the role of Cinderella in the Rhode Island Connie Mack State Playoffs. West Warwick, which had the youngest team in Rhode Island, almost pulled off an upset against Pawtucket (2nd Seed) in the Preliminary Round. 

West Warwick 3 Scituate 1:

As the 2011 Rhode Island Connie Mack regular season winds down, West Warwick is peaking at the right time year.

After losing two consecutive games against divisional leaders Coventry and Flood Ford, because they could not hold off late game rallies by their opponents, West Warwick held on to a 3-1 victory over Scituate.

Ryan Lawton, who worked the first four innings, struck out five batters and allowed no runs on two hits. Rich McNeil, who worked middle relief, struck out two batters and allowed only one earned run on one hit and three walks. Kurtis Melvin picked up the save by inducing a pop out and striking out a batter.

West Warwick received all the runs they would need in the top of the third inning. Nate LaCroix led off with a double and Tyler Boisclair followed with a base on balls. After one out, Ray Zincone reached on an infield hit. Matt Grenier, hitting from the right side, followed with an r.b.i. single to centerfield to give West Warwick a 1-0 lead. West Warwick made it 3-0 when Kurtis Melvin's ground ball to third base was thrown over the first baseman, scoring Zincone and Grenier.

Offensively, West Warwick received support from Zincone (1/3, one run scored), Matt Grenier (1/3, one run scored, and one r.b.i.), Rich Grenier (1/2), Nate LaCroix (1/2, one double), Rich McNeil Jr. (1/1), and Tyler Boisclair (1/2, one run scored).

Coventry 9 West Warwick 8:

Despite building a 7-1 lead after 3 1/2 innings, West Warwick, whose pitching staff was forced to challenge the Coventry hitters with runners in scoring position, could not hold off Coventry and lost 9-8.

Offensively, West Warwick was led by Ray Zincone (2/3, one double, two runs scored, and one r.b.i.), Matt Grenier (2/4, one run scored, and one r.b.i.), Kurtis Melvin (1/2, one double, one run scored, and one r.b.i.), Rich Grenier Jr. (1/3, one walk), Brent Reed (1/3, one double, one walk, and three r.b.i.'s), Greg D'Ambrosca (1/3, one run scored), Nate LaCroix (1/4, one run scored), and Tyler Boisclair (1/4, one run scored).

For the year, Coventy, who is locked in a first place battle with Flood Ford and defeated West Warwick, 4-2, earlier this year, swept the seasonal series against West Warwick

Flood Ford (Hendricken) 8 West Warwick 3:

Trailing 3-2 after 4 1/2 innings, Flood Ford scored six runs on six hits in the bottom of the fifth inning and held on to defeat West Warwick, 8-3. Flood Ford, who defeated West Warwick, 1-0, two weeks ago, swept the season series against West Warwick.

Offensively, West Warwick received support from Nate LaCroix (0/2, one run scored), Amine Malki (1/2, one double, one walk, and one run scored), Brent Reed (1/2, one walk, and one run scored), Rich Grenier Jr.(1/2, one walk), Ray Zincone (1/3, two r.b.i.'s), and Matt Constant (1/1, one double).

Anthony Indeglia, who pitched the first four innings, struck out four batters and allowed only two earned runs on three hits and two walks.

West Warwick 4 Diamond Baseball 3:

Led by the strong pitching of Ryan Lawton, West Warwick won their second game of the year, over Diamond Baseball, 4-3. Lawton, who went the distance, struck out ten batters and allowed only three earned runs on five hits and five walks.

Offensively, West Warwick was received hits from Ray Zincone (2/4, two runs scored), Ryan Lawton (2/4, one run scored, and one r.b.i), Rich Grenier Jr. (2/3, one r.b.i.), Brent Reed (1/4, one r.b.i.), and Alex Casey (1/2).

Diamond Baseball 3 West Warwick 0:

Led by the three hit pitching of Toll Gate graduate, Spencer Willette, Diamond Baseball defeated West Warwick, 3-0. Willette, who went the distance, struck out nine batters.

Offensively, West Warwick's only hits of the game came from Ray Zincone (1/3), Rich McNeil Jr. (1/3), and Alex Casey (1/1, one double).

Rich McNeil Jr., who worked the first four innings, struck out five batters and allowed just two earned runs on two hits and three walks. Kurtis Melvin, who worked two innings in middle relief, struck out six batters and Rich Grenier Jr. pitched a 1-2-3 seventh inning.

West Warwick 7 Chariho 3 (8 innings):

Led by the strong relief of Kurtis Melvin, who struck out five batters in 2 1/3 innings, West Warwick won their first game of the summer over Chariho, 7-3.

Anthony Indeglia, who struck out four in the first three innings, allowed only one run on one hit and four walks.

Matt Constant, who pitched 2 2/3 innings of middle relief, allowed only one earne run on four scattered hits. Out of 48 pitches, the lefty threw 33 strikes.

Offensively, West Warwick received hits from Kurtis Melvin (1/3, one double, one walk, and one run scored), Brent Reed (1/2, two walks, three runs scored, and one r.b.i.), Rich Grenier Jr. (2/3, one walk, and one r.b.i.), and Greg D'Ambrosca (1/3, one double, and two r.b.i.'s).

Connie Mack Baseballs


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