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Team Chicago HS Boys Tryouts on Sunday!

Posted by Team Chicago Soccer Club on Oct 02 2019 at 07:19AM PDT in 2019-2020

Team Chicago High School Boys Tryouts (Ages 2005 to 2001) will take place on Sunday 10/6 at 7pm to 8.30pm at Gentile Fields, 2323 Liberty St. Bring Indoor shoes in case of inclement weather.

A supplemental tryout will also be held on Sunday 11/3 at 6pm to 7.30pm at Gentile Fields, 2323 Liberty St. Bring indoor shoes in case of inclement weather.

All players must register prior to tryouts.
Link to registration: https://clubs.bluesombrero.com/Default.aspx?tabid=315222

Indoor practices are scheduled to start the week of 11/4.

Feel free to share the information with any players who are currently unattached and looking for a club.

Contact Boys director, Kevin Gowrie with any questions. Kevin@teamchicagosoccer.org