

Minutes from 3-13-17 Executive Committee Meeting

Posted by Tom Wendorf on Mar 18 2017 at 05:00PM PDT in 2019


March 13, 2017 

In attendance: Bo Wood, Dick Mullins, Keith Purdy, Tom Wendorf, Carl Pierce.

• The meeting was called to order at 2:00 by Bo.

• Keith reported a balance of $7898 in funds after taking into account actual and committed expenses.

• Carl updated the registration status. There are approximately 160 players as of now that will be in the draft. New sign-ups and inquiries continue to be received. Since in past seasons we have occasionally experienced high levels of dropouts in preseason practice, it was decided to delay a decision on the number of teams for the ensuing season until shortly before the draft. We will have managers in place for 13 teams if needed.

• The status of sponsor fee collection was discussed. Five sponsors have not sent in their fees yet – American Legion, B & E Tires, Community Bank Delaware, Diamondblade Tileworks and Fox’s Pizza Den. (POST-MEEETING update – payment has been received from B & E and Community Bank has advised payment is on the way.)

• The re-rating of players who have experienced issues since their ratings were assigned at the end of 2016 was discussed.

It was decided that affected players who will be in the draft will maintain the rating they were assigned but will be asked to note their issues so managers can make draft decisions.

Managers and assistant managers who have experienced issues since the ratings were assigned at the end of 2016 will have the opportunity to plead their case to the other managers. The affected manager/assistant will propose a new rating and the remaining managers will vote. If the majority does not approve the new rating, the affected manager/assistant will remain at the assigned rating.

• Dick went over the By-Laws changes for 2017 in general terms. A draft of the new 2017 By-Laws is being prepared for distribution to and review by the Board of Directors. (POST-MEETING update – draft has been sent out for review.)

• The schedule for preseason practice was discussed. The schedule will be distributed at the All-Hands meeting on April 3rd. Preliminary draft info will be handed out to managers at the same time.

• Bo presented a proposal by the Church of God (CoG) to share the costs in a joint venture for construction of a large storage pole building to be constructed between Field #2 and the soccer field. OTS would have access to this building for storage and meetings. More details to come.

• The outfields will be rolled with heavy-duty equipment by a qualified operator. There are also plans to power-seed and fertilize.

• The issue of covering the grass mowing when John Walker isn’t available was discussed. The CoG has offered to train a few OTS members on using their large mower. This will be looked into. A plan is also being discussed to have a professional service available to occasionally fill in on a short-notice basis. The goal is to keep the outfield grass at optimal playing height.

• The new rule regarding sponsors playing on their teams was reviewed. There was a general feeling that it might not be understood by everyone and it was agreed that it would be reviewed again at the BoD meeting.

• We have purchased new, more durable scoreboards that will located outside the playing area on both fields. Installation hasn’t been scheduled.

• Tom advised that approximately $150 will be needed for the requisition of new scheduling software.

• Port-a-Johns and the Weather Line will be available on April 1. Carl will continue to be the primary Weather Line man.

• A tentative agreement has been reached with an SSUSA representative to provide umpire training to OTS umpires. The basic training will be paid for by OTS. Any umpire who wishes to be certified for SSUSA softball games will be able to do that for an additional fee of $35 which won’t be covered by the league. The SSUSA rep is checking if May 10th will work for him.

• Dick reviewed the activities of the 20th Anniversary Committee. The first planned 20th Anniversary event is the Opening Day Ceremony which will start at 10:15 on May 2nd between the first and second games. Other events being discussed are a dinner for league founders, sponsors, managers and others, a day-long picnic with 1-pitch softball games and an OTS night at the Shorebirds game.

The meeting adjourned at 4:15 PM.


Respectfully submitted, C. Pierce, Secretary


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